Monday, December 19, 2011

All NFL Stadiums Are Looking To Have Handheld Metal Detectors In Place For The 2012 Season

There was recently an article in the Chicago Sun Times regarding the new use of handheld metal detectors at the home of my beloved Chicago Bears, Soldier Field. The brief article mentioned the fact that the uses of these newly implemented handheld metal detectors at two separate gates were perceived by some guests as a nuisance. The article itself was entitled “Bears Fans Cope With Handheld Metal Detectors” and just that title alone makes me cringe and become a bit infuriated at the general public and the ridiculous perception that many of these guests displayed at being ‘made to wait’ for a quick scan by one of these metal detector carrying personnel. I hope these fans, and NFL fans across the country, get used to them quickly because the NFL wants to implement the use of these handheld scanners at all stadiums nationwide as early as next year and for that I salute the NFL. I admit that waiting in a line that has nobody being scanned by a metal detector is going to move quicker than one where everybody is being scanned but I for one would rather wait a bit longer to get inside than to get inside and become the victim of someone carrying a weapon. Thankfully for football fans the league understands this and understands that handheld metal detectors make the stadium much safer for everyone attending. If we should have learned anything by now it is that in this day and age anything can happen to anyone at any time and this certainly includes incidents of gun violence. What I hope all fans will realize and come to accept is that handheld metal detectors are immensely effective at detecting even the tracest amounts of metal objects and that they are certainly more effective, and take the same amount of time, as the traditional pat down that many have become accustomed to at sporting events, concerts and the like. If you do attend an NFL game in 2012 you are likely to see only one brand of metal detector and that is the same one that professional law enforcement agencies have been using for over a decade now, Garrett. They are the best and most reliable detectors today and when it boils down to protecting peoples safety it’s foolish to use any product but one that has been proven to be the best in the industry for many years now.

So again I must compliment the National Football League on their decision to implement the use of what could very well be a life saving device. It’s going to cost them a bit of money to do so but what they will receive in return is the knowledge that every single one of their stadiums is a safer place for family and friends to gather and watch America’s favorite sporting event, football.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more information on handheld metal detectors please visit us online.

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