Friday, May 6, 2011

Ode To The Electronic Dog Repeller

Ode To The Electronic Dog Repeller
A poem by Carl Vouer

Electronic dog repeller, with you at my side,

I feel safe walking the streets or taking my bike for a ride.

I live in a neighborhood that is a little shady,

And I used to worry about this one pit-bull walked by a bug-eyed lady.

Well now I don’t have to worry because I have you,

You’ll keep these bad dogs at bay, this much I know is true.

I know I’m not alone in this fear of dogs attacking,

They hold dog fights in my hood, where common sense is lacking.

I feel for these poor dogs as it really isn’t their fault,

Its abusive owners that really need to halt.

I have a dog myself whom I love and respect,

But it is what it is and I don’t need one biting my neck.

The thing about the electronic dog repeller,

And the reason I think it is such a hot seller,

Is it treats dogs with respect deservant of Old Yeller.

It does not shock, or hurt or maim,

That’s how these dogs got nasty in the first place and I won’t do the same.

This device merely emits a super loud noise,

So very high pitched that it cannot annoy,

As humans can’t hear it but dogs sure can,

And boy do they hate it, man oh man.

This sound that is audible only to dog,

Can prove very useful when out for a jog.

Its range is superb at about 40 feet,

Should a rabid dog you not want to meet.

But the features don’t end there; this device is really out of sight,

It has a second level of protection with its super bright strobe light.

Both the sound and the light greatly confuse and annoy,

They make the dog run away before it’s able to destroy.

It’s extremely effective at thwarting attack,

Most dogs will run and never look back.

But the repeller can be used for more than stopping bloodletting,

It has an altogether unique and different setting

That can be used while a dog is in training

To ensure that what you are teaching the dog is maintaining.

And please note again that this in no way harms these creatures,

It won’t cause them any pain or mangle their features.

As could be the case if a rabid dog lunged at your face

Which is also why they make a thing called dog mace.

So please for your safety and for those that you love

I hope in the right direction this poem has given you a shove.

Remember any dog can become like Old Yeller

So it’s best to have yourself the electronic dog repeller.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online

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