Friday, July 15, 2011

Buy Pepper Spray Online and You May Have the Ultimate Self Defense for Seniors

Two months ago the U.S. Census Bureau released a brief regarding the data they had accumulated through the massive 2010 Census. As was to be expected the nation’s median age got a bit older as our post World War II baby-boomers aged into senior citizens. In 2000 the median age was 35.3 and last year it was up almost 2 full years to 37.2. So what does all of this have to do with pepper spray and self-defense for seniors? Well, everything actually. What we have is a lot more senior citizens living in America, walking its streets, living alone and being independent. What does this mean for scumbag criminals who like to prey on people they consider weaker than themselves? Simple, it means more potential targets.

So what is a senior citizen to do to help ensure his or her own safety? There are a few options but the one I’d like to discuss today happens to be one of my favorite and I feel most effective options when discussing self-defense for senior citizens and that is pepper spray. Pepper spray is a non-lethal weapon of self-defense that is ideal for any responsible, law-abiding citizen but I really feel like it is the ideal tool for seniors. For one it takes almost no strength to carry and operate a small handheld bottle of pepper spray. Secondly, defensive sprays take almost no training to operate safely and effectively. You simply release the safety with the flick of your thumb, point and spray.

Pepper spray works by shooting a highly concentrated blast of capsaicin, which is a chemical that is derived from chili peppers. Think about how hot a dab of Tabasco sauce from your refrigerator might be and then multiply that spiciness a few thousand times over and then imagine that rubbed into your eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Chances are very good that you would stop whatever activity you were involved in, say mugging an old lady, and keel over in immense pain and anguish. Fortunately, pepper spray is a non-lethal weapon and almost never results in death or even any lingering effects. I want the senior citizens of America to be able to stop an attacker without killing them. Let’s just subdue these scumbags and let the long arm of the law deal with their punishment.

So if you are a senior citizen or really a person of any age that just wants the security of knowing that they have the ability to stop even the fiercest of attackers please strongly consider buying pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to buy pepper spray online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

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