Friday, July 29, 2011

Smartphones Can’t Stop an Attacker but a Cell Phone Stun Gun Will

I love my smartphone. It can tell me what time my beloved White Sox are playing, where they are in the standings and who is on the mound for tonight’s game. I can check my smartphone and know when my next train is leaving Union Station or see what the weather is going to be like this weekend (note: it’s going to be hot and humid). Yep, I can do just about anything and access any information imaginable with the touch of a few buttons of my smartphone but one thing I can’t do is stop a potentially life threatening attack. That’s why I carry another “cell phone” with me at all times and this one comes equipped with something that my smartphone does not, 4.5 million volts of rootin’ tootin’ stopping power.

The Pretender Cell Phone Stun Gun is a marvelous gadget to own because it truly is completely undetectable and looks exactly like a real cell phone even at close inspection. I am not one to justify carrying a concealed weapon but at the same time I don’t feel that letting every stranger on the street know you are carrying such a device is a very good idea either. Fear not though as you don’t have to worry about someone you know accidentally trying to make a call with this device and shocking them senseless as this phone comes equipped with two built-in safety measures. First, the safety must be in the ‘on’ position for the stun gun to fire and second the trigger must be pressed. Just to be absolutely safe though I would not leave the cell phone stun gun sitting out where just anyone could grab it. I don’t think this even needs to be said though as one would not leave a weapon of any kind just lying about and if they would it’s not the kind of individual who is responsible enough to have one of these guns anyway.

As with any stun gun the Pretender cell phone stun gun is a much more humane and safe alternative to other weapons of self-defense, like firearms. Stun guns work by subduing an attacker, just as effectively as a pistol in most cases, but without leaving someone with severe and long-term injuries (or dead). The high voltage current disrupts an assailant’s neurological system while the low amperage makes the current “safe” by not making the current lethal.

Now that is what I call a really smart phone.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see the cell phone stun gun or other non-lethal devices please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

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