Thursday, August 4, 2011

With the Housing Market in Shambles Apartment Alarms May Be More Important Than Ever

In today’s economic climate we are finding more and more people renting and fewer and fewer people owning their residence. This is no doubt almost entirely due to the near collapse of the housing market. I hope that this recent slew of new apartment renters understands the importance of installing apartment alarms upon moving in to their new residence. Many will understand the value in securing a renters insurance policy to help insure their belongings but very few I’m afraid will realize the value in an extremely affordable, easily installed apartment alarm.

Renters insurance is great in that it can help replace items that have been stolen during a break in but all that renters insurance can replace is the actual material possessions that were taken from the apartment. One thing, and in my opinion a much more important thing, that these insurance policies cannot replace is one’s sense of security that will no doubt be shattered after an apartment has been burglarized. I have been fortunate enough to never have experienced having a home or apartment that was broken into but I can only imagine the overwhelming feeling of insecurity one must feel in the days immediately following such a burglary. So how does one avoid these feelings of insecurity after a burglary? How about making sure that a burglar cannot enter the apartment in the first place by installing 1 or more apartment alarms.

Apartment alarms are much less expensive than traditional home alarm systems as apartments often have less space to monitor and fewer spots where a potential intruder could possibly enter. Less space and fewer entry points also makes these apartment alarms that much easier to install. For example, if you live in an apartment on the third floor it is probably safe to assume that you don’t have to worry about an intruder entering through a window (unless spider-man has turned to a life of crime) and hence do not need to worry as much about securing those windows with an alarm. However, if you do live in a garden apartment it may behoove you to install a very affordable glass breakage alarm on one or more of your windows (depending on how many you have). In most cases, and certainly for those living on the 2nd floor and above, securing the doors to your apartment may be more than adequate. In some cases just installing something as simple as a door brace may be your ticket to peace of mind and a burglar-proof apartment.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more of these apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

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