Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You May Want To Find Out Where To Buy Pepper Spray If You Don’t Like Being Mugged

Do you like being mugged? Is being dragged down a dark alley and having the holy hell beaten out of you sound like a great way to spend an evening? Do you watch the news and see all of the violent altercations that occur each and every day and think to yourself ‘Gosh. Why can’t this happen to me’? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you needn’t read further because this article is not intended to help people like you. Also, I think you may have serious mental problems and should probably go and have those checked out by a team of professionals. For those of you who don’t enjoy being viciously attacked and robbed you may want to read on as this article may be just what you’ve been looking for.

The world is, unfortunately, a very violent place and I don’t know if that is something that will ever change. Because of this we need to always be prepared to defend ourselves should we find ourselves the victim of a violent altercation. There are a few ways to do this, you could learn martial arts but that takes time and is still not going to be entirely effective if for example your attacker is 200 pounds heavier than you and has a club he intends to hit you with. You could carry a loaded firearm but that is illegal in most places and for good reason, because firearms kill people each and every day. So let’s be practical and consider an effective yet non-lethal and relatively safe alternative like pepper spray.

Pepper spray takes no special training to use, is wildly effective, non-lethal, leaves no permanent side effects, easy to carry and is legal in almost all parts of the country. For all of these reasons I think it would behoove everyone (law-abiding, well-intentioned people anyway) to find out where to buy pepper spray so that they can effectively, responsibly and humanely defend themselves at all times. If someone approaches you with an obvious intent to attack you simply need to point, release the safety if one is present, spray, and evacuate the area as quickly as possible. What you will leave behind is an attacker whose eyes, nose, throat and lungs feel like they are on fire but one that will recover in time, hopefully just in time to take a seat in the back of a squad car.

They sell pepper spray just about anywhere these days, from convenient stores to sports stores (as they make great items of self defense for runners), but I’ve always found that the best deals can be found while shopping online. So please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and discover where to buy pepper spray and do just that. Thanks.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

If you want to know where to buy pepper spray please check us out online at Puzek Security Systems.

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