Monday, November 22, 2010

Cheap Metal Detectors Are A Great Way To Make Sure Nobody Gets Shot At Your Party

I am a real social butterfly. I just love parties. I love just getting together with other people and unwinding after a long week of work and just socializing. I love getting together with old friends and retelling crazy stories from our youth and meeting new and interesting people and hearing new stories for the first time. One thing that I definitely do not enjoy though is being shot. Getting shot while enjoying yourself at a party is a real downer. It just ruins the entire atmosphere that the vast majority of parties are trying to convey when someone has to go and get shot.

A good friend will come up to me at the party and be like ”Hey remember that one time you and Steve went bungee jumping in New Zealand? Wasn’t that great?”. And I’ll be all like “Ha. Yeah that was a great time and I totally want to talk to you about it but right now I’m bleeding from the abdomen. You remember that loud banging sound you heard about 15 minutes ago? Yeah, that was me being shot. I’ll talk to you later though.”

This is why I always implore party planners or anyone trying to organize an event to please consider the use of a metal detector. Metal detectors are an inexpensive measure that can be taken to avoid a possible catastrophe. I’ve been to plenty of concerts, parties and get-togethers that have required me to be screened with a metal detector to enter the premises and exactly zero times have I been offended or felt put off by having to wait a few extra minutes to ensure that the event I am attending is free of anyone carrying a weapon. As long as you are not picking and choosing who is being screened there should not be a problem and nobody should feel singled out for any reason.

If I have to choose between waiting an additional 10 minutes to secure the event I am at to ensure that the event is safe and being rushed to the emergency room with multiple gunshot wounds I am going to go ahead and choose the former. Why not help ensure that your next party or event goes off without a hitch and get yourself a handheld metal detector. There is nothing more valuable than human life and if cheap metal detectors can help prevent the loss of that life than why not make sure we have one on hand at our next party.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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