Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stun Guns Are Better Than Regular Guns In My Opinion

Let me explain the title. Firearms were designed to kill. That’s it. They are not meant to maim. They are meant to stop somebody by putting a hole in them that requires a professional to close. Relax hunters, as long as you are using what you kill I wont gripe. How can I say anything derogatory about hunters when I just ate a McRib. (Although I’m not entirely sure the McRib is made with any real meat).

Responsible gun owners I really do not have a huge problem with as long as they aren’t constantly shouting about how everyone should own a gun too. Actually if they were doing that then I guess they wouldn’t be responsible so I was wrong. I guess I do hate those particular gun owners. The majority of humans on this Earth should not have any kind of access to a gun. Drug addicts, airheads, people with anger issues, criminals, really young people, really old people, really dumb people and a host of others are an accident waiting to happen with a firearm.

I also don’t want to hear from any NRA second amendment freaks that cry constantly about their constitutional right to carry a killing machine on them because some people that lived 250 years ago said so. I am not disparaging the Constitution. There are some inherent flaws in it but the heart of the Constitution is more or less in the right place. The flaws I speak of are, for the most part, there because we just live in a different time than did the gentlemen that penned the Constitution. I know I’ll hear from some people on this but I think the need for a person to have a gun today is much less evident than it was 250 years ago.

With that said I am all for people being able to protect themselves and having an efficient means of doing so. That is where stun devices come in. They can be every bit as effective as a firearm without all the blood and fatal chest wounds. Stun guns are the humane alternative to firearms. I don’t own a gun and I don’t think I will ever have my mind changed on that matter. I just don’t want to be responsible for the death of another human being. Even if it is while protecting myself or my loved ones. If I had a gun and it was truly a matter of my life or anothers then see ya wouldn’t wanna b ya but if I can choose between stopping an attacker non-lethally or by putting him down for a permanent rest I’ll take the non-lethal choice.

Again these are merely my opinions and you can choose or yourself whether or not you agree.

For those of you that think along the same lines as myself and would like to buy a stun gun please feel free to visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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