Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is The Best Means Of Self Defense For A Senior Citizen? Personal Alarms.

I love my mother. I love my grandma. I would much rather neither of them be the victim of a violent attack. I doubt very much that I am alone on this. I think that many people care very deeply for one or more senior citizens that they know. That is why I think it is such a great idea and such a wonderful gesture of appreciation when we can go just a little bit out of our way to make sure that these seniors we care for have a means of self defense in the way of a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are great because they are truly as ‘safe’ as a tool of self defense can possibly get. I’m not comfortable with my 87 year old grandmother walking around with a handgun. That isn’t safe for her or anyone around her. I don’t like anyone having a firearm, much less a senior citizen. I think the world would be a far safer place if every firearm were to instantly vanish right now. I will always choose the more humane, non-lethal alternative.

I have no problem with the majority of able-bodied seniors carrying a stun device as long as they are in fact able bodied and sound of mind and are properly trained in using such a stun device. However a stun device is no joke and the decision to carry one should not be taken lightly. I also understand that a stun device is not for everyone and that some people just do not feel comfortable with one and so for many people this just is not an option.

Defensive sprays are great for any and every responsible adult looking for a means of self defense. I would say they are immeasurably less dangerous than a firearm and considerably less dangerous than a stun device. However there is still an inherent danger level involved in using a defensive spray, especially with a senior who may not be as physically strong as their attacker. Namely the threat of the defensive spray being turned against them by the attacker.

So what is my choice for senior citizen self defense tool of the century? A personal alarm. Personal alarms for seniors are completely and utterly safe and can still be as effective as any non-lethal self defense weapon. A personal alarm works by emitting an extremely loud alarm (130db or more in some cases!). Usually what happens when some cowardly punk scumbag attacker tries to engage someone smaller and weaker than themselves and a 130 decibel alarm goes off is that the coward attacker decides to turn tail and run for fear of being caught. Unless the attacker is a complete fool he will understand that when one of these alarms starts wailing that people will start diverting their attention to the source of such a noise.

So please do yourself and your loved ones (of any age) a favor and strongly consider carrying a personal alarm with you at all times.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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