Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Double Trouble Stun Gun Dont Want No Trouble Now, Ya Hear?

If the Double Trouble stun gun was a sheriff in an old western town it would be the strong, confident type that didn’t take no riff-raff from no hornswoggler. He’d just stare at the bad guys with that steely gaze and the criminals would just hot foot it out of town lessen they wanted to tangle with the meanest, fiercest most rottin’-tootinest’ sheriff in the land. Those no-good sidewinders would know full well that sheriff Double Trouble was meaner than a rattlesnake and when provoked could strike with a venomous bite.

The Double Trouble Stun Gun is so effective because of the space between the contacts. The further the distance between contacts the more effective a stun gun is. Most normal stun guns have a 1.5 inch space between contacts whereas the Double Trouble has 5 inches! Now I know that by looking at this device it might seem impractical and a little over the top but I’m here to tell you it isn’t so. It’s truly form meeting function. It looks mean because it is mean. If you are about to be attacked I am fairly certain you are going to be much more concerned with the effectiveness of a stun gun than whether or not it looks a tad ‘over the top’.

People have handguns for protection because they are effecvtive but those things can and do kill. These can be every bit as effective but without taking anyones life. Sherriff D.T. might not take any riff raff and isn’t afraid to put a whoopin’ on an intruder but he lives by the motto that we should ‘live and let live’. Another thing to consider is that with a firearm you can’t have an ‘oops’. I am by no means saying that you should get in a ‘use this stun gun first and ask questions later’ state-of-mind

So let’s all take a page out of sheriff D.T.’s book and keep ourselves safe when we are out and about. The world is a crazy place and there are people out there that will hurt you over nothing at all and it won’t affect them a bit. So please be safe and consider carrying some form of non-lethal self defense with you be it a defensive spray, stun device or personal alarm of some type. Hopefully you will never have to use it but if you do need one and don’t have it? Ouch. That will be a horrible day.

Stay Safe

Puzek Security Systems

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