Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Every Runner Should Own A Dog Repeller

I would consider myself a 'runner' in that I strap on a pair of running shoes and set the streets of my neighborhood ablaze with my 9 minute miles about 3 times a week. I live in a middle class neighborhood and it’s one that I won’t hesitate to run at night as it’s a neighborhood I consider relatively safe. However when I do run at night (which is my usual running time as I work during the day and spend time with the family after work) I always make sure to bring 2 very important pieces of protection with me. One is my reflective vest so that cars can better see me in the dark and the second piece of protection is my electronic dog repeller. I used to run with my lab, Kody, and even as he approached old age he was still able to run faster than I and that leads me to believe there aren’t too many wild dogs that I could outrun even if my life depended on it. I have never been attacked by a dog while running and I’d certainly like to keep it that way.
The electronic dog repeller works by emitting a very loud sound that causes such discomfort to the dog that it retreats from the noise. Fortunately for your neighbors the sound is of such a high frequency that it cannot be detected by the human ear. The dog repeller also comes equipped with a flashing strobe which can further be used to confuse the canine to the point where it inherently flees from the area.
As I said, I myself have a dog, a yellow lab named Kody and he’s almost like another kid, in fact we have had him longer than we’ve had our three children. I’ve always loved dogs and as such would never intentionally try to harm one and that is what is so great about the electronic dog repeller, it is a humane instrument that causes the dog no harm. Unlike dog repeller spray that actually causes a dog great pain, albeit temporary, the electronic dog repeller works simply by confusing the dog and causing it enough audible discomfort to exit your area. The electronic dog repeller is so safe and humane that it can actually be used to train dogs and even has a training setting to do just that.
So please, as one dog loving runner to another, please be sure that you are prepared for anything when out for a run in your neighborhood. It is better to have the repeller and not need it then need it and not have it.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

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