Friday, March 23, 2012

Which Is Better, Dog Repellent Spray Or An Electronic Dog Repeller?

Dog attacks are much more common than people may realize and as such people (especially deliverymen, mailmen, runners, etc…) need to be prepared to thwart an attack by a potentially dangerous canine. Two of the more popular products for repelling a dog are dog repellent spray and the electronic dog repeller. But which of these is better? That is a question that might not be so easily answered until we evaluate exactly what each of these self-defense items really are and what each of these devices actually do.
First let’s start with dog spray and explaining exactly what that is. Dog repellent spray is just that, a spray that repels dogs. The truth of the matter is that this spray is nothing more than pepper spray, the same exact ingredients found in pepper spray for humans. It’s extremely effective against both humans and dogs because the spray works as an extreme inflammatory that causes severe burning and swelling in the mucus membranes of the dog that is sprayed and that can not only cause extreme discomfort but actually temporarily blind an attacking dog (due to the swelling of the eyes). The only drawback with dog repellent spray is that it has a limited range of about 6-8 feet and that is pretty close quarters for a dog that is in the midst of trying to attack you. Plus it does cause immense pain, albeit temporary, to the dog and so one should be confident that the dog that you are spraying was indeed a threat to your personal safety and that the spraying was justified in that sense.
The electronic dog repeller is an entirely different self-defense tool and works not by emitting an inflammatory spray but by emitting an extremely high decibel sound that is also very high frequency and hence can only be heard by canines. This device causes enough discomfort and confusion with its alarm that dogs naturally exit the area that the sound is coming from. It causes no severe pain, swelling or harms a dog in any way, shape, or form. It has a much longer range than dog spray and can be effective up to 50 yards away, a much more comfortable distance than the 6-8 feet afforded by dog repellent spray. However, there is a major drawback with this particular device and that is that they just aren’t as effective at truly subduing an attacking canine as is dog spray. If a dog is very hard of hearing or just attacks in spite of the discomfort caused by this device’s alarm then you are in serious trouble. Whereas with pepper spray the dog is going to feel immense pain and possibly even be blinded temporarily while its eyes are swollen.
So please take all of these facts in account when deciding upon which form of dog repeller is ultimately right for you.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer
To see more about dog repellent spray or an electronic dog repeller please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

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