Thursday, March 8, 2012

If You Are A Senior Living Alone You Should Consider Pepper Spray As A Means Of Self Defense

There are more senior citizens in the world today than at any other point in history. Heck, there are just a lot more people in the world today period. This means that there is now an abundance of elderly people living alone and unfortunately elderly people are often targeted by scumbag criminals that consider senior citizens ‘easy prey’. As I stated before there are a lot more people in the world period and that means a lot more of these scumbag criminals. Just because a criminal is a conscienceless jerk does not mean that they are stupid and as such they are smart enough to know who makes an easier target for a purse snatching between a 25-year old and a 76-year old grandmother. Time eventually slows all of us down just a tad and takes the edge off of our senses and naturally we lose a bit of the ability to defend ourselves in a physical confrontation. Because of this fact senior citizens, especially those living alone, need to carry with them some means of self-defense. Pepper spray is an extremely effective tool of self-defense that is suitable for almost any senior citizen living unassisted.
There are other options available for senior citizens when it comes to non-lethal self-defense weapons but none, in my opinion, are as effective, relatively safe and easy to use as pepper spray. A person needs no special training to use pepper spray and it’s legal to carry in almost every part of the country. Stun devices and Tasers are also extremely effective in stopping an attacker, as effective as a 9mm handgun according to some police tests, but do require at least some basic training and I feel these devices are much more dangerous and hence I do not recommend them for most seniors. Tasers and stun devices are also illegal in many more areas than are defensive sprays. Pepper spray also can be used by
Pepper spray usually has an effective range of about 6-8 feet depending on the brand, spray canister, and wind conditions. It works by causing intense pain to the attacker’s mucus membranes such as eyes, nose and throat. Not only that but because capsicum, the pepper spray’s active ingredient, is a highly potent inflammatory it also causes swelling in the eyes which temporarily blinds an attacker and makes it almost impossible to continue an attack.
So if you are a senior, or anyone for that matter, living alone please arm yourself with something non-lethal, extremely effective and legal like pepper spray.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

If you’re interested in knowing where to buy pepper spray or other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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