Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Michigan Lawmakers Are Finally Making Some Sense And Letting Their Citizens Buy A Taser

As of right now it is still illegal to buy, sell, own or carry a Taser in the state of Michigan but that looks to be changing if a new bill is passed. This new bill would allow citizens of Michigan to legally purchase and carry a Taser, provided they have a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). This would be a wonderful adjustment to the state’s laws and one that would allow citizens to defend themselves in a humane, non-lethal way not afforded them by handguns.
What I find so crazy is that it took until the year 2012 to get around to introducing this bill. When you consider the fact that it is legal in Michigan (with the proper license) to carry a concealed firearm, that works by blasting a hole in an attacker, yet it is still illegal in this same state to stop that same attacker in a much more humane fashion that won’t kill or even seriously injure the attacker. If you could explain to me how that makes any sense please leave a comment in the comments section below because to me this seems utterly ludicrous.
Most states have no such laws banning the use of Tasers and others have restrictions such as the need to have a firearms license in order to carry a Taser. Yet there are still a few states that prohibit the use of any stun device, like New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Again, in these it is possible to relatively easily secure a license to carry a firearm but not a stun device. Just to clarify a firearm discharges a bullet that is intended to leave a gaping hole in someone that could very easily kill or at the very least injure the person whereas a stun device subdues the same person without leaving the person dead or so much as injured in almost all cases.
Tasers, like any stun device, does not work on the principle of pain but by disrupting an attacker’s normal neurological pathways by delivering a high voltage, low amperage shock. They are so effective because an attacker cannot ‘attack through the pain’ as may be the case with a defensive spray like mace. Yet as effective as these Taser devices are they do not leave any lasting effects after the first few minutes. They simply allow the user a way to effectively defend themselves without having to kill another human being.
So kudos to the state legislators in Michigan and here is to hoping that they realize how absurd the current laws are regarding Tasers and that this bill allowing its citizens to defend themselves with a Taser becomes law.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To buy a taser or see other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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