Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Guard Alaska Bear Spray Is An Animal Repellent You Might Not Be Able To Live Without

Enjoying the great outdoors is something everyone should experience. Camping is a great way to get exercise, fresh air and can be a wonderful bonding experience between friends and family alike. Many of the camping destinations in the United States can be visited without necessitating animal repellents of any kind (unless you consider bug repellent). But anyone venturing off into wilderness inhabited by bears of any kind should absolutely, without exception, carry with them at all times some form of bear spray. There are a few brands of bear repellent spray available but the only one whose effectiveness I can personally testify to is a bear spray by Guard Alaska. Mace brand makes a bear spray as well and I would trust a leader in the self-defense industry like Mace but again I haven’t actually witnessed Mace bear spray repelling a bear. I have however witnessed multiple videos of Guard Alaska repelling a bear and it certainly seems to be the most popular bear spray out there today.
Bear repellent spray works on bears in exactly the same way that pepper spray works on humans. The main ingredients in both products are capsicum. Capsicum is what makes a hot pepper ‘hot’. It is also what stops an attacker, be it a bear or a human, as soon as it is sprayed into the face of either. It causes a severe burning sensation and causes swelling in the eyes that can lead to temporary blindness. All of that may sound very inhumane but when you consider the fact that defensive sprays leave no permanent adverse effects and that the bear is back to its old self later that same day it may not seem so inhumane after all. Plus it is certainly much more humane than ending the bear’s life by defending yourself with a firearm. Some studies have shown bear spray to be even more effective than firearms in some cases. If that isn’t enough of a reason to convince you to carry bear spray on your next camping trip I don’t know what is.
Lastly, Guard Alaska bear spray is completely safe for the environment as it contains no ozone depleting chemicals. That should be great news for any outdoor enthusiasts as the great outdoors can’t be enjoyed if we destroy it by way of harmful chemicals now can it?
So please, as a favor to your loved ones and as a favor to yourself please be sure to carry a bear repellent like Guard Alaska anytime you will be venturing into bear populated areas for any amount of time.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more animal repellents like Guard Alaska bear spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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