Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Apartment Alarms Help Replace the One Thing That Renters Insurance Cannot, Your Peace of Mind

I am in the business of home security devices, specifically apartment security devices, and time after time I receive orders from customers that have already been the victim of a burglary to their apartment and hence I feel as though I’m assisting them just a bit too late. Don’t get me wrong, it is never too late to install an apartment alarm system it is just that one of the wonderful benefits of installing such a system is never having to feel that horrible feeling of insecurity after a break-in has already occurred, and unfortunately when most people decide to install a security system.

The reason so many people fail to install apartment alarms is because oftentimes people don’t even realize such devices exist. People are obviously aware, and understand the importance of alarm systems for single family homes but few, for whatever reason, are aware or understand the importance of apartment alarms. The fact of the matter is that an apartment is far more likely to be broken into than is a single family home and installing an apartment alarms is far more easy and far less costly than the average security system for a single family home.

Another reason I think apartment alarms may take a back seat in peoples mind is because many renters will secure a renters policy and leave it at that in regards to securing the apartment. Renters insurance is wonderful and should absolutely be purchased before moving into any new residence but that alone isn’t going to protect perhaps the most valuable item of all, your peace of mind. A renter’s insurance policy can replace the new 50-inch flat screen, the appliances, jewelry, and furniture but it won’t replace that awful feeling of being violated that one will naturally feel after a burglary has occurred. I have never had to experience that horrible feeling that one must surely feel the night after a break-in has occurred. Trying to go to sleep and not knowing who was in your residence last night and more importantly whether or not they intend on coming back. What really pains me though is that this feeling of insecurity could have been so easily avoided had the victim simply installed a 20 dollar door guard alarm.

Most apartment alarm systems cost about the same as a decent toaster and take less time to install than that toaster takes making toast. Often, especially if one is not in a garden apartment, a simple door guard alarm on one or more doors (depending on the layout of the apartment) will suffice.

So please, if you or someone you love is renting, don’t just stop at purchasing a renter’s insurance policy and take the time and small amount of effort to secure and install a simple apartment alarm system.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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