Monday, October 25, 2010

Stun Master Stun Batons Are The Modern Day Lightsaber

Luke Skywalker used the force to help battle the forces of evil but even he had a little help. Luke had his trusty lightsaber. Fortunately for us Earthlings we have some help too. The Stun Master Stun Baton is our lightsaber and can be every bit as effective at fighting the forces of evil, or in our case preventing a potential physical assault. And unlike Luke, who didn’t mind taking a life or two, we don’t have to worry about taking a life with the stun baton. That’s because this beautiful little self defense weapon is non-lethal. It simply incapacitates the bad guy, it doesn’t kill them. Just think about all the storm troopers that could have had a chance to redeem themselves if Luke had used a stun baton instead of the lightsaber?
In all seriousness though it wouldn’t be a bad idea, especially for women and senior citizens, to consider finding a little help in safely defending themselves by way of a non lethal self defense device like the stun baton. I’m not going to pretend like a stun baton is as practical as a regular stun gun. Let’s be honest, although the stun baton does retract and is relatively light and easy to carry it isn’t quite as practical as the smaller, lighter and easier to carry regular stun gun. What it does have over a smaller stun gun, in my opinion, is a higher level of efficiency. It has a 21 inch retractable rod that if touched will deliver a high voltage, low amperage shock that will incapacitate even the most aggressive of attackers. The rod will allow you to incapacitate your attacker from a greater distance therefor making it both a more effective and safer weapon. And the beauty is that you don’t have to worry about the attacker touching you and getting shocked yourself because the current is one way.
As with any stun device I can with all sincerity say that they will work without you even having to touch your attacker. How you ask? Well lets say two thugs had cornered you in an alley and were closing in to relieve you of any money or valuables you had on your person. Now lets say that before they came within 20 feet you pulled out this retractable stun baton, pushed the button and out came the rod, crackling and lighting up the alley with its blue haze of pain for any would-be attacker. I promise you those two thugs will give serious consideration before proceeding if not just turn tail and run immediately.
So do yourself and those that love you a favor and carry some form of non-lethal self defense with you at all times and may the force be with you. Sorry I couldn’t resist.
Stay Safe.
To view the Stun Master Stun Baton please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ring….Ring….It’s Safety Calling and It Wants Seniors To Have A Cell Phone Stun Gun

The average senior citizen today is more tech savvy than they the average senior citizen was 5 years ago. Society is just headed in that direction. In another 5 years the average senior citizen (and people of every age) will be that much more savvy in regards to technology. For the most part technology has made so many aspects of our lives easier and more effective. Non-lethal self defense weapons are certainly no exception when it comes to this. In fact they may be the perfect example.

How did seniors defend themselves before technology introduced such wonders as the Pretender cell phone stun gun? What a perfect device to help anyone of any age feel safe and protected wherever they may be.

They look and feel like a real cell phone so portability, usability and conceal-ability is not a problem. Nor is effectiveness as these little handheld stun devices pack a walloping 4.5 million volts. If you ever find yourself needing to use one of these guns you won’t have to worry about it not getting the job done. I assure you that your attacker is not going to be immune to 4.5 million volts entering his nervous system. These devices turn sweet little old ladies into Mike Tyson (without all of the emotional baggage) at the flip of a switch.

Another thing I love about stun guns is that even though they are extremely effective due to their high voltage they are extremely safe due to their low amperage. This volts to amps ratio is what allows that sweet old lady to make an attacker stop attacking whereas a firearm could very well make the attacker stop breathing. I don’t know about the sweet old lady but I really don’t want to be responsible for someone losing their life. Even if it is in the name of self defense.

So if you are a senior and you cant bench 450 pounds and stop bullets I would strongly suggest you take very simple and affordable measures to help ensure your safety. Pretender stun gun cell phones fit the bill quite nicely.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Senior Citizen Without A Personal Alarm Is Like Peanut Butter With No Jelly

Senior citizens, on average, are less capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation than they were when they were 10 or 20 or 30 years younger. That is just a fact. There is no fighting Father Time. I am in my 30′s and I assure you that I am just a bit slower than I was in my 20′s. And in 10 years I will be a bit slower than I am now and with that I will most likely be a bit less capable of besting an attacker should a physical altercation occur.

Potential scumbag attackers know this. Criminals are opportunistic if nothing else. They want to do the least amount of work possible to attain their goal of obtaining things that don’t belong to them. So if you take some strung out crackhead who needs money for his next fix and he’ll do anything to get it and sees a little sweet old lady and a 35 year old male he is going to go after the little old lady. It just is what it is. So I would hope that the sweet little old lady is carrying something to help protect her.

I strongly suggest 1 of three items. A stun device, defensive spray or a personal alarm. I know that some people are leery of carrying a stun device and/or pepper spray as they are concerned that these weapons could be used against them. I will tell you that the likelihood of these weapons being turned on the user is very scarce but if people truly do not feel comfortable carrying these items than please, please, please consider carrying on your person a personal alarm of some sort. Especially if you are a senior citizen.

Personal alarms are 100% safe, can not be used against you and are extremely easy to carry. Many of these personal alarms attach to your key chain to help ensure you do not forget to bring it along when you leave the house. They work by simply alerting others that you are in trouble. If an attacker approaches you simply press a button on the small handheld device and an extremely loud (130 decibels or more in some cases) alarm emits from the device.

Criminals dont like being caught. As part of this they do not enjoy having others alerted to what they are doing and anyone within earshot is certainly going to be alerted, and their attention drawn, when one of these little beauties starts wailing its distress call. More often than not I would expect the attacker to turn tail and run as soon as the alarm starts screaming for fear of being apprehended. So please be prepared. Violence can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.

Stay Safe.

To view other items of self defense for seniors please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, October 14, 2010

For The Love Of All That Is Holy Please Use Careful Consideration When Deciding To Buy A Taser

Taser devices are extremely effective. Some studies have even shown that the TASER C2 has a higher instant incapacitation rate than a 9mm hand gun. That’s pretty effective. If an attacker is hit with a taser than they are going to stop attacking and start doing a whole lot of nothing. And one of the great things is that the attacker will, much more often than not, get to walk away (to jail) unharmed. Which for me personally beats sending another human off to a morgue. Whether it be in self defense or not.

That sounds great, doesn’t it? An effective yet non-lethal means of self defense to help protect the good, law-abiding citizens of the world. Unfortunately it isn’t that easy. Yes, tasers are non-lethal but at the end of the day we are talking about a gun that shoots out a projectile. The projectile being barbs (attached to wires) that stick into the attackers skin or clothing and then delivers a high voltage, low amperage current that causes a neuromuscular disruption. In other words it makes the attacker stop attacking and start convulsing uncontrollably until the current of electricity has stopped. To me that sounds like something not to be purchased on a whim and certainly not a device to be misused or taken lightly in any way, shape or form.

Please don’t get me wrong. I love tasers. If every firearm on the planet were to be magically and instantly replaced with a taser I think we would wake up tomorrow in a much safer world. I love what they can do if used as intended and that is protect good people from bad people and not have to worry about killing or seriously injuring that bad person in the process. I would just rest easier knowing the people that choose to buy a taser are doing it for the right reason and have serious respect and consideration for such a weapon.

Stay safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Guard Alaska Bear Spray Is The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Pack

Let’s say you go camping up in the beautiful northern woods of Wisconsin and you realize you forgot the tent poles. What a nightmare. That would truly be a pain in the you-know-what. But you know, you and the family would be okay. Except for the 3,471 reminders from the wife that she just knew you were going to forget something. Although that’s a great way to tell time. When she reminds you just know that it’s been 6-8 seconds since the last time that you were reminded.

Now let’s say you remember the tent poles but have forgotten the Guard Alaska bear spray and a bear has just decided to stroll on in to the campsite to see if you have any food it can take off of your hands. Let’s further say that it didn’t expect to see you but now that she has she’s concerned because her cubs have wandered to the other side of the camp and have inadvertently placed you somewhat in between a quarter-ton of black bear and her kids. I assure you that the worst case scenario here is far worse than whatever worst case scenario might occur if you forget tent poles. The worst case scenario here is that you die painfully. I’ll go ahead and take a wife nagging over a bear attack even though both can be agonizing.

Also, bears are creatures that deserve respect. I would say that few attacks take place because the bear was out looking for a human to attack. Many times it is due to the bear feeling threatened or feeling that its cubs were in danger. Bear spray essentially is the very same thing as pepper spray. A bear much like a human is going to stop acting a fool when their face feels like its temporarily on fire but they will live.

My point, as always, is not to make light of what could be a devastating event but rather to bring awareness to the fact that preventing such a potentially life altering (or ending) catastrophe could be easily and afford-ably prevented. Do not go camping or hiking or perform improvisational theatre anywhere where bears might be present without having Guard Alaska bear spray on your person.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Not Being The Victim Of An Attack Step 1: Buy A Personal Alarm

Here are some good pointers to help ensure that you never have to be the victim of a violent physical assault…

1. Don’t ask 300 pound bikers what the heck they are looking at and if they have a staring problem that you can help them correct.

2. While at the zoo with your family do not attempt to jump the fence and wrestle a 1,250 pound polar bear to impress the children.

3. Buy a small, completely non-lethal, harmless to carry yet entirely effective, personal alarm.

Now I know what you are saying. Two of those are obvious to any sane person. The third, however, is adhered to by almost nobody and to me that is insane. I’m not saying people should walk around, armed to the teeth just that we have a responsibility to ourselves and are loved ones to make sure that we keep ourselves safe. And one of the most easiest and cost effective ways to do that is with a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are like carrying a mini Walker Texas Ranger in your pocket. Except unlike when the real Walker enters the vicinity a raw, almost unwatchable carnage does not have to be unleashed on the bad guys. Just a real scare that gets them running in the other direction or at least gets help running in yours.

Most personal alarms work on the premise that when really loud noises occur peoples attention is drawn. They are very small and portable devices that help draw the attention of anybody in the vicinity. More importantly the potential attacker knows that. If some scumbag thinks he has an easy target and then that easy target pulls something out of their purse that starts shrieking at 130 decibels, that scumbag is going to know people are going to start looking to see what’s going on. And even if it’s some strung out crackhead that doesn’t much care if people are looking the fact of the matter is that they are looking. And people seeing what is going on is going to greatly increase you chances of minimizing the damage your attacker can do. So for your own sake I hope you would consider arming yourself with a personal alarm.

Stay Safe.

To buy a personal alarm please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Self Defense For Seniors Begins With Buying Pepper Spray

When you get older you naturally begin to lose speed, strength and agility. That is in no way, shape or form saying one needs to become a pushover at 75. Staying in shape through diet and exercise can truly be a fountain of youth in a very real sense. The fact of the matter is though that you are probably not as likely to win a physical altercation at 80 as you are at 30. It just is what it is and so let’s make sure that if we have perhaps lost a step we can still defend ourselves and in a relatively safe yet highly effective manner.

Pepper spray is non-lethal and is for the most part safe to carry. I say for the most part because at the end of the day pepper spray is effective for a reason. Because the stuff works really well. And with this effectiveness comes an inherent level of danger. Fortunately, more often than not the attacker receives nothing more than one of the most unpleasant feelings of his life and probable time trying to keep his ‘mean face’ on while eating in the cafeteria of the county prison.

For those of us still leery of choosing to carry pepper spray because of this danger let us ask ourselves what the alternative to carrying pepper spray can be. Let us say you are 75 and run into two or three 20 year old hoodlums that mean to take whatever money you have on you? Heck, forget what age something like that happens. Any one man is probably in some trouble in that situation unless he’s Walker Texas Ranger or something. Walker actually walks aroung looking for roaming gangs of 20 year olds to teach a lesson to. But he’s the exception. The rest of us need to ask ourselves if we are prepared for such situations. I would further say that the vast majority of us are not.

So let’s protect ourselves with some measure of self defense whether we are 75, 85, 95 or 25. I think the safest way to do this while still being effective is to buy pepper spray. You’re more than welcome to disagree with me it is just that you will be wrong. I’m just kidding. No I’m not.

Stay Safe.

To see more items of self defense for seniors please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Double Trouble Stun Gun. Double Is Always Better, Right?

How often is something that is double worse than it’s single counterpart? Double dating? Usually a good time. Especially if you just met the girl and you want to relieve some of the if-this-gets-ugly-I-need-to-talk-about-sports jitters.

Double Dutch? What’s wrong with getting out in the fresh air and skipping a little rope (or two)? I can’t personally bring myself to double dutch since the fateful Vouer Family Picnic of ’07 when I decided it was in my best interest to jump rope to humor my 9 year old niece and 5 year old daughter. I’m not saying that I’m uncoordinated per se but only that there is a reason I’m not catching footballs for a living. I guess I’m just a little short of jump-two-ropes-at-once coordinated is what I’m saying. But all in all that double dutch, or D squared as I like to call it is a wonderfully American past-time.

Double overtime? How great of a game are you watching if you’re viewing a double overtime? There’s a hard and fast rule that says NOBODY leaves to do anything during a double overtime. If you’re watching double OT and someone runs up and tells you that your car is out in the parking lot being towed? Well I guess you better practice waving for a taxi. Because you aren’t going anywhere.

Would you be mad if you told me to go get you a whopper and I accidentally went and got you a Double Whopper? I think not. The other way around? Have mercy.

I suppose things like double hernias should be left out of this logic. If you can call it ‘logic’.

One thing that should not be left out is the Double Trouble stun gun. Here is where double truly is. One thing, and by far the most imoportant, is that the contact space is double that of a normal stun gun. Having twice the contact space helps deliver a more powerful punch to your attacker. More contact space delivering more power is true in just about every aspect of physics. When’s the kast heavyweight you knew that had small hands? Would you rather get into a fender bender with a scooter or a cement truck?

Again, and I will reiterate this in just about every post, is that it is a means of self-defense that with few exceptions has proven not only to be non-lethal but leave your attacker relatively unscathed and unharmed. I have never used my stun gun and the good lord willing I never will. I don’t want to. I don’t enjoy hurting others even if it be in self defense. I just enjoy knowing that if I need to protect myself and any loved ones with me that I have that ability without having to take anothers life. Let’s care for one another but at the same time protect ourselves against those that have no intention of caring for us.

Stay Safe.

To see the double trouble stun gun please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Apartment Alarms Were Custom Built For People Who Aren’t Walker Texas Ranger

Do me a favor and raise your hand if your name is Walker and you are a Texas Ranger. Thank you. For those of you with your hand raised please disregard the following message. It is intended for people whose facial hair can not stop bullets. You my friend don’t need an apartment alarm. In fact you kind of hope somebody does break in. The rest of us hear the sound of breaking glass in the middle of the night and our hearts race and the hair on our necks stand up. Mr. Walker, you hear breaking glass in the middle of the night and you just think to yourself ‘Please God, let that be an intruder.’ Anyway, I think the rest of us should consider discussing how to keeping the place we live safe.

It’s kind of an interesting statistic. You are 85% more likely to be robbed living in an apartment than you are a single-family home. Yet very few renters have even the most basic of security systems installed in their apartment. And it costs very little to bring into your possession something that will detect motion when you are there or not and alert you of the fact that someone besides yourself is there unannounced. I don’t have actual facts to back this up but I would b willing to bet that most intruders upon trying to illegally enter a residence and hearing an alarm go off are most likely going to turn tail and run. Burglars don’t like being caught. That is pretty much the polar opposite of what they are trying to do.

If not a motion detector than how about something as simple as a door stop. Or a galss breakage alarm. These are items that are so easy to install and can do so much to literally save your life. And we’re talking about obtaining items like this and protecting yourself and anyone who lives with you for so very little. It just doesn’t make any sense not to do so.

So for those of us that are not the man they call Walker and can’t incapacitate an intruder by simply staring at them, please consider protecting yourself and any loved ones who live with you by installing some sort of alarm system in your apartment.

Stay Safe.

To see more apartment alarms please visit Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pepper Spraying a Bear

Stun Master Stun Guns Are Probably Endorsed By Walker Texas Ranger

Listen, I don’t actually know Mr. Walker or whether or not he actually has an endorsement deal from the makers of Stun Master stun guns but I can only assume that he does. I mean just look at the swagger. If you can even look at it without going blind from the awesomeness. The guy knew he could handle any situation. He knew in his heart that the bad guys out there were just buying a one-way ticket to Hurtsville, U.S.A. if they crossed him. Walker was all man, Partner.

What could instill that kind of confidence in an individual? That sense of security? Well, you keep guessing because I know full well he must have had on him a Stun Master stun gun. He had a way to protect himself and not have to do it in a fashion that might prove lethal. Walker was badder than a rattlesnake but deep down he cared for his fellow man and didn’t want to cause serious injury, paralysis or possible death if it wasnt completely neccesary. He knows he just wouldn’t have that choice of deciding life or death using his firearm or his patented backward roundhouse kick to the think-tank.

The man knew that he had the ability to stop even the most vicious and savage of attackers by merely touching them with a small handheld device. And that even after doing so he did not have to worry about sending the man off to the morgue or most likely even a hospital. He would instead send him off to jail where scum like that belong.

So yes, because of my undying admiration for Walker Texas Ranger (and obvious legal reasons) I can not say whether or not the man is actually endorsed by Stun Master. Only that he certainly should be. Although if you think about it The Total Gym has got to be eating up some precious Stun Master stun guns endorsement time.

Stay Safe.

Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stun Guns Turn Senior Citizens Into Bruce Lee

My grandmother refuses to carry a stun gun or even pepper spray. I am not sure why but I’m not going to bug her for all eternity about it. I love her to death and wish she would consider but there is only so much I can do. She is a 75 year old woman who lives alone.

I’m not saying that she is incapable of handling herself but the fact of the matter is the average 75 year old woman is not going to win a physical altercation with the average young male who is prone to break into her house. My grandma is not taking a 22 year old meth head burglar with a well timed roundhouse kick to the solar plexus. My grandmother is no push over. She takes walks everyday (every day that Chicago weather will spare) and golfs borderline ‘avidly’. But the odds are just against it. Most criminals are also opportunistic if nothing else. A meth head wants to do the least amount of work for a fix and that means if they have to rob someone they are going to pick someone they think that they have the best chance of obtaining money from. Predators are pretty much the same in the mammal kingdom. They feed on the ‘weakest’ members of the group as it increases their chances of success. Also I am not calling senior citizens weak, grandma would put my head through a wall if I did.

I’m simply stating that I’d love to see her increase her chances of being unharmed in a situation like that should it ever occur. And if she had a stun gun than hot dang. She’d have herself a hand held Bruce Lee. Like I said, the woman is in shape. She can effectively wield a stun gun. It is not a complex weapon, it is not heavy, and the best part is it is non-lethal. Yes fatalities have been caused by stun devices but chairs, lamps and bricks have caused fatalities at some point. It’s rare. The vast majority of times the assailant will get to go off to jail and not to a cemetery. And I don’t ever want to be the reason, or have my Grandmother be the reason, that someone lost their life. Even if it is by means of self defense.

So if you are a senior living alone or with a spouse on your own I would hope you would consider doing yourself and the people that love you a huge favor and have something. If you won’t buy stun guns than buy pepper spray or a dog or pay some guy to actually dress up in that pimp yellow jumpsuit Bruce had in ‘Game of Death’ and just stand outside your house, but something. Increase your odds and not keep a deadly weapon in the house at the same time.

Thank you for once again listening to my sometimes endless, yet well-intended ramblings.

Stay Safe.

Puzek Security Systems

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why I choose to buy pepper spray over guns

I am only 5’9″, 185 pounds but in pretty decent shape. I lift weights 4 times a a week and generally consider myself able ‘to handle myself’. I am mild mannered, to a fault some would say, but fairly certain I could take care of myself if the need arise.

That is not to say that I am naive. I understand that there are plenty of individuals on this planet who would dismantle me with relative ease. And there are those who wouldn’t need to rely on their physical abilities to best me in an attack because they themselves are armed with some weapon. Be it a gun, knife, bat, broken bottle, stick, hammer, lead pipe, etc. I’m a pretty tough guy but I’m not ‘hit me in the head with a hammer and watch me brush it off’ tough. Which is a shame because that sounds like it would be pretty cool. All joking aside though the world is a crazy place and one should always prepare themselves for whatever might come their way.

I’ve never used the pepper spray I carry and God willing I never will. I don’t want to. But I do like knowing it’s their. I like knowing it’s their when I’m walking out of U.S. Cellular Field after a night game. I like knowing it’s there when I’m taking the El at 1 a.m. and I enjoy knowing it’s there when I’m by myself at just about anytime. You’d have to ignore every news story since the dawn of man to feel otherwise. Crime happens and people have the right to be prepared.

I do, however, not enjoy the thought of potentially killing someone. If someone were to attack me unprovoked for any reason I’m not going to care about their well being in the moment. That’s not human instinct. A person will instinctively try to protect myself and if I did have a firearm and another was trying to take my life that person would probably be getting shot. But then what? Then you have to live with that. Be it in self defense or not the thought of taking another’s life is too much. What if the attacker that night were a drug addict who otherwise would never in a million years harm another? Whether you are legally at fault or not you have now just taken someones child, parent, sibling, friend or what have you. Whether it was justifiable self defense or not that has to weigh on you. If it doesn’t than I kind of hope you aren’t the type to have a weapon on you in the first place.

Regardless, this is why I prefer pepper sray over other, more lethal weapons of self defense like firearms.

Stay Safe.

To buy pepper spray please visit Puzek Security Systems

Sunday, October 3, 2010

When Is It Okay To Buy A Taser For A College Student?

I am a firm believer that every responsible, able-bodied, law abiding citizen having the right, if not the responsibility, to carry some form of non-lethal self defense on them at almost all times. A college student on campus is certainly no exception but I do feel that special care and consideration be used when deciding just which tool of self defense be considered. And to some degree which students should be allowed to carry such tools.

First of all lets get this out of the way. If you have ever in your life been convicted of a crime than you are out of luck. I don’t think you should be allowed to carry any self defense weapons. Not pepper spray, not mace, not a stun device, nothing. You have proven through your prior actions that at some point in your life (and if you’re a college student it had to be somewhat recently) that you have the ability practice extremely poor judgment. I don’t want you carrying anything that could be used as a weapon or hurting someone accidentally because you are a numb-skull that doesn’t know how to handle such weapons in a responsible and safe manner.

For the responsible college student, especially females who find themselves walking on campus alone at night, I suggest a defensive spray. Stun devices, especially tasers, are a very touchy subject and for good reason. They are dangerous and in some rare cases have proven fatal. That concerns me greatly and I won’t lie when I say I am conflicted when asked if I think college students should be able to carry tasers as a means of self defense.

Lets first explain just what a taser is. A taser is a stun device that works by shooting barbs, attached to wires, from the device. These barbs embed themselves into the assailants skin (or clothes) and a non-lethal, high voltage current of electricity is passed through the wires, into the assailants body causing the assailant to lose neuromuscular control, hence rendering them incapable of further attack. That sounds as humane a treatment as any attacker deserves in my opinion.

The problem is would be in deciding which students would be allowed to carry tasers. I would have to admit that the majority of guys I hung out with in college should not have had tasers and I’m glad they didn’t. I’m still friends with many of them. I’m not saying these kids were bad people but just a little goofy and didn’t aways practice the best judgment at all times, as was the case with so many of us in college. I could just see one of these guys drunkenly asking to be tased as a sign of his drunken manliness. They didn’t have criminal records though so if we were to make a clean criminal past be the only prerequisite for carrying a taser these kids would be greenlit to carry tasers and then trouble would naturally ensue. It would just be too difficult to give the right to some and not to others.

What about the 18 year ol female walking on the campus at night though? I firmly beleive she should have the right, and the obligation to herself and those that love her, to carry something to defend herself with. Pepper spray works wonderfully in stopping an attack and is non-lethal. A stun device like a stun gun works just as well if not better. I am talking about a stun gun now not a taser. A stun gun does not project anything. It simply needs to make contact with the attacker to do it’s job. Other than that it’s basically the same thing as a taser. Why I think a stun gun is more acceptable than a taser for a colllege student has much to do with the whole projectile aspect of the weapons.

As a distributor of non-lethal weapons I am almost embarrased that I’m not more decisive about the subject of tasers on campus but it is just a very delicate subject that one should remain open minded about and consider all angles and ramifications of before making a decision to buy a taser for a college student.

Stay Safe.

Puzek Security Systems

Friday, October 1, 2010

Buy Pepper Spray And Avoid A Potentially Life Threatening Situation

Nobody leaves the house thinking that they are going to be the victim of a violent crime. Unless they are one of those really paranoid people that you see walking around with aluminum foil helmets in an attempt to prevent the CIA and/or aliens from reading their minds. If you are one of these people it might be best to seek professional help and then worry about how to defend yourself from possible attack. For the rest of us ‘sane’ people I suggest pepper spray.

Defensive sprays are extremely easy to conceal and carry on your person should the need to use them arise. And I know I always say this but the thing I like best about defensive sprays is that I don’t have to worry about seriously injuring someone in the process, including myself, like I would with a firearm.

I do carry a small pepper spray device on me and not once has it had to see the light of day and I hope it never does. If I ever have to use it it means that I’ve been involved in a violent and potentially life threatening altercation. That doesn’t sound fun to me. You know what would be even less fun than being in a violent altercation and having to prevent it with pepper spray? Being in a violent altercation and not having pepper spray to help protect me. Do I think it’s ever going to happen? No. Am I going to be prepared if it does? You better believe it. Your well being is something that you don’t want to leave to chance.

I also wouldn’t get in the habit of telling yourself that the neighborhood you live in is ‘too nice’ to be worried about a violent crime happening. That, no offense, is just foolish and is the kind of thinking that leaves you open to become a victim one day. Crimes more often than not happen in lower income areas. It just is the way it is. that is a fact. But do’nt for a second think because you live in an upscale neighborhood that you are immune from such crimes. They do happen in nice neighborhoods.

So do yourself a huge favor and take necessary precaution to avoid a potentially life threatening encounter and buy pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Avoid A Catastrophe By Knowing Where To Buy Stun Guns

Crime happens everywhere. It happens in my neighborhood. It happens in your neighborhood. It happens in upscale neighborhoods and it happens in lower class neighborhoods and everywhere in between. It happens to men, women, children and seniors. So why not take a very easy and affordable step in preventing an attack against you personally.

It’s as simple as knowing where to buy stun guns and purchasing one. Stun guns are very easily concealable, lightweight, small and extremely easy to carry on your person. Hopefully the day would never come where the use of a stun gun would be necessary but very few days in your life, if any, could be worse than the day you need a stun device to protect yourself and don’t have one on you.

Stun devices are also non-lethal. One could argue that stun guns have proven fatal in some rare cases but so have bee stings. If the weapons didn’t come with some level of inherent danger than they wouldn’t make for very effective weapons of self defense, would they? I don’t mean that to sound cold just that your attacker could be at some risk. That is their fault for initiating an attack though. Anyway, the vast majority of times stun devices cause no permanent damage. They are about as humane as an attacker deserves. But it is nice to know that you can defend yourself without fatally wounding or seriously injuring the other person. Taking another human life, even if it is self defense, can not be good on ones mental and emotional well being.

I also feel much morfe comfortable having a stun gun in the house than I would say a firearm. An accident with a stun gun usually results in someone getting an eye opening shock and temporary loss of motor function. An accident with a firearm is going to send someone to the emergency room if they are lucky and the morgue if they are not.

So do yourself and everyone who cares about you a favor and please consider carrying some tool of non-lethal self defense.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems