Thursday, October 14, 2010

For The Love Of All That Is Holy Please Use Careful Consideration When Deciding To Buy A Taser

Taser devices are extremely effective. Some studies have even shown that the TASER C2 has a higher instant incapacitation rate than a 9mm hand gun. That’s pretty effective. If an attacker is hit with a taser than they are going to stop attacking and start doing a whole lot of nothing. And one of the great things is that the attacker will, much more often than not, get to walk away (to jail) unharmed. Which for me personally beats sending another human off to a morgue. Whether it be in self defense or not.

That sounds great, doesn’t it? An effective yet non-lethal means of self defense to help protect the good, law-abiding citizens of the world. Unfortunately it isn’t that easy. Yes, tasers are non-lethal but at the end of the day we are talking about a gun that shoots out a projectile. The projectile being barbs (attached to wires) that stick into the attackers skin or clothing and then delivers a high voltage, low amperage current that causes a neuromuscular disruption. In other words it makes the attacker stop attacking and start convulsing uncontrollably until the current of electricity has stopped. To me that sounds like something not to be purchased on a whim and certainly not a device to be misused or taken lightly in any way, shape or form.

Please don’t get me wrong. I love tasers. If every firearm on the planet were to be magically and instantly replaced with a taser I think we would wake up tomorrow in a much safer world. I love what they can do if used as intended and that is protect good people from bad people and not have to worry about killing or seriously injuring that bad person in the process. I would just rest easier knowing the people that choose to buy a taser are doing it for the right reason and have serious respect and consideration for such a weapon.

Stay safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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