Monday, October 4, 2010

Why I choose to buy pepper spray over guns

I am only 5’9″, 185 pounds but in pretty decent shape. I lift weights 4 times a a week and generally consider myself able ‘to handle myself’. I am mild mannered, to a fault some would say, but fairly certain I could take care of myself if the need arise.

That is not to say that I am naive. I understand that there are plenty of individuals on this planet who would dismantle me with relative ease. And there are those who wouldn’t need to rely on their physical abilities to best me in an attack because they themselves are armed with some weapon. Be it a gun, knife, bat, broken bottle, stick, hammer, lead pipe, etc. I’m a pretty tough guy but I’m not ‘hit me in the head with a hammer and watch me brush it off’ tough. Which is a shame because that sounds like it would be pretty cool. All joking aside though the world is a crazy place and one should always prepare themselves for whatever might come their way.

I’ve never used the pepper spray I carry and God willing I never will. I don’t want to. But I do like knowing it’s their. I like knowing it’s their when I’m walking out of U.S. Cellular Field after a night game. I like knowing it’s there when I’m taking the El at 1 a.m. and I enjoy knowing it’s there when I’m by myself at just about anytime. You’d have to ignore every news story since the dawn of man to feel otherwise. Crime happens and people have the right to be prepared.

I do, however, not enjoy the thought of potentially killing someone. If someone were to attack me unprovoked for any reason I’m not going to care about their well being in the moment. That’s not human instinct. A person will instinctively try to protect myself and if I did have a firearm and another was trying to take my life that person would probably be getting shot. But then what? Then you have to live with that. Be it in self defense or not the thought of taking another’s life is too much. What if the attacker that night were a drug addict who otherwise would never in a million years harm another? Whether you are legally at fault or not you have now just taken someones child, parent, sibling, friend or what have you. Whether it was justifiable self defense or not that has to weigh on you. If it doesn’t than I kind of hope you aren’t the type to have a weapon on you in the first place.

Regardless, this is why I prefer pepper sray over other, more lethal weapons of self defense like firearms.

Stay Safe.

To buy pepper spray please visit Puzek Security Systems

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