Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Guard Alaska Bear Spray Is The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Pack

Let’s say you go camping up in the beautiful northern woods of Wisconsin and you realize you forgot the tent poles. What a nightmare. That would truly be a pain in the you-know-what. But you know, you and the family would be okay. Except for the 3,471 reminders from the wife that she just knew you were going to forget something. Although that’s a great way to tell time. When she reminds you just know that it’s been 6-8 seconds since the last time that you were reminded.

Now let’s say you remember the tent poles but have forgotten the Guard Alaska bear spray and a bear has just decided to stroll on in to the campsite to see if you have any food it can take off of your hands. Let’s further say that it didn’t expect to see you but now that she has she’s concerned because her cubs have wandered to the other side of the camp and have inadvertently placed you somewhat in between a quarter-ton of black bear and her kids. I assure you that the worst case scenario here is far worse than whatever worst case scenario might occur if you forget tent poles. The worst case scenario here is that you die painfully. I’ll go ahead and take a wife nagging over a bear attack even though both can be agonizing.

Also, bears are creatures that deserve respect. I would say that few attacks take place because the bear was out looking for a human to attack. Many times it is due to the bear feeling threatened or feeling that its cubs were in danger. Bear spray essentially is the very same thing as pepper spray. A bear much like a human is going to stop acting a fool when their face feels like its temporarily on fire but they will live.

My point, as always, is not to make light of what could be a devastating event but rather to bring awareness to the fact that preventing such a potentially life altering (or ending) catastrophe could be easily and afford-ably prevented. Do not go camping or hiking or perform improvisational theatre anywhere where bears might be present without having Guard Alaska bear spray on your person.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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