Sunday, October 10, 2010

Self Defense For Seniors Begins With Buying Pepper Spray

When you get older you naturally begin to lose speed, strength and agility. That is in no way, shape or form saying one needs to become a pushover at 75. Staying in shape through diet and exercise can truly be a fountain of youth in a very real sense. The fact of the matter is though that you are probably not as likely to win a physical altercation at 80 as you are at 30. It just is what it is and so let’s make sure that if we have perhaps lost a step we can still defend ourselves and in a relatively safe yet highly effective manner.

Pepper spray is non-lethal and is for the most part safe to carry. I say for the most part because at the end of the day pepper spray is effective for a reason. Because the stuff works really well. And with this effectiveness comes an inherent level of danger. Fortunately, more often than not the attacker receives nothing more than one of the most unpleasant feelings of his life and probable time trying to keep his ‘mean face’ on while eating in the cafeteria of the county prison.

For those of us still leery of choosing to carry pepper spray because of this danger let us ask ourselves what the alternative to carrying pepper spray can be. Let us say you are 75 and run into two or three 20 year old hoodlums that mean to take whatever money you have on you? Heck, forget what age something like that happens. Any one man is probably in some trouble in that situation unless he’s Walker Texas Ranger or something. Walker actually walks aroung looking for roaming gangs of 20 year olds to teach a lesson to. But he’s the exception. The rest of us need to ask ourselves if we are prepared for such situations. I would further say that the vast majority of us are not.

So let’s protect ourselves with some measure of self defense whether we are 75, 85, 95 or 25. I think the safest way to do this while still being effective is to buy pepper spray. You’re more than welcome to disagree with me it is just that you will be wrong. I’m just kidding. No I’m not.

Stay Safe.

To see more items of self defense for seniors please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

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