Sunday, October 10, 2010

Not Being The Victim Of An Attack Step 1: Buy A Personal Alarm

Here are some good pointers to help ensure that you never have to be the victim of a violent physical assault…

1. Don’t ask 300 pound bikers what the heck they are looking at and if they have a staring problem that you can help them correct.

2. While at the zoo with your family do not attempt to jump the fence and wrestle a 1,250 pound polar bear to impress the children.

3. Buy a small, completely non-lethal, harmless to carry yet entirely effective, personal alarm.

Now I know what you are saying. Two of those are obvious to any sane person. The third, however, is adhered to by almost nobody and to me that is insane. I’m not saying people should walk around, armed to the teeth just that we have a responsibility to ourselves and are loved ones to make sure that we keep ourselves safe. And one of the most easiest and cost effective ways to do that is with a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are like carrying a mini Walker Texas Ranger in your pocket. Except unlike when the real Walker enters the vicinity a raw, almost unwatchable carnage does not have to be unleashed on the bad guys. Just a real scare that gets them running in the other direction or at least gets help running in yours.

Most personal alarms work on the premise that when really loud noises occur peoples attention is drawn. They are very small and portable devices that help draw the attention of anybody in the vicinity. More importantly the potential attacker knows that. If some scumbag thinks he has an easy target and then that easy target pulls something out of their purse that starts shrieking at 130 decibels, that scumbag is going to know people are going to start looking to see what’s going on. And even if it’s some strung out crackhead that doesn’t much care if people are looking the fact of the matter is that they are looking. And people seeing what is going on is going to greatly increase you chances of minimizing the damage your attacker can do. So for your own sake I hope you would consider arming yourself with a personal alarm.

Stay Safe.

To buy a personal alarm please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

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