Friday, October 1, 2010

Buy Pepper Spray And Avoid A Potentially Life Threatening Situation

Nobody leaves the house thinking that they are going to be the victim of a violent crime. Unless they are one of those really paranoid people that you see walking around with aluminum foil helmets in an attempt to prevent the CIA and/or aliens from reading their minds. If you are one of these people it might be best to seek professional help and then worry about how to defend yourself from possible attack. For the rest of us ‘sane’ people I suggest pepper spray.

Defensive sprays are extremely easy to conceal and carry on your person should the need to use them arise. And I know I always say this but the thing I like best about defensive sprays is that I don’t have to worry about seriously injuring someone in the process, including myself, like I would with a firearm.

I do carry a small pepper spray device on me and not once has it had to see the light of day and I hope it never does. If I ever have to use it it means that I’ve been involved in a violent and potentially life threatening altercation. That doesn’t sound fun to me. You know what would be even less fun than being in a violent altercation and having to prevent it with pepper spray? Being in a violent altercation and not having pepper spray to help protect me. Do I think it’s ever going to happen? No. Am I going to be prepared if it does? You better believe it. Your well being is something that you don’t want to leave to chance.

I also wouldn’t get in the habit of telling yourself that the neighborhood you live in is ‘too nice’ to be worried about a violent crime happening. That, no offense, is just foolish and is the kind of thinking that leaves you open to become a victim one day. Crimes more often than not happen in lower income areas. It just is the way it is. that is a fact. But do’nt for a second think because you live in an upscale neighborhood that you are immune from such crimes. They do happen in nice neighborhoods.

So do yourself a huge favor and take necessary precaution to avoid a potentially life threatening encounter and buy pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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