Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Are Stun Guns Appropriate For Seniors? Only For The Ones Who Don’t Want To Get Robbed

I was just asked recently by one of my customers if I thought that a stun gun was an appropriate means of protection for his mother. As always I did not just say “Yes. Absolutely. You should get her one today”. I didn’t say that because I didn’t know until I had a chance to ask a few more questions. Age is not necessarily the determining factor in this decision. I know some individuals in their thirties who should not own a stun gun and some in their nineties who are more than capable of harnessing the power and responsibility that comes with carrying a stun device.

So what are the determining factors? In my opinion that boils down to two things. The physical and mental capacity to operate such a device and the maturity level of the potential operator. So if someone asks me if a stun device is appropriate for a particular senior citizen I usually counter by asking “Does this person drive a car?” If the answer is yes than I would say that person should be more than capable of handling a stun device. If you can legally cruise around at 55 miles per hour in a ton of steel than operating a handheld stun device should not present a problem for you.

An unfortunate and unavoidable fact of life is that as we get older we naturally get a tad slower and lose our ability to defend ourselves as easily as we could when we were younger. Another unfortunate and unavoidable fact of life is that there are bad people out there that will take advantage of someone they consider to be ‘weaker’ than themselves. One of the easiest and most effective ways for seniors to level the playing field is by carrying a stun gun.

Stun guns are wonderful because they are two things. Effective and non-lethal. Stun guns work by using high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The current temporarily disrupts the attackers neurological impulses that control voluntary muscle movement. Basically the attacker loses control of his or her own body and makes them lay down and act nice. The fact that they are non-lethal is great because we don’t need little old ladies, or anyone for that matter, walking around with a lethal device like a firearm and shooting first and asking questions later. That would be bad.

So if you are a senior yourself or know one whom you would like to see protected please consider stun guns for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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