Thursday, December 16, 2010

Product Review: The Stun Gun Flashlight

The stun gun flashlight is the absolute epitome of multi-functionality. You have a flashlight and who doesn’t need a trusty flashlight now and again. You have the attachable red cone for emergency road side visibility. You have a 130 decibel alarm and last but certainly not least you have yourself a 200,000 volt stun gun. I more or less listed those things in the order of which ones you are most likely to use but I’ll tell you now that if the stun gun is ever needed you’ll look back on the decision to buy one as the best decision you have ever made.

Let’s discuss the flashlight first. This is one of the functions, and hopefully the only, you will ever have to really use. There isn’t much to talk about. It’s a flashlight. It helps people that can’t see in the dark which to my knowledge is just about everyone except bats and actually they are using sonar. So unless you have the ability to see in the dark or are a bat yourself you can always use a flashlight.

Second is the attachable red cone which makes this large stun gun flashlight ideal for keeping you and your family safe should your vehicle encounter problems while out at night. If you haven’t had a car break down on the side of a highway at night I can tell you it is a stressful and anxious time. Not being entirely visible to cars whizzing by at speeds in excess of 65 miles per hour is no joke.

Next we have the 130 decibel alarm. This can be used in a couple of ways. If an attacker is approaching you needn’t worry about using the stun gun often times. Simply set that extremely loud 130 decibel alarm off and you will have yourself a frightened attacker. 130 decibels draws the attention of others and the attacker will know this. I would say that more often than not the alarm will be enough to deter an attacker.

Just in case the attacker is deaf, stupid or high on drugs (or all three) you have the last function, and most important in my opinion, the stun gun. 200,000 volts to be exact. 200,000 volts is going to stop an attacker whether he be stupid, deaf and high or not. Again I would hope that the need for the stun gun aspect of this wonderful tool is never needed but it is certainly nice to know it is there just in case.

So for your own safety and for the safety of your loved ones please seriously consider obtaining a tool like the stun gun flashlight.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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