Friday, December 31, 2010

Pepper Spray Is A Must Have For Seniors Citizens

As the world’s population continues to grow so does the world’s senior citizen population. As the human body ages it naturally begins to lose a bit of its strength, speed, stamina and reflexes. Unfortunately this means that seniors, for the most part, are less able to physically defend themselves in the event of an attack as they would have been in their younger days. Do not think for a second that this fact is lost on today’s criminal element. Devious individuals looking for an ‘easy’ target are naturally going to pick on the targets that they believe will present the least amount of resistance. Unfortunately this often means that senior citizens can find themselves the victim of such an attack. There is a way for these seniors to prevent becoming a victim though and it’s so easy and affordable I’m nothing short of astonished that more seniors don’t do it. The answer is pepper spray, my friends. I love defensive sprays for people of any age but seniors are no doubt at the top of the list of people who would benefit the most from carrying pepper spray.

The active ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin. Capsaicin is the chemical found in chili peppers. It’s what makes a chili pepper like the Habanero so incredibly spicy hot. The ‘hot-ness’ of a chili pepper is measured on a scale called the Scoville scale. The higher the scoville units the hotter the pepper. A Habanero pepper for example is rated at about 100,000-350,000 scoville units. Have you ever eaten a raw habanero pepper? Trust me it’s hot. There is another pepper called the Naga Jolokia pepper that is rated at over 1,000,000 scoville units. In the U.S. this pepper is commonly referred to as Ghost Chili. I have never eaten one and I don’t want too. In comparison this Naga Jolokia pepper is 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. Try getting some of that in your eye and I promise you it will be an event you remember until the day you die. So how hot is the p spray found in most commercial brands of pepper spray available to civilians? About 3,000,000 scoville units.

Pepper spray devices work by spraying this super concentrated capsaicin into the face of an attacker. This is going to help seniors defend themselves I assure you. If you take a substance 1,200 times hotter than Tabasco sauce and get that into the eyes, nose, mouth and throat of an attacker that attacker is going to feel some serious pain. Much more often than not the attacker will stop attacking and start trying to figure out a way to stop the feeling of fire that has engulfed his face, throat and lungs.

With all of this said it irritates me greatly when I see boneheads that make videos of themselves spraying one another with pepper spray in an attempt to prove how ‘tough’ they are. I think all these videos do is prove how stupid they are. Pepper spray is not to be taken lightly and although it is extremely rare people have died as a result of being sprayed with pepper spray. No weapon of non-lethal self-defense can be effective without some inherent risk but it is still much safer and humane than many other choices available to citizens.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more pepper spray for seniors or other items of self defense for seniorsplease visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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