Monday, December 27, 2010

The Double Trouble Stun Gun Is Indubitably a Double Dose of Defense Against Dubious Do-Badders

First of all let’s talk about why they call it the “Double” Trouble. They call it that because it has double the space between contacts and short of offering the scientific explanation behind it, the more space between contacts the more effective it makes the device. This increased contact space makes the shock more effective and it quite simply makes it easier to make contact with an assailant when there is more surface area to make contact with. The shock we are talking about with this device is 1.2 million volts. 1.2 million volts is going to put an end to darn near any encounter really quickly. The contact space we are talking about is a whopping 5 inches! The vast majority of stun guns on the market average 1.5 inches between contacts. Think of it like this, in the world of golf clubs there is a reason that the newer and more effective drivers are all so huge. There is no two ways about it; increased contact space leads to a more effective shot plain and simple.

Some may look at the Double Trouble stun gun’s design and incorrectly assume that the design is nothing more than overkill for lack of a better word. They may think that it is over-the-top and intended for those that are somehow trying to show off. I truly hope that anyone that purchases these devices is not attempting to show off because the gun’s design is truly a situation where form is meeting function. It looks intimidating because it looks extremely effective and not to be tangled with and that is what it is. If some scumbag drugged out attacker wants to relieve some poor old lady of her purse so that he can get his fix and the little old lady is carrying one of these stun devices than that scumbag is making an extremely poor choice in choosing to pick on that particular lady. And that lady stands a better chance of besting the attacker in a confrontation with one of these stun guns than with many of the other stun guns on the market.

So if you are a tax paying, God fearing, decent individual who cares about their safety and at the same time the well-being of others I hope that you might consider the Double Trouble stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Editor’s note: I don’t know that ‘do-badders’ is actually a word, in fact spell checker is telling me that it is most certainly not but I needed the title to flow. I think it’s flowing nicely now, don’t you?

If you want to see more information on the Double Trouble stun gun please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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