Monday, December 13, 2010

People Who Enjoy Spending The Holidays Not Being Mugged Know Where To Buy Personal Alarms

I love this time of year. I really do live for the holidays. Getting together with family, eating like a pig, watching football on TV, not being violently physically assaulted by an attacker looking for my wallet, shopping for gifts and opening these gifts on Christmas morning are all memories and events that I will forever cherish.

December is the busiest shopping month of the year. Millions of Americans are out and about shopping for friends and family and oftentimes will be carrying expensive gifts or have more cash on them than usual. You know who knows this? Santa Claus. He knows everything. You know who else knows this? Scumbags that won’t hesitate to rob someone in a mall parking lot while they are walking back to the car, gifts in hand.

So how should we help protect ourselves and our loved ones this holiday season? Well, you have a few choices. You could not go out to the stores and wait for this whole “holidays” nonsense to blow over, you could go to the stores armed to the teeth or you could go shopping and make sure you carry a small, extremely easy to carry and use personal alarm. I find the last choice is most suitable for the vast majority of adults and the safest option for all parties involved.

Most personal alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel alarm that works as a deterrent against attackers and as a means for alerting anyone within ear shot that trouble is afoot. So for example, let’s say you were out one night picking up that last minute gift for little Billy and as you were leaving the store and walking back to your car you heard footsteps behind you. You see your car and it’s the only one in this corner of the parking lot so why would whoever is behind you be walking the same direction? As you turn to look the footsteps speed up and you look back you see a masked man coming right at you, his intentions none to disguised. If you were to have nothing on your person in the way of self-defense you could easily fall prey to this attacker but with a simple keychain alarm you can now have the upper hand in one of these all-too-familiar situations. If you were to simply press a button on one of these alarms it would emit an alarm so loud that the attacker may very well stop in his tracks and hot foot it out of the parking lot. If by some chance the attacker were to proceed at least the sound from the alarm would beckon others and mall security would no doubt be deployed.

So please take care this holiday season and be sure you and your loved ones know where to buy personal alarms.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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