Sunday, September 26, 2010

Apartment Alarms Are A Must For Renters

I can remember vividly one night back in 1997. I was in my twenties and living with my cousin in a hard partying are of Chicago. We came home one night (I guess technically it was early morning) and our front door was ajar. Had the door just been ajar I might have thought one of us had just absent-mindedly left the door open when we left but you could see the splintered wood where someone had obviously used the old master key that was their foot or shoulder to open the door.

Upon entering the residence we immediately saw what the burglar or burglars had taken. The TV fortunately was too big for them to take or they just didn’t want to look too suspicious or waste too much time doing their thing. What was taken was the Nintendo 64, all the games, and quite a few DVDs. The heartless bastards. Okay so it could have been much worse and really all that stuff was my cousins (poor guy) but what something like that does is instill a real sense of insecurity in the place you call home. Renters insurance can help replace what has been stolen but can never replace that insecurity you feel once a break-in has occurred.

That is a horrible feeling and something that we could have so easily avoided with very little effort, time and money. Take for instance the Telespy motion intruder alarm. This little beauty, which would have cost us a fraction of what our beloved Nintendo 64 was going for at the time, would have caught the intruder red handed. This device would have sensed motion in the apartment, called my cell and allowed me to listen in on what was happening. I would have instantly notified the police and then walked home to press charges on the cowardly little jerk(s).

The point is that once a break-in happens it leaves an uneasy feeling of insecurity that can’t be replaced with your renters insurance policy. It is so easy and affordable to take the necessary steps to ensure you never have to feel the same way we felt that night.

Stay Safe.

To buy apartment alarms online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Buy Bear Spray If You Enjoy Not Being Mauled

If you’re anything like me you hate being eaten by bears. Nothing will ruin a weekend of camping in the woods like a good old fashioned bear mauling. In all seriousness though a bear attack is not cool.

It’s not like falling out of a tree, or falling off a garage roof or even getting in the vast majority of car accidents. All of those things have provent fatal but more times than not people can walk away from those things relatively unscathed. Bear attacks are not quite the same thing. You don’t see someone with a small scratch on their face, ask them what happened and expect to hear “Oh, I was attacked by a 1500 pound Kodiak”. People don’t often walk away from a bear attack. Many people survive but significant and permanent damage is usually done.

I enjoy both hiking and camping a great deal. I’ve always loved the outdoors. Living in the midwest I find myself often hiking and/or camping where the threat of large animal attack just isn’t present. Unless you consider my brother Steve, who after a few beers around the campfire is much like a big dumb animal. No offense to the bear community on that one. However sometimes I like to go camping up in northern Wisconsin where I have seen a black bear on more than one occasion. Fortunately I haven’t had to use bear spray but I always have it on me and my heart tends to beat at a much more normal rate when I see a bear and I know I have protection right there in my backpack.

My point here is not to make light of something that could be so tragic as a bear attack but to let you know that there are ways ofn protecting yourself against bear attacks and it doesnt have to be an actual firearm. In fact, many studies have proven that bear spray can be more effective than a firearm in stopping a bear. Of course I’m sure that depends on the caliber of the gun. I just don’t like firearms. I don’t own one and I don’t ever see myself owning one in the future. But I do own bear spray and I’ll be darned if I’m ever without it when hiking or camping in an area that has any kind of bear population.

Stay Safe.

To buy bear spray online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stun Master stun guns, a name befitting the ‘Master’ of stun guns.

The brand name says it all. Stun Master. The very name ‘master’ implies that something or someone is the best at what they do. You don’t expect to see an academy award winning movie on Minorpiece Theatre and then go out and enjoy a delicious meal prepared by a Minor Chef at you favorite restaurant. All to be paid for by charging it to your Minorcard. You don’t need a Masters Degree in English to understand that. (You like how I squeezed that last one in there?). The point is the name ‘Master’ should be synonymous with ‘the best’ and Stun Master stun guns are certainly no exception to this rule.

For 15 years now Stun Master has been a leader in the non-lethal self defense industry by providing extremely affordable, highly effective stun devices. For about the same price as a large pizza (and I don’t mean from Domino’s, I mean a real pizza) you can arm yourself with one of the most effective, non-lethal stun devices on the market. That’s right. These guns are not hundreds of dollars as many people would assume. We are talking about tens of dollars here for a product that could potentially be a life saving device.

Stun guns work by using high voltage and low amperage to make an attacker’s muscles involuntarily and rapidly contract and fill with lactic acid. Essentially the muscles have no power to do anything but lie down for a few minutes and act nice. And nobody has offered devices that do this more effectively and affordably than Stun Master. These guns also come with a lifetime warranty. Companies don’t usually get into the practice of offering a lifetime warranty on products unless they truly build them to stand the test of time. I hope that if you consider arming yourself with the best and most affordable stun gun on the market that you will strongly consider going with the Master.

Stay Safe.

To buy Stun Master stun guns online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why buy stun guns online?

Stun guns are a great means of self defense. And they do so by (hopefully) not endangering the attacker. I know that probably sounds a bit ridiculous. Why worry about the attacker? But the truth of the matter is that is exactly why I love stun guns. Because inevitably I would care in some sense about another human life and would be radically effected for the rest of my time on this planet if I took another life. Even if it was in a manner of self defense. That is why I do not own a gun. But a stun gun I do own and that is because I still enjoy having that protection if it is needed.

A stun gun works by incapacitaself defense weaponting an attacker, not putting a hole in them that requires a professional to close. Look, if I had a gun in my hand and someone meant to end my life I would use it instinctively if nothing else. But that day would certainly leave an impression and I don’t know that it would be a good one. I think I could much better move on mentally from an incident that required my use of a self defense weapon i the attacker involved wasn’t dead. Blunt, I know, but true.

So that’s why I’m pro-stungun. As far as buying online goes? Well, it’s just too easy. Event tickets, electronics, clothes, computers (ironically enough), the list goes on and on. Stun guns should be no exception. Also there’s the fact that I sell them online. So there you have it.

Stay Safe.

To buy stun guns online please visit Puzek Security Systems

Monday, September 13, 2010

Protection for college students. Personal Alarms are just that.

I spent a good part of my life being very selfish. The heck of it is I didn’t really realize it. Until the day my daughter was born, and I mean the second I saw her for the first time, I really didn’t understand what it was like to have someone else’s well being be my only real concen. I mean, a baby girls dad that should be as important a person as she’ll ever have in her whole life, and sure as heck she’s her whole dad’s world immediately.

She’s 5 , thank God. Ha. I’m not worried about college just yet but the way she’s growing up in front of my eyes makes a dad naturally look into the future. And I certainly hope that her going off to school one day is something the good lord let’s me experience. Also it is a day that I’m sure will be filled with pride and as always the case for a parent in this situation, a fair measure of concern.

I am so proud of what I do and that is offer protection for college students. When my little girl goes off to college I promise you that she’ll be the girl whose dorm room is not to be tampered with. For one she’ll have a device like a door guard alarm. This thing will blast out a 30 second long, 98 decibel screech if someone feels like entering the room unannounced. That should help ensure she’s getting 8 hours of undisturbed rest so that she can get straight A’s. Which she better.

In all seriousness it’s something so small and affordable that can help a father rest a little easier at night. Chances are if someone is breaking into a dorm room it’s quite possibly another student and unless whoever it is is stone deaf he’s going to hear 98 decibels of ‘get the hell out’ screeching. And if he is deaf everybody on the same floor that night probably isn’t. I’d say chances are pretty good the intruder would high tail it out of there immediately. If intruders weren’t worried about getting caught they wouldn’t last very long as intruders would they?

I’m not saying that a college kid or their loved ones need to lok at college as an unsafe place but let’s just always be prepared for something out of the norm. If we can prevent a disaster so easily, affordably and effectively why the heck not do it?

So if you would like to purchase protection for college students or just buy what could just as effectively be apartment alarms please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Self Defense for Seniors: Personal Alarms

I’m back to yet again talk about another set of items I think every senior living on their own should strongly consider having in their possession. I’ve talked about stun guns for seniors and pepper spray for seniors and now I want to talk about personal alarms for seniors. Before I talk about them though let me just preface all of this by reiterating the fact that I don’t believe that seniors are the only ones that could benefit from having an extra measure of defense on hand. Nor am I saying that seniors couldn’t possibly defend themselves without the use of such devices. I’m just saying that if you are a senior living alone (even with a senior spouse) it wouldn’t hurt any to have a little extra help.

Now in the past I’ve discussed my belief that defensive sprays and stun guns work wonderfully as tools of self defense for seniors. However I am not so close minded as to not understand some peoples concern with these items. They do come with an inherent level of danger and the choice to arm yourselves with these needs to be taken very seriously. If people don’t feel comfortable using these items I can completely respect and understand such a decision. They are both non-lethal but the fact of the matter is they have unfortunately proven fatal in some remote cases.

There are less dangerous yet still highly effective self defense systems. Personal alarms are one. Take for instance the Mace&trade Screecher Alarm. This is one of those items that doesn’t incapacitate the attacker like a stun device or defensive spray. It simply screeches loud enough to wake the dead when you ask it too. So lets say you are out for a walk and some lawless thug wants to take something from you without asking. You simply pull this thing out and press the button and the compressed air device will scream louder than you could ever hope to although I suggest screaming along with the device in a case like being attacked by some stranger. This thing can be heard from a quarter mile away. That’s going to get some attention just about any time of day or night. It also should throw a potential attacker off his game. An attacker doesn’t want a crowd and the Screecher Alarm just went and screamed ‘hey look over here!!!!’ to anyone in the vicinity.

So if you’re not going to look into carrying a stun gun or pepper spray with you at least have a personal alarm of some sort. You will very likely never have to use the alarm but you’ll be so amazingly happy if you do need to and you were wise enough to pick one up.

Stay Safe.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Self Defense For Seniors: Stun Guns

I won’t lie. In part, I make make my living by selling non-lethal self defense items. But I do so, in part, because I am steadfast in my conviction that every senior citizen, certainly ones living alone, should have the right to carry a stun gun. If you can drive a 2,000 pound hunk of steel at 60 miles an hour legally why the heck can’t you carry a non-lethal device of self protection? To think otherwise is absurd. Regardless I remain very sensitive about the topic. Stun guns are non lethal but they have caused fatalities. It wouldn’t be an effective tool of self defense if it didn’t come with an inherent danger level. But if it’s a choice between my 63 year old mother and some unfortunate, thug, low life scum bag that is trying to harm her? Sorry, my man but you shouldn’t have done that. And the fact of the matter is they are deemed ‘non-lethal’ for a reason. Because usually, and hopefully, they are. I wouldn’t feel right selling firearms and I mean zero disrespect to anyone that does for the right reasons. To protect people. But I do sleep well at night knowing that I’m arming people with a means of protecting themselves without having to take the life of another.

Look, I’m not saying hand them out at picnics. If someone has a criminal past of any kind, (regardless of how long ago), no. That person has given up his right to carry a stun gun. He has proven that at some point he can’t act right in society. I don’t know that that inability to act civilized leaves an individual. But for an able bodied, law abiding, God fearing, decent senior man or woman? Absolutely. Without question.

My mother is one tough cookie (and a wonderful soul) but she couldn’t fight off a grown man. And there are a sad number of people in this world that don’t give a damn. If one of these people try to attack my parents would I not want them to have a means of defending themselves?

Stay safe.

To purchase self defense for seniors or buy stun guns online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Self Defense For Seniors

I believe that the vast majority of violent crimes against seniors could be prevented with a very small dose of pepper spray. I think every God fearing, tax paying, decent American citizen should have the right to carry pepper spray and if this is true for any demographic I think it may be senior citizens.

If the criminal element is nothing they are opportunistic. Who better to prey upon than those of us who may have the hardest time fighting back? The simple fact of the matter is that the senior population is growing everyday and that means that the number of potential targets grows with it.

I was recently asked if I thought it wasn’t dangerous for seniors to carry it as they may accidentally discharge it. My answer to this would be use common sense. If someone is to the point mentally that they can no longer safely operate a defensive spray device then I would say no. That person should probably not. But that person should no longer ever be in a position to need it. They should be in an entirely protective environment like a senior living facility. But for the seniors living alone I would strongly suggest having something to help ensure their protection. My own mother has pepper spray and is properly trained in using it. And any would-be intruder is in for a memorable experience if they want to make that mistake.

That is why I think just about every senior, certainly the ones living alone, should have some help in the form of pepper spray to prevent possible attack.

Stay safe.

To buy self defense for seniors please visit Puzek Security Systems.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Guard Alaska Bear Repellent Spray

I can’t think of too many products that I would rather not find myself in need of than Bear Repellent. The day you fended off a bear attack is not a day you’re likely to forget any time soon. That’s one of those stories I would probably tell my grandchildren about. Constantly. I mean like every day. I’ll just call them and ask if they had heard the story about the day Grandpa fought off a bear. And when they say ‘yes’ I’ll say ‘too bad, now put me on speakerphone and have everyone gather round whilst I recant the tale yet again.’”

In all seriousness though if there was ever a product that you’ll be thankful you have, should the need to use it ever arise, it’s bear spray and Guard Alaska is the only one registered with the EPA as a repellent for all species of bear. And it’s environmentally safe. Doing my part to preserve our environement would not necessairly be the first thing on my mind while trying to prevent being mauled by a black bear but it’s nice to know it won’t hurt the ozone.

So again, this is another product I hope you never have to use but if you are one to be in the woods on occasion be it hunting, hiking, running or going to grandmother’s house this is one item I wouldn’t forget to bring along.

Stay Safe.

For more on this or to buy bear spray online please visit Puzek Security Systems.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dorm Room Safes

Dorm Room Safes

I call these dorm room safes because that’s really where I think they work best. Anyone could find these useful but I really love these for the dorm. The dorm room is often times a high traffic area and at times have visitors that the resident of the dorm may not know particularly well. I have faith in humanity but the fact of the matter is there are people out there that will steal and a college campus is not exempt from this fact.

Now the kids that I was friends with in college didn’t have all that many ‘valuables’ in their room. If I were to have sold everything in my dorm I could have almost had enough to afford a big box of nothing. But there was always one or two items that may have had sentimental attachment if nothing else. What better place to stash these items than a diversion safe. My favorite is the Book Diversion Safe. Ironically enough, books are probably the last thing you’re worried about having stolen at college. These safes are truly indistinguishable from the real items they are pretending to be. They are even weighted to feel like the real thing.

For more on this subject or to buy safes online please visit Puzek Security Systems.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Product Review: TASER® C2 with Laser Sight – Fashion Pink

Who says you cant be in style while stopping a possible attack? Thanks to the Taser C2 Pink Stun Gun with laser sight you can.

This device isn’t just pretty in pink either. This device has all the stopping power you’ll ever need and it’s as humane a self defense weapon as any attacker ever deserves thanks to the revolutionary Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology.

One of my favorite things about tasers are their ability to stop from a distance. This device can stop an attack from 15 feet away. And what’s best is if you should somehow miss your target, pretty tough with its built in laser sight, and the attack becomes a matter of close quarters this little pink number doubles as an extremely powerful and effective stun gun.

TASER cartridges also have a unique serial number and are equipped with an Anti-Felon Identification system, which discharges 20-30 serialized paper tags when deployed. Law enforcement can later retrieve this confetti from the scene and contact TASER International to get the name of the owner of the TASER device, allowing police to track any potential misuse.

They make great protection for college campuses. I know when my daughter goes off to school she’ll have the peace of mind (as will I) that she’ll be safe with one of these fashionable pink Tasers.

For more like this or to buy tasers online please visit Puzek Security Systems