Monday, September 13, 2010

Protection for college students. Personal Alarms are just that.

I spent a good part of my life being very selfish. The heck of it is I didn’t really realize it. Until the day my daughter was born, and I mean the second I saw her for the first time, I really didn’t understand what it was like to have someone else’s well being be my only real concen. I mean, a baby girls dad that should be as important a person as she’ll ever have in her whole life, and sure as heck she’s her whole dad’s world immediately.

She’s 5 , thank God. Ha. I’m not worried about college just yet but the way she’s growing up in front of my eyes makes a dad naturally look into the future. And I certainly hope that her going off to school one day is something the good lord let’s me experience. Also it is a day that I’m sure will be filled with pride and as always the case for a parent in this situation, a fair measure of concern.

I am so proud of what I do and that is offer protection for college students. When my little girl goes off to college I promise you that she’ll be the girl whose dorm room is not to be tampered with. For one she’ll have a device like a door guard alarm. This thing will blast out a 30 second long, 98 decibel screech if someone feels like entering the room unannounced. That should help ensure she’s getting 8 hours of undisturbed rest so that she can get straight A’s. Which she better.

In all seriousness it’s something so small and affordable that can help a father rest a little easier at night. Chances are if someone is breaking into a dorm room it’s quite possibly another student and unless whoever it is is stone deaf he’s going to hear 98 decibels of ‘get the hell out’ screeching. And if he is deaf everybody on the same floor that night probably isn’t. I’d say chances are pretty good the intruder would high tail it out of there immediately. If intruders weren’t worried about getting caught they wouldn’t last very long as intruders would they?

I’m not saying that a college kid or their loved ones need to lok at college as an unsafe place but let’s just always be prepared for something out of the norm. If we can prevent a disaster so easily, affordably and effectively why the heck not do it?

So if you would like to purchase protection for college students or just buy what could just as effectively be apartment alarms please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

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