Friday, September 24, 2010

Buy Bear Spray If You Enjoy Not Being Mauled

If you’re anything like me you hate being eaten by bears. Nothing will ruin a weekend of camping in the woods like a good old fashioned bear mauling. In all seriousness though a bear attack is not cool.

It’s not like falling out of a tree, or falling off a garage roof or even getting in the vast majority of car accidents. All of those things have provent fatal but more times than not people can walk away from those things relatively unscathed. Bear attacks are not quite the same thing. You don’t see someone with a small scratch on their face, ask them what happened and expect to hear “Oh, I was attacked by a 1500 pound Kodiak”. People don’t often walk away from a bear attack. Many people survive but significant and permanent damage is usually done.

I enjoy both hiking and camping a great deal. I’ve always loved the outdoors. Living in the midwest I find myself often hiking and/or camping where the threat of large animal attack just isn’t present. Unless you consider my brother Steve, who after a few beers around the campfire is much like a big dumb animal. No offense to the bear community on that one. However sometimes I like to go camping up in northern Wisconsin where I have seen a black bear on more than one occasion. Fortunately I haven’t had to use bear spray but I always have it on me and my heart tends to beat at a much more normal rate when I see a bear and I know I have protection right there in my backpack.

My point here is not to make light of something that could be so tragic as a bear attack but to let you know that there are ways ofn protecting yourself against bear attacks and it doesnt have to be an actual firearm. In fact, many studies have proven that bear spray can be more effective than a firearm in stopping a bear. Of course I’m sure that depends on the caliber of the gun. I just don’t like firearms. I don’t own one and I don’t ever see myself owning one in the future. But I do own bear spray and I’ll be darned if I’m ever without it when hiking or camping in an area that has any kind of bear population.

Stay Safe.

To buy bear spray online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

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