Saturday, September 11, 2010

Self Defense for Seniors: Personal Alarms

I’m back to yet again talk about another set of items I think every senior living on their own should strongly consider having in their possession. I’ve talked about stun guns for seniors and pepper spray for seniors and now I want to talk about personal alarms for seniors. Before I talk about them though let me just preface all of this by reiterating the fact that I don’t believe that seniors are the only ones that could benefit from having an extra measure of defense on hand. Nor am I saying that seniors couldn’t possibly defend themselves without the use of such devices. I’m just saying that if you are a senior living alone (even with a senior spouse) it wouldn’t hurt any to have a little extra help.

Now in the past I’ve discussed my belief that defensive sprays and stun guns work wonderfully as tools of self defense for seniors. However I am not so close minded as to not understand some peoples concern with these items. They do come with an inherent level of danger and the choice to arm yourselves with these needs to be taken very seriously. If people don’t feel comfortable using these items I can completely respect and understand such a decision. They are both non-lethal but the fact of the matter is they have unfortunately proven fatal in some remote cases.

There are less dangerous yet still highly effective self defense systems. Personal alarms are one. Take for instance the Mace&trade Screecher Alarm. This is one of those items that doesn’t incapacitate the attacker like a stun device or defensive spray. It simply screeches loud enough to wake the dead when you ask it too. So lets say you are out for a walk and some lawless thug wants to take something from you without asking. You simply pull this thing out and press the button and the compressed air device will scream louder than you could ever hope to although I suggest screaming along with the device in a case like being attacked by some stranger. This thing can be heard from a quarter mile away. That’s going to get some attention just about any time of day or night. It also should throw a potential attacker off his game. An attacker doesn’t want a crowd and the Screecher Alarm just went and screamed ‘hey look over here!!!!’ to anyone in the vicinity.

So if you’re not going to look into carrying a stun gun or pepper spray with you at least have a personal alarm of some sort. You will very likely never have to use the alarm but you’ll be so amazingly happy if you do need to and you were wise enough to pick one up.

Stay Safe.

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