Sunday, September 5, 2010

Guard Alaska Bear Repellent Spray

I can’t think of too many products that I would rather not find myself in need of than Bear Repellent. The day you fended off a bear attack is not a day you’re likely to forget any time soon. That’s one of those stories I would probably tell my grandchildren about. Constantly. I mean like every day. I’ll just call them and ask if they had heard the story about the day Grandpa fought off a bear. And when they say ‘yes’ I’ll say ‘too bad, now put me on speakerphone and have everyone gather round whilst I recant the tale yet again.’”

In all seriousness though if there was ever a product that you’ll be thankful you have, should the need to use it ever arise, it’s bear spray and Guard Alaska is the only one registered with the EPA as a repellent for all species of bear. And it’s environmentally safe. Doing my part to preserve our environement would not necessairly be the first thing on my mind while trying to prevent being mauled by a black bear but it’s nice to know it won’t hurt the ozone.

So again, this is another product I hope you never have to use but if you are one to be in the woods on occasion be it hunting, hiking, running or going to grandmother’s house this is one item I wouldn’t forget to bring along.

Stay Safe.

For more on this or to buy bear spray online please visit Puzek Security Systems.

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