Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Self Defense For Seniors: Stun Guns

I won’t lie. In part, I make make my living by selling non-lethal self defense items. But I do so, in part, because I am steadfast in my conviction that every senior citizen, certainly ones living alone, should have the right to carry a stun gun. If you can drive a 2,000 pound hunk of steel at 60 miles an hour legally why the heck can’t you carry a non-lethal device of self protection? To think otherwise is absurd. Regardless I remain very sensitive about the topic. Stun guns are non lethal but they have caused fatalities. It wouldn’t be an effective tool of self defense if it didn’t come with an inherent danger level. But if it’s a choice between my 63 year old mother and some unfortunate, thug, low life scum bag that is trying to harm her? Sorry, my man but you shouldn’t have done that. And the fact of the matter is they are deemed ‘non-lethal’ for a reason. Because usually, and hopefully, they are. I wouldn’t feel right selling firearms and I mean zero disrespect to anyone that does for the right reasons. To protect people. But I do sleep well at night knowing that I’m arming people with a means of protecting themselves without having to take the life of another.

Look, I’m not saying hand them out at picnics. If someone has a criminal past of any kind, (regardless of how long ago), no. That person has given up his right to carry a stun gun. He has proven that at some point he can’t act right in society. I don’t know that that inability to act civilized leaves an individual. But for an able bodied, law abiding, God fearing, decent senior man or woman? Absolutely. Without question.

My mother is one tough cookie (and a wonderful soul) but she couldn’t fight off a grown man. And there are a sad number of people in this world that don’t give a damn. If one of these people try to attack my parents would I not want them to have a means of defending themselves?

Stay safe.

To purchase self defense for seniors or buy stun guns online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

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