Thursday, March 31, 2011

Self Defense for Seniors Doesn’t Get Any Easier Than the Keychain Alarm

There are a select few individuals that I can think of who are over the age of 55 and can put a serious physical hurting on the vast majority of 30 year old men out there. One of them is my Uncle Steve. He was a D-1 collegiate wrestling powerhouse and still coaches the local high school team. He is in amazing shape and is one senior citizen that I would rather not get into a physical altercation with, both because he is my uncle (and all-around great guy) and also because he would hurt me badly. If Uncle Steve was to find himself in a physical altercation with some lowlife mugger than I would pity the poor mugger, Uncle Steve doesn’t really need a whole lot of help in the self-defense department, the majority of senior citizens could probably benefit from some help. There are some seriously fit seniors out there but it doesn’t hurt to have an added measure of protection against assault, especially when it is so unbelievably easy and affordable to do so.

Seniors have plenty of options when it comes to arming themselves with an instrument of self-defense but the only ones I would ever recommend are of the non-lethal variety. I won’t go on an anti-gun tangent but suffice to say I am not pro-gun as firearms have a nasty habit of leaving people dead. What I strongly advocate is the use of non-lethal devices as an equally-effective alternative to firearms. Stun devices and defensive sprays (pepper spray, mace, etc…) are extremely effective and almost never result in a fatality. Not only do these non-lethal devices not take lives, they almost never leave the assailant with permanent side effects. I do understand that these devices can still be dangerous and potentially these weapons can be turned on the user, especially in the case of an individual who may not be as big and/or strong as his or her assailant.

That is why I would like to discuss personal alarms. Personal alarms are neither a stun device nor a defensive spray. They are 100% completely harmless but with that said these devices can still be extremely effective. Many personal alarms come in the form of a keychain alarm. A keychain alarm is great because it is rarely forgotten when leaving the house and a tool of self-defense isn’t going to help much if you don’t have it on you when an attack occurs. the keychain alarm works by emitting an extremely high decibel alarm that will startle the holy heck out of an assailant and, just as importantly, attract the attention of every man, woman and child in the nearby vicinity. Criminals (successful ones anyway) do not want to be caught and as such will turn tail and run when a 140 decibel alarm goes off. So please, if you are a senior citizen, especially those living alone, please strongly consider picking up a keychain alarm.

Stay Safe,

Carl V.

To see the keychain alarm or other form of self defense for seniorsplease visit us online.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fresh Air and Not Being Mauled Are My Favorite Things About Camping With Guard Alaska Bear Spray

It’s still cold here in the Midwest but April is 2 short days away and the warm weather will be here soon enough. I love the summer because it allows me the opportunity to do my favorite thing in the world and that is to go camping. Now, when I say camping I mean real honest-to-goodness camping in tents, not a big shiny Winnebago (although if someone is giving one away I’ll take it). I just love the outdoors and everything about camping, the campfires, fresh air, star filled skies at night and most of all I am just head-over-heels in love with not being mauled to death by bears. There is nothing like a day of hiking and swimming, followed by a night around the campfire roasting marshmallows and then falling asleep under the stars without being viciously attacked by a 400 pound black bear. I would follow this schedule every day for the rest of my life if I could. I haven’t actually taken a poll or researched this but I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of camping enthusiasts, if not every last one of them, prefers to enjoy their time outdoors without being the victim of a fatal bear attack. Fortunately for myself, and for lovers of the outdoors everywhere, there is a very simple measure we can take to help ensure that we are not the victim of a bear attack when camping, hiking or just enjoying the great outdoors, and that simple measure is Guard Alaska bear spray.

Guard Alaska bear spray works very much the same way that pepper spray works on a human attacker. The spray is a highly concentrated defensive spray that burns the nose, eyes, throat and lungs like crazy when it makes contact. The range on Guard Alaska is about 15-20 feet (depending on wind and weather conditions) which should provide ample room and time to point and spray the bear in it’s face. From the testimonials I have heard and videos I have watched the bear will more often than not turn tail and retreat after being sprayed. Believe it or not, bear spray can be more effective than most guns in stopping a bear attack. What do you think a bullet from a low caliber rifle or handgun is going to do to an angry half-ton grizzly bear? Probably just piss it off more than it already is. Not only can Guard Alaska be more effective than a firearm, it is infinitely more humane than a gun. Firearms can kill, or at the very least permanently wound the bear whereas the effects of bear spray are not permanent and in almost all cases leave the bear with no permanent side effects. The spray is even endorsed by the EPA as it contains no harmful chemicals for the environment.

So if you are planning on hiking, camping, climbing, swimming, running or anything else you can think of in bear populated areas please do yourselves and your loved ones a favor and be sure to carry Guard Alaska bear spray with you at all times.

Stay Safe,

Carl V.

For more information about bear spray for camping or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Defend Yourself Against A Dog Attack: The Electronic Dog Repeller

I love dogs, the vast majority of them loyal, loving, kind and patient. I have had my trusty companion, Kody, a 9-year-old yellow Labrador retriever, since he was a puppy and he’s never shown the slightest hint of a mean streak in all of those years. This is quite an accomplishment when you consider the fact that I have two young children that treat the dog like a rented mule at times. If all dogs were like my Kody then we wouldn’t ever read about fatal dog attacks or have to worry about how to defend ourselves against such an attack. I would say that the majority of dogs that do attack do so because they were raised in wholly unstable environments with owners that should probably be in a prison cell somewhere. Unfortunately there are dogs that will attack, even without provocation, and because of this we need to be prepared to defend ourselves against such events, especially those of us that live in neighborhoods where there is a bit more of the criminal element about.

One of the best ways to prevent a dog attack is to not let one get near you in the first place. The best, safest and most humane way to accomplish this is with an electronic dog repeller. Electronic dog repellers work by emitting a sound of such high frequency that it is audible only to dogs. The sound emitted by the electronic dog repeller is extremely discomforting to dogs but not in any way harmful to the animal. Although the noise is not audible to humans it is very much audible to dogs and the electronic repeller has a range of at least 40 feet as the high frequency sound is coming at the dog at a whopping 135 decibels. In short the dog is going to want to vacate the premises (and get away from you) but it won’t feel any lasting side effects as a result of being exposed to the sound. The device also adds a second measure of security by coming equipped with a super bright LED flashing strobe light which works to confuse a dog, should it choose to attack. However, I don’t really see this strobe having to be used unless the dog in question is in fact deaf. There is even a training setting that allows the device to be used as an instrument for training dogs in a similarly humane fashion.

So if you live in an area where there may be some dogs of questionable intent please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and strongly consider carrying a device like the electronic dog repeller.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Self Defense For Seniors: Pepper Spray or Personal Alarms?

Helping innocent, law-abiding citizens protect themselves in a safe, responsible and humane way is what I am most passionate about. One group of people that I think can really benefit from carrying instruments of non-lethal self-defense (perhaps more than most) is our senior citizens. Seniors, on average, are less apt at handling themselves in a physical altercation than they were when they were in their 20′s and 30′s. That is why seniors are often targeted by scumbag criminals looking for what they feel will be an easy score. Seniors can help level the playing field in an attack by securing for themselves a number of items of self-defense. I’d like to discuss two of my favorite, and those are defensive sprays and personal alarms.

A defensive spray, or pepper spray as they are usually referred to, is an extremely effective, yet relatively safe means of non-lethal self-defense. Pepper spray is basically just that, peppers. There is a compound in the hot peppers we eat called capsaicin and this capsaicin is exactly what gives the pepper its spiciness. A pepper’s spiciness is measured using a think called the scoville system. The higher the scoville units, the hotter that pepper is going to be. Have you ever taken a bite from a habanero pepper? Those are super-hot and you are looking at about 150,000-300,000 scoville units. The pepper spray coming from your average, civilian-carried pepper spray is about 3,000,000 scoville units. So think of a pepper 10 to 20 times as hot as a habanero and then think about having that pepper rubbed into your eyes, nose, throat and lungs. I promise you that burning sensation is more than enough to stop the vast majority of attackers. One nice thing about pepper spray is that this burning sensation does eventually go away after about 30 minutes and after that there are rarely any long term side effects, so you can effectively protect yourself without doing grave and permanent damage to another human being.

Another option for seniors is a personal alarm, they are not quite as effective (in my opinion) as pepper spray but they can still be very effective and they are 100% safe and harmless to all parties involved. A personal alarms works by emitting an extremely audible alarm that helps to both scare the hell out of would-be assailants and to attract the attention of anyone in the area that isn’t completely deaf. Most of these alarms come in the form of a keychain so that carrying the device is not something one will usually forget.

Both of these options are effective and both are immensely more effective than carrying nothing and just ‘hoping’ you don’t become the victim of an assault. So please do yourselves and your loved ones a favor and strongly consider carrying one, the other or both.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more pepper spray for seniors or personal alarms for seniors please visit us online.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Stun Guns for Seniors: The Double Trouble Stun Gun (1.2 million volts of protection)

I am back yet again to talk about something very near and dear to my heart, and that is protecting our senior citizens. As always I would like to reiterate that seniors have a multitude of choices when it comes to instruments of self-defense but that there are only a few that can be both truly effective and humane at the same time. A handgun, for example, is wildly effective in deterring an attack but they can also be wildly effective in deterring someone’s ability to breathe and wake up and all that good stuff. So let us discuss a much safer alternative to handguns but one that can be every bit as effective in stopping an attack on a senior, the Double Trouble stun gun by Zap.

The Double Trouble is much more effective than your typical stun mechanism because the Double Trouble has much more space between contacts than does the average stun gun. Most stun devices have about 1.5 inches between the contacts whereas the Double Trouble has 5 inches! More space between the contacts means more power and just as importantly, more contact space with which to lay upon your attacker. It also comes with a rubber coated soft contour grip which makes it much easier to hold and hang on to than your average stun gun, one of the reasons I think this stun device is ideal for senior citizens. It is a mean looking piece of hardware and that is because it is just that, mean. 1.2 million volts will make even the fiercest assailant lie down and play nice and the real beauty of it is that it won’t have to take that assailant’s life to do so. High voltage is what makes this (and any) stun gun effective but volts, contrary to popular belief, is not what proves to be fatal. It is amps that will take a person’s life and that is why this device and every other stun gun uses the same high-voltage, low-amp scenario. This way they can be effective and humane all at the same time.

Now here is something that people rarely talk about and that is a stun guns ability to deter attack without even having to touch the assailant. That’s right; i am saying that you might not even need to use a stun gun for it to be effective. When a stun device fires it emits an eerie crackling noise accompanied with the discharge of a bright blue arc of electricity between the contacts. The higher the voltage and further the space between contacts and you get a louder crackle and brighter blue arc. The Double Trouble lets off a much louder than average crackle and a much bigger and brighter blue arc. If some low-life scumbag decides to approach, and ultimately attack, a senior and the senior fires this device off into the air I assure you that the assailant will strongly reconsider his next move and probably turn tail and run. If the assailant is smart they will turn tail and run because the Double Trouble’s bite is every bit as bad as its bark.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see the Double Trouble stun gun or other stun guns for seniors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Handheld Metal Detectors for Security Guards, Bouncers and Anyone Who Doesn’t Like Being Shot

I have done my share of partying but if you were to ask me what my favorite party of all time was I would have to say it is a tie between all the parties where I was not fatally shot or stabbed. Not being shot, stabbed or beaten to near-death with a lead pipe is one of my favorite parts about any party, concert or event where a large number of attendees are gathered. Being shot, stabbed or clubbed into unconsciousness is a real drag and can really affect your mood so I try not to avoid these things by only attending events where there is a security guard or bouncer with a handheld metal detector checking patrons at the door.

Anyone planning an event of any kind without considering security for that event is an individual waiting to be sued and riddled with guilt in the event that something horrible happens. You could have 10,000 law-abiding, friendly, happy-go-lucky people at a concert and all it takes is one low-life jerk to destroy the entire event. Not taking the necessary measures to safeguard your event from these wrongdoers is to do yourself and your guests a huge disservice, especially when the necessary measures to be taken are so easy and affordable. For about the same price as 2 moderately prices concert tickets you can purchase a handheld metal detector which can quickly scan all guests and ensure that the event to take place does not have anyone in attendance that is carrying a dangerous weapon.

Handheld metal detectors are certainly a much more affordable alternative to the standing walk-through models often seen in schools, hospitals and airports. Even on the cheap side these walk-through models can run you thousands of dollars. Also, a handheld model can be every bit as effective as its larger and more expensive counterpart. The Garrett brand of security scanners for example can detect a medium sized pistol from 9” distance; a large knife from 6”; a razor blade and box cutters from 3” distance; and foil-wrapped drugs and tiny jewelry from 1”. That particular brand comes with a large 8 inch scan surface for quick, thorough scanning at an event with many attendees. Most quality metal detector scanners are self-calibrating, meaning that the digital microprocessor technology inside eliminates the need for periodic sensitivity adjustments.

So if you are a club owner, concert promoter or just anyone who is planning on holding an event for multiple people, please consider obtaining a handheld metal detector. Your patrons may not thank you but they are much less apt to sue you when they don’t get shot at your next event.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more handheld metal detectors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Self Defense for Women and Seniors: The Cell Phone Stun Gun

I always feel like I am picking on women and senior citizens when I stress the importance of both groups needing to secure a means of self-defense for themselves. I often single out women and seniors when discussing self-defense products but it is merely because I find both groups, on average, could use a little extra help when it comes to self-defense. That is not to say that a 30 year old male should not have a means of self-defense at his disposal but simply that the average male is more apt to handle themselves in a physical altercation than is a female. With that said, there are plenty of women who could best the average male in a fight and certainly there are many seniors who could best their 30 year old counterparts in a fight. So when I discuss these issues please keep in mind that I am talking about the “average” woman and “average” senior. Also to reiterate I think any and every law abiding citizen should have the right, if not the obligation, to carry some means of self-defense against attack.

There are many choices when it comes to self-defense. All with varying degrees of effectiveness and safety but there are very few that can combine the effectiveness and safety of a stun device. Stun devices can be almost as effective (if not every bit as effective) as a firearm in many cases, and unlike a firearm, a stun gun does not have to, nor will it hardly ever, take the life of another. Stun guns are effective because they administer a current of high voltage electricity; they are safe because this same current is low amperage. Many people incorrectly assume that it is volts which kill when it is really amps that do the killing. So a high voltage shock disrupts the normal neurological processes of the attacker’s brain and makes them stop attacking and play nice but the low amps makes sure that attacker lives to hopefully redeem themselves and think twice about attacking anyone else.

I like the cell phone stun gun because it offers its user conceal-ability and won’t stick out like a sore thumb. A woman carrying a cell phone is as normal as the sun rising every day. A woman carrying a stun gun can raise a few eyebrows and potentially make the woman feel a bit uncomfortable. To prevent accidental discharge, two levels of safety have been built in. The safety switch must be in the on position (this will cause an LED warning light to come on) and the trigger button pressed before the unit will operate.

So if you are a woman, a senior citizen or just somebody who does not feel like being the victim of a brutal attack, please consider a device like the cell phone stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see your own cell phone stun gun or other items of self defense for women, please visit us online.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Personal Alarms for Seniors: The Keychain Alarm

My mother is going to be 64 this year and so technically she is a senior citizen but by no means is she a little old lady. She is a very fit woman and is more than capable of taking care of herself. She does however live alone and takes walks by herself and that is something that would concern me with any loved one who lives alone, be it man, woman, old or young. She lives in an upper middle-class neighborhood and usually takes her walks while it is still light out but the fact of the matter is that the world has a few folks living in it that are not “playing with a full deck” so to speak.

Being a distributor of non-lethal self-defense products I have obviously tried to convince my dear mother to carry some form of self-defense with her. Initially I tried to convince her to carry a stun gun but to be honest even I had my reservations. I think they are absolutely great for most people but I knew the idea of carrying a stun gun was a bit frightening to her and she shot that idea down relatively quickly. Next, I tried to convince her to carry pepper spray. I think every law-abiding citizen over the age of 18 should carry pepper spray, and darn near every senior citizen of sound mind and body should do the same, but again she was hesitant. In fairness to her, both pepper spray and stun devices do come with a level of inherent danger. However, these devices wouldn’t be effective if it weren’t for the fact that they can be dangerous if used improperly.

Knowing that my pleas for her to carry a stun gun or a defensive spray were not going to be heeded I finally approached the subject of her carrying a personal alarm. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a senior citizen living alone (or anyone for that matter) not carrying with them a personal alarm. They are 100% safe yet can still be extremely effective in preventing an attack. They are usually very small devices and in many cases come in the form of a keychain. How much easier does it get? Personal alarms work by emitting an extremely loud wailing alarm (the keychain alarm my mother has is 130db!) that helps to scare the attacker and alert everyone in the vicinity that something is happening that should not be. Unlike a stun gun or pepper spray the personal alarm cannot be used against its owner and also, unlike those items, cannot be dangerous if accidentally discharged.

So please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and strongly consider carrying, at the very least, a personal alarm for your own protection.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To view your own keychain alarm or other personal alarms for seniors, please visit us online.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

When Discussing Non-Lethal Self Defense One Must Discuss Stun Master Stun Guns

When trying to determine whether or not a tool of non-lethal self-defense is right for you it may behoove you to analyze your situation and ask yourself some important questions. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself, please take a second to answer these now…

1. Are you invincible (think superman or other invincible superhero) ?

2. Are you immune to gunfire and/or stab wounds?

3. Do you hate having a general feeling of security?

4. Do you care very little about human life?

5. If you were to carry a non-lethal self-defense device would you prefer it to be completely ineffective?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions then there is a very real chance that a Stun Master stun gun may not be for you. If you are normal and answered each question with an emphatic no then a Stun Master stun gun may be just the item for you.

Stun guns often tend to get a bad rap in my opinion. They are looked at as dangerous weapons and I will not argue that a stun gun in the wrong hands can be just that, dangerous. However a weapon of self-defense cannot be effective without some inherent risk being involved. They are certainly a much safer and humane alternative to many other forms of self-defense like a knife or a firearm. Knives and guns can certainly be effective but they also tend to leave their victims without a pulse. Stun devices on the other hand can be every bit as effective yet in almost every single case proves to be not only non-lethal but leave their target with no long term side effects. That is what makes these stun devices ideal for people who care about people other than themselves.

Stun Master has been a leader in the industry since the birth of stun devices. For almost 30 years they have been manufacturing non-lethal self-defense weapons of the highest caliber. It makes no sense to choose to carry a stun device and then obtain some bargain-basement one that ends up not working the only time you really need it to do so. So if choosing to carry such a device is a decision you’ve made for yourself it would be beneficial to you and your loved ones to make sure that the stun gun is a Stun Master stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more Stun Master stun guns or other forms of non lethal self defense please visit us online.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Guard Alaska Bear Spray For Camping, Because Bear Attacks Are Not Cool.

Bear spray and camping go together like smores and campfires. One just doesn’t belong without the other and one of the major reasons for that is because being mauled by a quarter ton grizzly is not at all cool. Seriously, I enjoy camping and I’ve seen bears and one thing I know for sure is that it would be most unenjoyable if any of these bears I’ve had the pleasure of viewing in the wild were to bite me in the neck region. I’m fairly certain that would damper an otherwise wonderful weekend. I know what you’re thinking, “but what if the bear just clamped his ultra-powerful jaws of razor-sharp teeth onto your torso or leg perhaps?” The answer is still no. It’s not so much I’m worried about my neck exclusively, I’m just not that hip on putting any part of my body in the mouth of a Northern Wisconsin Black bear.

I’ve discussed this topic with friends and I have yet to find any that disagree with me about the whole bear mauling thing. We are all pretty much in agreement that having humongous razor-sharp claws rip through our faces, exposing the skull underneath would be the polar opposite of a “good time”. That is why we all agree and adhere to 1 basic rule while camping and I’m going to capitalize this so it will hopefully sink in…


This is an extremely simple rule to follow and one that could very realistically save your life one day. It just doesn’t make sense not to bring along protection from a creature that you have almost no chance at all of fending off with your bare hands. Also keep in mind that bears won’t follow basic rules of fighting etiquette. Before engaging in hand-to hand combat with a bear you could certainly tell it “hey bear, let’s do this thing but no eye gouging, okay?”, but I doubt very seriously that it will listen. It’s pretty much just going to go for the throat.

As always I kid and say ridiculous things with the hope that you remember these bits of advice that I give you. Please do yourself and your loved ones a huge favor and remember to carry bear spray if you are going to go camping in an area that could find you face-to-face with a bear.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more bear spray for camping or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Self Defense For Seniors Should Start With A Visit To Your Stun Gun Dealer

Senior citizens, especially those living alone, need to be prepared to defend themselves at any time. A violent attack can happen at any time, any place and to anyone. Senior citizens could potentially be at a higher risk as they may be less apt at defending themselves in a physical alteration and potential assailants could consider this when picking a target. With that said seniors should consider carrying on their person a means of defending themselves should such an attack occur.

Senior citizens have many choices when it comes to weapons of self-defense but I’d like to focus only on the ones that are first and foremost effective and secondly those that are non-lethal. So when discussing non-lethal items you have a few options. Defensive sprays like mace and pepper spray are extremely effective, relatively safe and considered non-lethal. The one drawback is that in most cases even the sprayer can catch some of the “sprayback” and be affected by the contents of the spray. With that said I think pepper spray is a wonderful choice for most seniors. Senior Citizens can also consider carrying a personal alarm. These can also be effective and are absolutely 100% harmless. They work by emitting an extremely loud alarm that both frightens the assailant and draws the attention of everyone in the vicinity. The major drawback to these is that the assailant is in no way harmed and could possibly wrestle the alarm away from his or her victim before it has enough time to draw the necessary attention needed to diffuse the situation. They are still a nice thing for seniors to have and far better than nothing at all.

Another option, and the one I’d like to discuss here, is a stun gun. Stun guns work by emitting a high voltage, low amperage current of non-lethal electricity into the attacker’s body. What the current does essentially is disrupts the basic neurological pulses of the attacker’s nervous system. It makes the attackers muscles contract and relax so rapidly and involuntarily that it immediately converts the muscles blood sugar into lactic acid and the attacker is physically spent, confused and incoherent in just a few seconds. In almost all cases this will end almost any attacker’s plans for the evening but it will do so without having to kill the attacker. It takes very little strength or mobility to operate a stun device and almost no training. They are also very easy to carry, all of which make stun guns an ideal weapon of self-defense for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of self defense for seniors please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Self Defense For Women: The Pepper Spray Ring

The fact of the matter is that women on average are less apt to handle themselves in a physical altercation than their average male counterpart. I am not saying women can’t defend themselves, I am simply saying the “average” woman is less apt to be able to fend off the “average” male attacker. There are plenty of women on this planet that can whip plenty of the men that reside here but for the most part a male is better suited to do so. For this reason it would behoove women to have something that could help even the odds against a male attacker should such an unfortunate situation arise.

The Pepper Spray Ring is a unique form of highly effective defense against any attack. Perfect for wearing while you are out jogging, dating, working, shopping or anywhere against attack, rape, violence or crisis. They are specifically designed to be worn on either hand on the 1st (index) or 2nd finger, preferably on your dominant hand with the thumb (or other hand if necessary) accessible to operate the safety latch and depress the trigger. One advantage of such a defensive spray device is that it is as quickly accessible as can possibly be. It would stand to reason that an attacker is not going to give someone much of an advanced notice that he is about to attack so not having to go rummaging through your purse or even in a pocket could potentially mean the difference between life and death.

Pepper spray is wonderful because it is not only highly effective but almost entirely safe. The person who is sprayed will feel an intense burning in his mucus membranes (eyes, ears, throat and lungs) but will, in almost all cases, suffer any long-term effects of the spray. This is a much more safe and humane alternative to a firearm or several other weapons of self-defense. Another advantage to a pepper spray, as opposed to say a stun device, is that a weapon like a stun device has to be touching an attacker for it to actually work. Pepper spray has a range of typically 6-8 feet on the short side and a much longer range with some spray devices. The Pepper Spray Ring falls in that 6-8 foot range and that should be much less intimidating than actually having to touch the attacker with the device.

So please women, do yourself and your loved ones a favor and be sure to carry such a device when out and about by yourself.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of self-defense for women check out the Pepper Spray Ring from your friendly online pepper spray dealer

Monday, March 7, 2011

Animal Repellents Review: Electronic Dog Repeller

An electronic dog repeller is one of those items that many people probably have never even considered purchasing because most people assume that dog bites are so rare that such precautions don’t even enter their mind. I have some dog attack statistics that might surprise you. They certainly surprised me.
• Each day 1,000 United States citizens require emergency care due to dog bites.
• The average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200.
• There were 4 times as many dog bite-related ED visits and 3 times as many hospital stays in rural areas than in urban areas.
• 42% of dog bites in 2001 (a bit outdated I know) occurred among children aged 14 years and younger; injury rates were highest among children aged 5-9 years and were significantly higher for boys than for girls.
My point in bringing up these statistics is that dog attacks do happen and probably with a much higher frequency than you would think. I am quite certain that everyone knows of somebody who has been bitten by a dog. I myself have been bitten by a friend’s dog and was fortunate that the dog in question was a little one that didn’t pack much of a punch. So when we are aware that a tragic and potentially fatal event can occur at any time and place it would behoove us to take precautions, especially when such precautions can be so affordable and easily obtained. An electronic dog repeller is a wonderfully effective means of preventing canine attack and a decent one should run you about one tenth of one percent of what the average emergency room visit will cost you due to a dog bite.

Electronic dog repellers are also completely safe as they do not operate by emitting an electric charge or pepper based defensive spray that could be harmful to both the dog and more importantly the human operating the device. They work first and foremost by emitting a super-high frequency sound (20,000Hz-25,000Hz). So high that it is only audible to the dog. The second way they work is by using a super bright flashing strobe light that confuses and can temporarily confuse the dog. The fact that these devices are small, light and compact make them ideal for people out walking or jogging alone in the evening hours. So please make sure that you are prepared and protected from such events by acquiring such a device.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To view your own electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Stun Gun Flashlight Facts

Here are some facts about the stun gun flashlight that you may not already know…

1. Unless you are a bat or have been bit by a vampire bat while vacationing in Transylvania you will not be able to see in the dark. It is always useful to have a super bright and reliable flashlight at these times, perhaps a stun gun flashlight.

2. When you live on Shady Avenue and are outside taking your trash to the alley and some psycho attacks you it helps to shock that psycho with a quarter million volts of non-lethal current. (Volts, contrary to belief, are not technically what kill a person. I’ll save that for another aimless rant). What that does is blocks the recipient’s natural neurological pathways or in other words puts you in control, not him. A stun gun flashlight might do the trick.

3. Stun guns need to be touching an assailant to actually work but not to be effective. Let me explain, if an assailant is coming at you and he sees you fire the stun gun just once and hears that god awful crackle of high voltage and sees the bright blue arc of electricity pierce the night sky, he is going to think awfully long and hard about continuing. Most likely he is turning tail and running like the coward he really is. But even if that doesn’t do the trick you still have the stun gun flashlights 130 decibels of banshee-like wailing to utilize. A jet airplane on a runway is pumping out 120 decibels. 130 decibels in the middle of the night is getting cops called and the attacker knows this. Even if he’s out of his mind on drugs the desire to not get caught is usually there. If not, 200,000 volts doesn’t care how good the ‘stuff’ he is on was. That’s plenty loud enough to have people look out windows and attention drawn.

4. Breaking down on the side of a road in the middle of the night can be a stressful situation. If one were to have a stun gun flashlight with attachable red emergency cone it would certainly help alleviate some of that stress. And if by chance some unsavory character stops to “help” the alarm and stun gun wouldn’t hurt either.

I hope these facts have helped you to realize how valuable such a multi-functional tool could be and that you might consider obtaining one for yourself.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the stun gun flashlight please visit your friendly neighborhood stun gun dealer.