Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Cell Phone Stun Gun: Self Defense in Disguise

I don’t like guns. I don’t like being around them and in my opinion the world would be a better place if every one of them magically disappeared right now. This is not to say that I am against self-defense. I whole heartedly believe that every law abiding citizen has the right, and in some cases the obligation, to carry an instrument of non-lethal self-defense with them at all times. Firearm advocates may ask me how I can be for one instrument of self-defense but not another. The answer to this is simple; I am for instruments of self-defense that are effective but at the same time non-lethal. Handguns are anything but non-lethal, on the contrary their intended purpose is to leave a hole in another being that requires a professional to close. Stun guns on the other hand can be every bit as effective as an actual handgun and much more often than not the person that is stunned walks away with zero lingering effects.

Stun devices work by interrupting an attacker’s normal neurological impulses by using a high voltage, low amperage current of electricity. Basically it leaves an attacker completely unable to control his or her own voluntary actions. It also makes the muscles of the attacker contract and relax so rapidly that the attacker is almost completely physically spent in just a matter of a couple of seconds. All this sounds rather harsh but let’s remember two things, first and foremost the person it is being used on is presumably an attacker trying to harm another and secondly a quick zap from a stun device is still much better for the attacker than a bullet from a gun.

So which stun gun is best for you? I would suggest one with enough voltage to truly be effective and that, in my opinion, is anything over 200,000 or so volts. I am also not a huge fan of walking around with a weapon exposed, whether it be non-lethal or not, concealabilty and discretion are key with any stun gun. So which stun device fits this description the best, how about a Pretender cell phone stun gun? This device looks exactly like real cell phone, even at very close inspection, but is really an ultra-powerful 4.5 million volt stun gun. 4.5 million volts is enough to put even the biggest and baddest of attackers on the ground and playing nice. And because the current is low amperage it won’t leave the attacker without a pulse. In other words, the cell phone stun gun will allow that attacker to live to hopefully redeem himself and become a productive member of society.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on the cell phone stun gun please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tips On Having a Successful Party: Always Have Handheld Metal Detectors

Do you live to party and party to live? Well then you may find this list of top party fouls very useful. Everyone loves that guy who is still at the party at 3 in the morning, wearing a lampshade on his head and singing bad karaoke. You know who nobody like? The guy who takes out a high caliber revolver and shoots everybody. That guy is a real buzz kill, trust me. So without further ado here are some helpful tips on having a successful party…

Tip #1 – Always have enough food and beverages for your guests. Nothing is more annoying than being at a party and not having enough to drink, except being shot.

Tip #2 – Do not allow people to be over-served. Although we all love that guy with the lampshade on his head, it is probably in his best interest and the best interest of all guests attending if nobody at the party is fall-down drunk. Or stabbed to death.

Tip #3 – If you are having an outdoor party please remember to have enough tents to ensure everyone stays dry in the event of inclement weather. Dry and not bleeding to death from multiple gunshot wounds is a great way to spend time at a party.

Tip #4 – Theme your party. Nothing is more entertaining than having everyone show up in attire based on a particular theme. Some ideas for a theme party could be 80′s night, come-as-you-are, celebrity look alike, Hawaiian themed, Patriotic, Mardi Gras, or my favorite, a not-stabbed-in-any-vital-organs theme. This is where everyone comes dressed in clothes that are not soaked in their own blood because they haven’t been fatally stabbed at your party.

Tip #5 – If the party is a surprise party be sure to be extra careful when sending out invites so that nobody spills the beans when speaking to the guest of honor. Also, make sure that nobody shoots the guest of honor at your party because that will just ruin it.

Tip # 6 – Don’t stab or shoot anyone at the party. I think we’ve been over this but just to be very clear, when someone is shot or stabbed at a party it can often ruin the party not just for the person who has been shot but for everyone in general.

Tip #7 – For crying out loud, if you are planning on having a party or event of any kind and value and respect human life you will acquire a handheld metal detector to help protect the well-being of your guests.

I hope this has helped.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more handheld metal detectors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Monday, June 20, 2011

What is the Best Self Defense for Seniors? Let’s talk Stun Guns and Pepper Spray

The world’s senior citizen population is growing with each new day and as a result we have petty criminals who will take advantage of this fact. You see to the common criminal, more seniors equals more potentially “easy targets” from which to rob. If you give your average scumbag criminal a choice between attempting to rob a 30 year old male and a 75 year old male, the vast majority of these criminals would no doubt prefer to try and rob the one they believe would give the least resistance, the 75 year old. At least that is what would reasonably be assumed as the average 75 year old is less apt to be able to fight back as would a 30 year old (as always I must note that there are plenty of exception to this rule but we are speaking about the “average” here).

So what is a self-reliant senior citizen to do to help ensure his or her own safety while roaming the streets? You could always carry a handgun (in states that allow you to do so). The only problem I see with this is EVERYTHING!!! Let’s not look to loaded deadly handguns as an option, okay? Great. Your next option would be to take a self-defense class. The problem with this is that it can take many many years to become proficient in any martial art and someone in their 80′s might not have the kind of time required to gain that proficiency and so that makes self-defense classes a somewhat unrealistic option. So what is the best option? How about a device that is both humanely non-lethal (unlike a handgun) and extremely effective at the same time. I’m speaking of stun guns and pepper spray.

Let’s discuss stun guns, which I think is the less likely option for most seniors, first and foremost. Stun guns are immensely effective and can be operated with very little training and require very little strength and coordination to utilize. The reason I am a little hesitant to suggest a stun device for seniors is because although they are deemed non-lethal they are still very dangerous if used incorrectly or turned against their user by an attacker. The high voltage, low amperage current of electricity is made all the more dangerous if the victim has the gun turned against them and is of an advanced age and possibly weakened heart. In some cases this could be fatally dangerous. So I am not against senior citizens carrying such a device but I think it would be best if the senior citizen was of very sound body.

Pepper spray is a form of self-defense that I think just about anybody could benefit from regardless of age. Pepper spray is also non-lethal and can be every bit as effective as a stun gun with a little less risk to its user. It takes almost no training to be able to point and shoot with a pepper spray device and as such even the frailest of users should be able to utilize a defensive spray in self-defense.

I hope this has been helpful.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors please visit your online pepper spray dealer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tips on How to Survive a Bear Attack: Step 1. Buy Guard Alaska Bear Spray

Very few of us will ever understand the sheer terror of a bear attack and the pain involved with surviving one. We can however greatly increase our chances of surviving such an attack by simply equipping ourselves with an extremely affordable (although what price do you put on your personal safety) canister of Guard Alaska bear spray.

The following are some helpful tips on how to survive a bear attack and using Guard Alaska bear spray in general…

Tip #1 – Buy the bear repellent online or at a sporting goods store that carries Guard Alaska. You can’t use bear repellent if you don’t have bear repellent so take the first step and get some either online or at a store that carries it.

Tip #2 – Do not accept cheap imitations or bargain basement bear spray. There are a few things you can buy generic in the name of saving a few bucks. Paper towels? sure. Breakfast cereal? Why not. Distilled water? Absolutely. These are products that won’t be as quality as their name brand counterparts but who cares? When talking about a product that is designed to save your life, or at the very least keep you from being violently, permanently, mentally and physically scarred I say don’t skimp. Buy the real deal and have the satisfaction and confidence that you have the very best protection against bear attack that is available today.

Tip #3 – Carry the bear spray with you at ALL times. This should be a no-brainer but I was recently camping with some friends up in Northern Wisconsin and when I asked one of these friends where the bear spray that I bought her was she replied “in my backpack, I think”. That’s great, that should help immensely when standing face to face with a 400 pound Black Bear. Just tell the bear that you misplaced the bear repellent and it would be greatly appreciated if it could sit still and postpone ripping your throat out while you locate the spray. A better idea would be to just carry the spray with you at all times, don’t you think?

Tip #4 – Keep your campsite clean. Store food in your vehicle or hung up in a tree at least 10 feet off of the ground. Certainly do not leave food in the tent with you as the smell of food could attract a bear. Waking up next to a hungry wild bear is a bad thing.

So please keep these tips in mind when venturing off into bear populated wilderness areas.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy bear sprayor other animal repellents please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, June 6, 2011

Buy Personal Alarms for Seniors Citizens You Dont Hate

Do you know anyone above the age of 55 that you don’t hate? Would you rather any of these senior citizens that you know not be dragged down a dimly lit alley to be beaten and robbed of any cash and valuables? Would you not like to see any of these seniors that you know be taken advantage of or become the victim of a violent physical assault? Would you like to give these seniors an easy and affordable way to protect themselves? Would you like to make sure that the means by which you are helping them protect themselves be entirely, 100 percent safe and legal? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions than I strongly suggest you consider buying that senior citizen a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are ideal for just about anyone that wants to not be mugged but I really think they are useful for seniors as personal alarms are devices that are 100% safe and legal to carry at all times. Many come in the form of a keychain alarm that makes them much harder to forget at home when leaving the house. Personal alarms are wonderful because they offer an alternative, yet still highly effective, alternative to some more potentially dangerous forms of self-defense like handguns, tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and steel batons. All of the aforementioned products are extremely efficient in stopping an assailant but could potentially lead to serious injuries or possibly even death. Personal alarms carry no such risk as they are not considered a weapon in any way shape or form (unless, I suppose, you throw the personal alarm at somebody). Personal alarms simply work by emitting a frightfully loud alarm which in most cases will do 2 things…

1) Scare the holy hell out of the assailant.

2) Alert everyone within bloody-murder-screaming distance that something bad is happening.

How loud does an alarm have to be to do this? Try 130 decibels (or even louder in some cases!). A very loud rock and roll concert is generally rated at about 120 decibels so imagine if you will a senior citizen walking down the street and some thug asking for their wallet and then a U2 concert starts blaring. Chances are pretty good that the thug is going to exit the area as fast as possible and if by chance the thug is deaf it won’t matter because anyone in the area is going to turn their attention to the scene of the crime in progress.

So please consider buying such an alarm for any seniors you care about.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy personal alarms like the keychain alarm for seniors please visit us online.