Friday, September 30, 2011

Practical Self Defense for Seniors Should Be Less About Karate and More About Personal Alarms

I don’t know if it is due to the rising popularity of mixed martial arts, the growing senior citizen population or a culmination of several things but for whatever reason I see more and more self-defense classes advertised and many of these classes are geared towards seniors. I think it is great if people want to take self-defense classes as such classes include several benefits for the participant. Confidence, better health, and a better ability to defend one’s self in the event of an attack being the most obvious benefits. But are these classes, especially those geared towards seniors, going to be enough to really save a senior citizen in the event of a real life attack? Are such classes really practical for seniors?

Again, I want to make it clear that I think a self-defense class is a great idea for people of any age but when it comes to people of an advanced age we should look a little deeper than a self defense class when considering means of self-defense. How much can be taught to an 80 year old woman in a self defense class that is really going to translate to that woman really being able to defend herself against a 6’2″ 230 pound attacker? Nothing. Even if that woman began training in her teens and was a multiple degree black belt by the time she was 80 she is going to have a rough go of things against a much younger, faster, bigger and stronger attacker. That is why although these seniors could certainly benefit from such classes they should by no means let what is taught in these classes be their only line of defense against potential attack. So what can these senior citizens do to help improve their chances of surviving such an attack in a more practical and potentially more effective way? The answer to that question is simple, personal alarms.

Personal alarms are great for senior citizens for a few reasons. One, they are very small, light, and easy-to-carry making them ideal for people of an advanced age. Two, they are easy to use and require zero special training. And last but not least they are entirely safe for all parties involved unlike other more traditional forms of self defense like stun guns, pepper spray or firearms.

Just how effective can an instrument be that doesn’t physically subdue an attacker? Extremely effective is the answer to that question and let me explain why this is. A personal alarm works by simply letting out a distress call that can be heard for up to a mile away in some cases. The majority of personal alarms that I’ve come in contact with register around 115-135 decibels and let me tell you just how loud 130 decibels is, for comparison a rock concert from the 10th row registers about 125 decibels. So if some dirt-bag attacker is in the mood to mug an old lady for her purse and from that purse the old lady pulls out a personal alarm and lets out a 130 decibel siren? I can tell you right now that there is a very good chance that attacker knows the jig is up and it’s time for him to start running in some other direction before the long arm of the law shows up. Extremely loud noises attract the attention of others and that is precisely what any criminal does not want.

So please feel free to take self-defense classes as I think they can only improve your chances of surviving an attack but don’t let the martial arts you learn be your only line of defense and certainly don’t let that be the case if you are a senior citizen.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To self defense for seniors as a means of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Is the Point of a Cell Phone Stun Gun? Not Being Mugged For Starters.

I think by now enough of us know exactly what a stun gun is and what their intended purpose is. Stun guns are a non-lethal self-defense tool that is used to help protect innocent people in the event of an attack. They work by distributing a high-voltage, low-amperage shock of electricity to the attacker that disrupts the attacker’s normal neurological pathways and basically makes the attacker lose control over his or her own body. The effects of the stun device are temporary and in almost no cases lead to any long term ill effects. The high voltage ensures that the electrical charge will be powerful enough to stop an attacker and the low amperage ensures that the electrical charge will not prove fatal for the attacker. Just about every stun device I’ve come across shares the same general physical characteristics of being small enough to hold in one’s hand and almost all have resembled a device that is noticeably a stun gun. However, there is one line of stun devices that do not follow that second general rule and look nothing like a traditional stun device and that stun device is the cell phone stun gun. Why would such a device be necessary? Why the need to conceal the fact that it is a stun device?

I asked myself these very same questions when I first saw the cell phone stun gun and it didn’t take me long before I realized why. I think one of the main reasons someone does not want to carry a stun device would be because it would be obvious to everyone that a weapon was being carried. The thought of noticeably carrying a weapon, non-lethal or otherwise, is simply unnerving to many people and as such they are less apt to purchase a stun device and hence more likely to be unprepared should trouble strike. The cell phone stun gun on the other hand looks exactly like a real cell phone (even upon the closest of inspections) and because of this it can be more comfortably carried by people that would otherwise be self-conscience of carrying such a device in public. The less law-abiding citizens we have being leery of carrying a stun device means more law-abiding citizens having the ability to defend themselves against stronger, faster attackers and that is a wonderful thing in my opinion.

So please, if you were considering carrying some means of non-lethal self-defense but were self-conscience of doing so because of how it would “look”, consider a device like the cell phone stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see where to buy stun guns like the cell phone stun gun please visit us online

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Know Pepper Spray is Effective but is it Safe?

Is pepper spray safe? That’s a good question and one that gets asked quite a bit when people are considering non-lethal self-defense measures. Unfortunately it is a question that does not have a cut and dry answer. To answer this question let us first answer a more basic and rudimentary question and that is “what is pepper spray?”

Pepper spray is a non-lethal defensive spray made of an active ingredient called OC (Oleoresin Capsicum). Oleoresin Capsicum is a natural ingredient and is basically the same ingredient that makes hot peppers “hot”. The “hotness” of various peppers is measured using a system of measurement called Scoville units. Have you ever bitten into a Habanero pepper? Those are crazy hot and probably made your eyes water and nose run as the spiciness effects your mucus membranes. Could you imagine crushing that habanero up and rubbing it in your eyes and nose? Habaneros are a pretty hot pepper and measure about 200,000 Scoville units. For comparison’s sake, pure capsaicin ranks about 16,000,000! Most commercial pepper sprays that are available for civilian purchase rank about 2,5000,000. What this Oleoresin Capsicum does once it contacts the mucus membranes of an attacker is felt immediately. The capillaries of the eyes will burn and dilate and cause temporary blindness, inflammation of the attacker’s breathing tubes will cause difficulty in breathing and the overall tremendous burning sensation should last anywhere up to 30 minutes, giving you plenty of time to flee the area and call the police.

So that is what pepper spray is and why it is effective but the question is whether or not pepper spray is safe. I think the short answer for this is yes, pepper spray is safe. The very few fatalities that have taken place as a result of being sprayed with a defensive spray have occurred because of an allergic reaction much the same way that peanuts have caused fatalities through allergic reaction. The effects are certainly painful as all get out but the pain and temporary blindness are necessary or pepper spray would not be effective. I consider stun guns to be safe as well but there must be some level of inherent danger with any non-lethal self-defense product or they would not be effective. Pepper spray is safe enough that I bought some for my own mother, wife and will do the same for my daughter when she is of the proper age to carry such a device.

So I guess the real answer to the question ‘is pepper spray safe?’ is to say that it is just as dangerous as it needs to be to stop an attack and not permanently injure or kill anyone. It is certainly not a product to be taken lightly but one that I think every law-abiding citizen should carry with them at all times.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

If you are interested in knowing where to buy pepper spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Senior Without a Keychain Personal Alarm Makes Absolutely No Sense

Some things just do not make sense to me in this world. I have questions that I fear will forever go unanswered as there is just no making sense of some things. Why do we park in our driveway and drive on a parkway? If 7-Eleven is open 24 hours a day then why do they have locks on the doors? Why is abbreviation such a long word? Why do people ‘call it sleeping like a baby’? I have had 3 babies and none of them slept worth a damn. All of these things and anything to do with quantum physics and/or women make zero sense to me. But the thing that makes the least sense of all to me in this world is the thought of a senior citizen going about his or her daily life without a personal alarm. That last one just baffles my mind completely. The reason that the thought of a senior without a personal alarm makes so little sense to me is that it costs almost nothing to secure such a device as a keychain alarm, carrying it could not get an easier and they are 100% safe yet extremely effective in preventing an attack.

The only senior citizens that could not benefit from the use of a personal keychain alarm of some type would be senior citizens that are bulletproof and/or superheroes impervious to damage of any kind. If you are one of these types or don’t know a senior that is not one of these types than you can stop reading now because this article will be of no benefit to you Mr. bulletproof superhero. The rest of us need to consider protecting ourselves and our loved ones from the bad people of the world. The world can be a dangerous place and there are people out there that will look for easy prey in order to benefit themselves. Often times a senior citizen who has been somewhat slowed by age can and will be considered “easy prey” for some bad folks.

The personal alarms that I’ve seen all work on the same premise and that is by helping one prevent an attack by emitting an extremely loud distress signal when a button on the device is pressed. Most of these personal alarms for seniors fall in the 115-130 decibel range and let me tell you, that is more than loud enough to strike fear in the heart of a potential attacker. The fear I am referring to is the fear of apprehension and any criminal that wants to continue to be a criminal is going to resist being apprehended under any circumstance. So when they hear that alarm go off they will know that the attention of anybody within a ear shot has just been turned toward them and their evil deeds. So please secure a personal alarm for any senior whom you want to keep safe.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more personal alarms for seniors like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Favorite Thing About Jogging Is The ‘Not Getting Bit By A Dog’ Thing

I love jogging so much. I really enjoy getting up early before the sun is even up, stepping out into the cold air of an early autumn morning and just hitting the streets of my neighborhood for 20 minutes. I may not be as fleet of foot as I was in my twenties but I can still run a 5k in under 25 minutes. One thing that has really helped me stay in reasonably good shape all these years has to be the supplementation, good diet and most of all not having my throat lunged at by a ravenous pit-bull.

Supplementation and a proper diet have allowed me to receive all of the various nutrients a body needs to run at peak performance. Not being bitten in the head and/or neck region by a 95 pound Rottweiler has really helped me not bleed to death in agonizing pain and terror.

Stretching has also played a key role in helping me to stay young and not be chased down and tackled by a huge mastiff looking to bite himself a big old piece of jogger neck.

Proper equipment is also vital. I am pretty cheap most of the time and certainly one to buy generic if it makes fiscal sense o do so but one thing I will not skimp on is running shoes. First of all a decent pair of running shoes will last 3 times as long as a cheap pair and they will also help you run faster should a huge Cujo-looking beast chase you down to get some jogger giblets.

Hydration is also key when trying to maintain a high level of fitness, especially in the summer months when you are sweating more profusely and dehydration is a bigger threat. Proper hydration also prevents muscle cramps which can be a huge problem for runners of all ages. Water is great but I like to make sure I drink plenty of sports drinks that replace key nutrients and minerals that are lost when we sweat, like sodium for example. The summer months are also when you are more likely to be viciously attacked by a dog so please stay hydrated so that you don’t cramp up while fleeing for your life.

Last but not least I always make sure there is one item I bring along on all of my runs and that is an electronic dog repeller. Nothing is more effective at stopping the approach of any shady looking canines when out for your morning run. The electronic dog repeller works by emitting a super high frequency noise, audible only to dogs, that works to confuse and deter the dog. It also has a super bright flashing strobe that works in the same way as the high frequency noise in that it confuses and deters the canine. I assure you that although these are effective tools in avoiding unruly dogs they are also quite safe for man and beast alike and so much so that the electronic dog repeller even has a training setting that can be used to humanely and effectively train dogs.

So please, next time you head out for a jog around the neighborhood please remember to bring along an electronic dog repeller so that you can help assure a safe arrival home after your run.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see the electronic dog repeller or other vital animal repellents please visit us online.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Your Stun Gun Dealer’s Creed Is “Live and Let Live”.

There are some bad people out there whose hearts and minds do not process things in the same way that the majority of us do. If we do something we know is wrong we will usually feel a sense of guilt and as such we will usually not do something that we know is wrong in the first place. It is what makes the majority of human beings “good” people. So because of these “bad” people, that do not feel guilt or have a conscience as you and I do, we must be prepared to protect ourselves should one of these bad people decide they want to do us bodily harm for whatever reason.

There is certainly no shortage of ways with which we can protect ourselves and varying degrees of safety and vary levels of effectiveness with each choice. Some means of protection are also much more humane than others. A personal alarm, for example, is simply a small alarm that you can keep on a keychain or in your purse or pocket and should a situation arise where you feel threatened you would simply hit the alarm and everyone in the vicinity will have their attention drawn but that is it. The alarm doesn’t physically subdue an attacker so this particular device would rate very high in terms of safety and how humane it is but not necessarily in its level of effectiveness. You could legally carry a firearm in many areas of the country and a bullet to the chest or head of an attacker will be wonderfully effective in stopping an attack but how safe is carrying a firearm and I personally could not live with myself if i was responsible for the death or even serious injury of another human being regardless of the circumstances in which I used the firearm. So a firearm is very effective but not at all safe and certainly in no way humane.

My motto is, and hopefully always will be, live and let live. I also believe however that every law-abiding man or woman has the right to carry some form of protection against attack. I also believe that this protection should come in the form of something non-lethal, relatively safe and most importantly humane. That is why I believe a stun gun is the ultimate form of protection. It’s effectiveness is unquestionable as some police studies have shown stun guns to be as effective as a 9mm handgun in some instances. It’s safety could be potentially put into question but stun devices prove to be not only non-lethal but leave their recipients with no long term negative effects in almost every single case which is much more than can be said for handguns. Most importantly they are a much more humane alternative to handguns, knives and whatever else might be used to seriously injure or kill an attacker.

So let’s keep ourselves protected at all times but let us please remember that we are all human beings made of the same flesh and bone and as such we need to treat each other with a mutual respect. Let’s be ready to subdue an attacker if the need arises but let the long arm of the law deal with the attacker and choose his punishment.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To visit your friendly online stun gun dealer please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Cheap Handheld Metal Detectors

In this life there are certain things you can skimp on and in the world’s current economic state I strongly suggest that you do just that. I personally buy generic whenever spending more on the name brand is not advantageous enough to be worth spending the extra dollars and let me tell you, that happens a lot. Toilet paper doesn’t have to be name brand so why spend the extra money. Over the Counter medications? Forget about name brand when you are literally throwing your money away on the exact same drugs you are getting in the generic brand. I don’t remember when the last time I bought name brand cereal was and don’t understand why anybody does. Nobody should be drinking soda but if anyone does and they don’t buy generic I am at a loss for words, it’s all just sugar anyway. The price of batteries borders on insane yet so many people choose Duracell or Energizer when there is usually a much cheaper alternative generic battery sitting on the same shelf and at a fraction of the price. Sure the Duracell’s may last a bit longer but is it worth it when the batteries cost almost 3 times as much in some cases?

My point in all of this is that there are some things you can save on and going generic isn’t going to be a matter of life and death. If the paper towels you bought aren’t quite as absorbent as the name brand and it takes an extra towel to clean up some spilled milk is that really going to have a profound impact on anybody? Is it something you are going to spend even a split second pondering over? Probably not.

What if the product in question is one that could literally mean the difference between life and death? That sounds like a product you would never want to skimp on and handheld metal detectors are certainly one of those products. If there is a concert or sporting event where a substandard security scanning device is being used and it malfunctions, allowing someone with a gun to enter the premises, the consequences could be tragic. Human lives could potentially be lost and there is no price tag on a human life and as such anyone considering holding an event of any kind should absolutely buy only the best when it comes to these devices. Garrett metal detectors, for example, are the handheld metal detectors that professional security, law enforcement and the U.S. military has been using for almost half a century now. That’s a pretty darn good indicator that Garrett is the brand to trust and the one you should use if your guests safety means anything to you whatsoever.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy handheld metal detectors please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Stun Gun Flashlight Is Really A Stun Baton But Better

The stun gun flashlight is unlike any non-lethal self-defense weapon ever made and in my humble opinion a far superior device to the vast majority of stun devices on the market today. First and foremost this item is a multi-functioning piece of hardware as opposed to most traditional stun devices which are only that, stun devices. With the stun gun flashlight you have an item with a tremendous amount of versatility and still have a stun device strong enough and capable enough to stop even the most viscous and determined of attackers. Now it is true that there are plenty of stun devices out there that can get the job done but they are only good for that one single purpose of stopping an attack. I am fairly certain that keeping you from being attacked is one of if not the most important job a device could have as it could potentially save your life but chances are very good you’ll never require that function, at least I hope that you do not. So why not have a device that has so much more?

First of all it is a flashlight and who couldn’t use a flashlight now and again? Secondly, it has a detachable red cone that allows this device to double as a traffic warning tool that can help put your mind at ease should you find yourself stranded on the highway at might. Third, it has a 130 decibel personal alarm built in which it uses to help as a backup to the stun device. 130 decibels is roughly as loud as sitting in the tenth row of the average rock and roll concert so it should be plenty loud enough to signal for help and just as likely scare the holy bejeezus out of your potential attacker and keep you from having to use the stun device in the first place.

Last but certainly not least this thing is a stun gun but not just any stun gun. The stun gun flashlight is almost 17 inches long and that really makes this stun gun a stun baton. Stun batons are far more effective than a traditional stun device because it gives you the same advantage as most professional boxers would like to enjoy over their opponents and that is reach. The further you can be from your attacker when subduing him the better off you are going to be and i don’t think I need to explain why that is.

So if you are considering equipping yourself with a non-lethal self-defense tool i hope that you will keep an item like the stun gun flashlight in mind.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more stun batons like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online

Thursday, September 15, 2011

If You’re Headed to Yellowstone and Don’t Want to Die You Might Want to Buy Bear Spray

I absolutely love camping and as most of my camping is done in the Midwest I am a little saddened, as I always am this time of year, that the camping season is more or less coming to an end for 2011. Although in some ways I find this to be the best time of the year to go camping as long as you are prepared for what could potentially be a very cold night. I have camped in Yellowstone on three separate occasions and the weather there is very comparable to the weather here in Chicago so when I do go to Yellowstone it’s easy for me to prepare for the occasion. Here are some oft overlooked items you do not want to forget to bring along when you are camping in Yellowstone National Park (or anywhere else for that matter).

Lighter – Do I need to explain why a lighter may be useful? You may also want to bring along some waterproof matches just in case it rains or you take an unexpected and accidental dip.

Warm Clothing – This may seem like enough of a no-brainer as fall approaches but even in the middle of July it is best to bring warm clothes as nature has a tendency to not care if you are prepared and can drop the temperature significantly once that sun goes down.

Garbage Bags – An often overlooked and amazingly versatile piece of equipment. It can keep clothes dry, double as a tent if need be or simply used as a poncho should a heavy rain hit while you are camping or hiking.

Map – Much like the lighter, do I need to explain its usefulness?

Flashlight – You would be surprised how many people forget this item and how unbelievably unnerving it can be when you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of a cloudy pitch-dark night without a flashlight in hand.

This brings us to our most overlooked item in the history of Yellowstone camping…

Guard Alaska Bear Spray – I don’t have any official statistics or facts to back this statement up but I’d be willing to say that about 90% of the people camping in Yellowstone right now do not have this item and let me tell you that it could very well be the most important item on this list and one that could literally be a life saving device if the need arises.

Chances are very good that you may not even see a bear while camping in Yellowstone and even better that you will never have to defend yourself against a bear attack but tell this to bear attack survivors or families of those that have lost loved ones to bear attack and I assure you it will offer them no solace. Bear spray is one of those items that just absolutely has to be on your person when you are camping in bear populated areas. I always give these bear spray blogs stupid titles in the hopes that it will catch someone’s eye and get the message to them before they themselves go camping. So please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and buy bear spray before you head off to Yellowstone to go camping.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy bear spray or view other similar animal repellents please visit us online

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Apartment Alarms Would Have Helped Antoine Dodson

If you live in a home with running water and electricity than chances are you’ve seen the now legendary Antoine Dodson YouTube video (and countless remixes and spin off videos) of a somewhat comically enraged Mr. Dodson threatening the unknown assailant that broke into Antoine’s apartment and tried to assault his sister. Fortunately this scumbag intruder was scared away and neither Mr. Dodson nor his sister was injured. Also, the Dodson’s received a fair amount of money and fame for their troubles and as nobody was much the worse for wear this break-in turned out to be a positive for Dodson. However, break-ins and burglaries are certainly no laughing matter and as such we apartment renters need to take special care to ensure that our apartment is safe.

In Antoine’s case the intruder climbed onto a garbage can, onto a ledge and in through a second floor bedroom window. I can only imagine how incredibly terrifying it would be to wake up to a strange man standing in your room and how that could very well permanently effect one’s psyche even if no physical harm was done. What always gets me in cases like this is just how easy it would have been to prevent. Let’s for example say that you live on the second floor and one of your windows looks relatively accessible with little effort. For about the cost of 2 people to eat at a fast food restaurant (we’re talking Burger King here, folks) you could secure any window with a simple glass vibration alarm that will awake you and scare the holy hell out of anyone that tries to go through that window and into your apartment. I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of scumbag intruders will turn tail and run the second an alarm goes off in the middle of the night while they are trying to break into an apartment.

And lest you think that apartment alarms are just not all that necessary I assure you that an apartment renter is in more dire need of an alarm system than the average homeowner. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, apartments see a burglary rate 79% higher than single family homes. Rental properties saw 210 property crimes per 1,000 households nationwide, while owned properties experienced only 146 property crimes per 1,000 households in 2001, the bureau reported. Furthermore, installing a security system in an apartment is much less expensive and easy than is installing a security system in the average single family home. So keep all of this in mind and please do yourself and your loved ones a tremendous favor and secure your apartment from break-in.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seniors Don’t Need Karate For Self Defense They Need To Buy Personal Alarms

Self defense may be the most god given, naturally instinctual right ever bestowed upon us. The defense of one’s own self should be of utmost importance to every man, woman and child alive today. After all, as the old saying goes, we cannot learn to love others if we do not first learn to love ourselves. In my opinion there is no more important group of people that need to concern themselves with self defense than senior citizens. Self defense for seniors is ever so important because seniors, like younger children, may not be as fast and strong as a potential attacker but unlike children are often alone when such an attack may occur. For this reason seniors need to carry with them something that will help stop an attacker. Sure senior citizens could legally carry a firearm for protection in some areas of the country but firearms have a bad habit of stopping people from breathing. I suggest something that is still effective but immensely more humane and practical. Something that won’t endanger the senior citizen using it would be best; I can’t think of an item that better fits this description than a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are custom made for seniors for a multitude of reasons but first and foremost they require no effort to carry and need absolutely no special training to use. Many personal alarms come in the form of keychains so as to make it impossible to forget the alarm when leaving the house. And above all these personal alarms work by making a wailing noise so ungodly loud that it alerts any and every one in shouting distance that something is amiss. They do not shoot a projectile as a firearm or Taser might, they do not use electricity or cause pain to the attacker in any way shape or form. This is what makes them so utterly safe to carry yet very effective in stopping an attack.

My heartfelt and sincere hope is that nobody would ever have to actually use any tool of non-lethal self defense and fortunately the chances are that most people will never have to but the peace of mind that can come from carrying one makes it entirely worth the few dollars that most of these devices cost. And what’s more, many of these personal alarms come equipped with flashlights so as to make them useful even if they never perform the job they were built to do which is stop an attacker. Sometimes you just need a flashlight and having one on your keychain or in your pocket or purse is always convenient.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy personal alarms or view other items of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

Monday, September 12, 2011

No Attacker Wants To Get A Call From The Cell Phone Stun Gun

There are plenty of scumbags in the world that would like nothing more than to take things of value from other people the only way they know how, by stealing it. These people don’t have a conscience that works like the rest of ours and so words like ‘guilt’ and ‘shame’ don’t really mean much to these people. You can protect yourself from these people though and you can do so with 4.5 million volts of stopping power that comes in disguise. I’m talking about none other the Pretender Cell Phone Stun Gun. This device looks absolutely identical to a regular cell phone except that it is anything but a regular cell phone, it’s an ultra-powerful weapon of non-lethal self-defense.

Carrying a weapon, albeit a non-lethal and humane weapon of self-defense, can be intimidating and a very uncomfortable notion for many. One of the many reasons I love the cell phone stun gun so much is because with this device nobody has to know you are carrying a stun device which can help put your mind at ease and avoid any potential problems that noticeably and outwardly carrying such a device may cause.

I’ve been asked on more than one occasion if I wasn’t afraid people may accidentally shock themselves trying to make a call or answer the cell phone stun gun and I’m here to tell you that it is almost entirely impossible. The Pretender cell phone stun gun comes equipped with two safety measures which are unique and independent of one another to the point that if you or anyone else had any chance of shocking yourself it would have to be on purpose and if you are the type to zap yourself with 4.5 million volts than I truly do not think you are the type that should be in possession of such a device or a device similar to this one. Also you should probably seek some sort of professional help because that is just wrong.

If you are curious how effective a stun device can be you have to look no further that multiple police studies that have found stun guns to be as effective as many handguns without all of the bloodshed, permanent injury and death that handguns cause. If you are curious as to how effective 4.5 million volts can be let me tell you that there are stun guns out there that are 100,000 to 200,000 volts and those can be quite effective, these Pretender stun guns are 4,500,000 volts. And contrary to belief it is not volts that kill a person it is amperage which is what keeps these devices effective yet humane and very much non-lethal.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see where to buy stun guns like the cell phone stun gun please visit us online

Friday, September 9, 2011

Humane Self Defense Starts With Knowing Where To Buy Pepper Spray

When you hear the words ‘self defense’ there are a few images that may come to mind. Even though I have been in the business of non-lethal self-defense products for many years now I still hear those words and picture someone doing karate. The words are pretty self-explanatory though; self defense is simply the act of defending one’s self. I think everyone should have a plan for defending themselves and in my humble opinion I think any of these ways should include being as humane to your fellow man as possible and should by all means be non-lethal. I don’t want to be responsible for taking the life of another regardless of the circumstances. I believe everyone should have some means of defending themselves at all times but at the same time I truly believe in the motto ‘live and let live’. As such I always make sure I’m carrying some tool of non-lethal self-defense on my person at all times and more often than not this tool is pepper spray.

Pepper spray is immensely effective at stopping an attack. In fact some police studies have shown that pepper spray can be every bit as effective as some handguns and unlike a handgun it can stop an attack without sending another human being to the hospital or morgue. Why should we care so much about the well-being of someone who has just tried to attack us when that person obviously doesn’t have the same regard for our life or well-being? How about because we can be the better man (or woman) and show compassion for others even if they might not show the same compassion and humanity for us. Also people can change and some criminals can be rehabilitated and we should perhaps give people a second chance to redeem themselves, a little difficult to do if you’ve just been shot in the head. For example, let’s say some poor guy who is really down on his luck finds himself strung out on drugs and to get his next fix decides to snatch a purse. This gentleman is breaking the law and should certainly be punished but does he deserve to die or even be permanently wounded? I don’t feel he does.

Aside from the moral aspects of choosing pepper spray over other forms of self-defense it is just a weapon that is ideal for any god-fearing, law-abiding citizen in that it is not only effective but easy to carry and extremely easy to use without any formal training. So for all of these reasons I hope that the next time you are considering an item of self defense that you make it pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

If you would like to know where to buy pepper spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How Can Senior Citizens Defend Themselves? Try A Keychain Alarm.

There are some very bad people in this world that have absolutely no problem hurting other people for their own personal gain. This is why every senior citizen, especially those living alone, need to take careful measures to ensure their own safety. Fortunately, one of the most effective measures takes very little effort or money and that measure is securing a personal alarm like the keychain alarm.

A keychain alarm is exactly that, a personal alarm that doubles as a keychain. The reason I suggest these to anyone, particularly seniors, is that a personal alarm will do you no good if you don’t have it on you and it’s very hard to leave the house without remembering your keys. So a keychain alarm is something you’ll be more apt to bring along in spite of any memory loss problems you may be suffering from.

Another nice thing about these keychain alarms is that, although small in size, are very effective tools of non-lethal self-defense. Many models have sirens that register as loud as 130 decibels or more. For comparison sake, an average rock concert registers about 120 decibels from the 10th row so suffice to say these little keychain alarms are plenty loud enough to get the job done. The ‘job’ in this case is preventing an innocent senior from being brutally attacked and robbed. So how does a really loud sound keep a senior from being attacked? Well, for one it confuses and startles the heck out of the attacker. Most attackers are not in the business of being caught and a great way not to get caught doing something illegal is to make sure nobody sees you doing something illegal. A 130 decibel wailing alarm, at any time of day, is going to draw the attention of anyone who isn’t stone deaf and that is going to be a problem for any attacker. Even dumber criminals understand this basic fact and hence the majority will probably turn tail and run as soon as that alarm starts wailing and the ones that don’t will most likely have a sizable audience watching once everyone’s attention is turned to see the source of the wailing siren.

Lastly, these keychain alarms, at least the majority of the ones I’ve seen come equipped with small flashlights and who in the world couldn’t use a flashlight on their keychain. In fact, that flashlight could be considered an extra safety measure (ever tried finding a keyhole in the dark of night? how about with footsteps coming up behind you?)

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more personal alarms for seniorslike the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Animal Repellents Don't Get Much More Important Than the Electronic Dog Repeller

Animal repellents come in more flavors than ice cream. You have repellents for bear, raccoon, possum, rabbit, cat, squirrel, skunk, chipmunk, groundhog and deer. All of these animal repellents certainly serve a purpose but how important are they? Bear spray is without question as important an animal repellent as will ever exist but only practical if you are actually going to be in an area where there are bears. So unless you are an avid camper/hiker you may very well never need bear spray and hence its importance to you personally is non-existent. With that said, if you are an avid camper, please for the love of all that is holy pick yourself up some Guard Alaska bear spray before you head back out to the wilderness. The repellents for the other animals I listed are, once again, purposeful but by no means would I consider them incredibly ‘important’. Keeping your gardens looking nice and raccoons out of your garbage is all well and good but it’s not nearly as important as keeping your throat out of the jaws of a wild Pitbull. That is why, in my opinion, there aren’t many animal repellents that are more important than a good old fashioned electronic dog repeller. A device doesn’t get more important than one that keeps you from potentially dying in excruciating pain.

One thing I need to note about these electronic dog repellers is that they can be very effective but they are at the same time very humane for the animal. We don’t need to be out and about firing off the dog repeller at every dog we see in an attempt to be preemptively protecting ourselves. This device simply flashes a super bright strobe that confuses and deters the dog while at the same time emitting a super high decibel (high enough that it is inaudible to the human ear) alarm that is uncomfortable enough to the dog that it chooses to walk away before it can get close enough to even consider an attack, up to 40 feet.

Let me also note that although these electronic dog repellers are as effective as any non-lethal device from that range they are still not 100% and it would behoove you not to find yourself in a situation where you would need it in the first place. These repellers are to be carried and used just in case a situation arises. I am a fairly avid runner (although I use the word ‘run’ very loosely) and haven’t gone out running in my neighborhood without one of these repellers in months. I am not overly concerned that I will ever need it but there are a few canines in the area that have questionable intentions and so I feel much better having it on me. I strongly suggest that any other avid runners do the same if only for their own peace of mind.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more animal repellents like the electronic dog repeller please visit us online.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why Stun Batons Are Better Than Regular Stun Guns

I have to apologize if the title of this blog is a bit misleading. I do adamantly believe that stun batons are a more effective means of non-lethal self-defense than a traditional stun device but there are pros and cons to just about every decision and there are certainly advantages that a traditional stun gun has over a stun baton, conceal-ability for example. However, before I stray from the point of this blog I am simply saying that if I were backed into a corner and had one or more assailants that were coming after me and needed to be subdued I would much rather have a stun baton than a much smaller stun gun.

The reason behind this thinking isn’t all that difficult to understand. Just by looking at a device like the Stun Master telescopic stun baton you can tell that it is a device that can get the job done, it’s very intimidating in appearance. The glaring difference between a device like this telescopic baton and a regular stun gun is the difference in size and when it comes to a stun device size matters. One must remember that in order for a stun gun to work the small space between the device’s electric contacts (usually less than 2 inches) must actually be touching the assailant. This means that the user will have to be in very close quarters with their assailant and this can lead to potential problems if the attacker is considerably stronger and, more importantly, faster than the user. What I mean to say is that being in those close quarters increases the chances of the stun device being taken away from the user and potentially even used against them. A stun baton however gives its user a tremendous advantage and that advantage is reach. There is a reason that ‘Reach’ is listed as a major advantage in combat sports and the reason is simple, because the person with the longer reach does not have to be standing as close to the other person to inflict damage. The premise is exactly the same with non-lethal self-defense weaponry, the further you can be from your attacker, and still inflict damage, the better. If I were to ask you if you would rather subdue an attacker from 3 feet away or 3 inches away I think the answer from the majority of sane people would be 3 feet, no?

Again, there are advantages to a stun gun and I think the most obvious would be the ease in which one can carry a stun gun. The vast majority of models will fit in a good sized pocket and that makes them much easier to carry with you at all times whereas a stun baton is much bigger and heavier and not going to fit in many pockets. Because of this reason I usually suggest traditional stun guns for most people that want to carry such a device at all times but when it comes right down to the actual physical act of stopping an attack I think a stun baton will have a slightly higher success rate than a traditional stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more information on stun batons please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Handheld Metal Detectors Help Keep Major Events Safe

Handheld metal detectors are an absolute must at any gathering of substantial size or where the attendees are not familiar to one another. This not only ensures the safety of guests in attendance, it can also help protect the promoter from being held liable should a situation arise where an attendee was injured by a weapon of some sort that would have otherwise been detected. You see handheld metal detectors almost everywhere these days. From airports, to concerts to sporting events, authorities and promoters alike are taking careful measures and implementing the use of handheld metal detectors to ensure the safety of their guests. And as technology in every field continues to grow exponentially so does handheld metal detector technology. The super expensive, bulky, time consuming walk-through models of the past are being replaced with the much more cost effective handheld devices you now see.

There are several different brands of handheld metal detectors but if you want to know what the pros use (and hence what is the best brand available) I’ll tell you with zero reservation that it is undoubtedly Garrett. There is a reason that professional law enforcement will use a particular brand and that is because it works. There is little point in purchasing and using a substandard device when the implications of doing so could be ever so dire. Use a second rate metal detector that doesn’t detect a small blade that one of the concert goers is carrying and you could very well have a fatality on your hands. Aside from the obvious and tragic loss of life, a promoter may very well be held legally liable for this person’s untimely and unfortunate death as some negligence could be proven if the promoter knew a substandard device was being used to protect his or her guests.

My favorite of the bunch is the Garrett superwand. This device is the lightest of any I’ve actually held at just over 18 ounces. It also has two alarm modes, one that is audible if any metal object is detected and one that is silent and simply vibrates when metal is detected. You can purchase rechargeable batteries for this device (and most Garrett handheld devices) but a simple 9 volt battery will give you 80-plus hours of continuous use. This handheld metal detector will also operate at full capacity in the harshest of elements, from -35º F (-37º C) to 158º F (70º C) (perfect for outdoor sporting events in the winter or concerts in the summer). If the temperature is outside of that range i think you’ve got bigger problems to deal with.

So please implement the use of a handheld metal detector if you are planning on holding an event of any size and help ensure that each of your attendees enjoys their time and makes it home safely.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more handheld metal detectors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Stun Gun Flashlight Might Just Be The Best Stun Gun Of All Time

I love non-lethal self-defense products. How can you not love a product that was intended to protect the lives of every human life involved in an attack (including the attacker). That is about as humane and just as an inanimate object can possibly get. There are defensive sprays like pepper spray and mace, personal alarms, tasers and possibly my favorite of all, stun guns. Stun devices are an immensely effective means of protecting one’s self against attack by using a high voltage, low amperage electrical current that disrupts the attacker’s neurological system. Fortunately for your attacker the disruption is only temporary and does not leave them permanently disabled or dead. But what is my favorite stun device you ask (you asked, right?), the stun gun flashlight of course.

The reason I love the stun gun flashlight so much is because first and foremost it is a superior stun device as compared to the usual devices of its kind. Regular stun devices fire no projectiles, as is the case with a taser or firearm, and need to actually be touching an assailant in order for the device to work its magic. This means that in order for a normal stun gun to be effective you will need to be in very close proximity to your attacker and this may be a little unsettling to some and possibly even dangerous. With the stun gun flashlight however you have a little more room to work with as it really works as a stun baton. More reach equals a higher probability that you can use the device without having to be as close to your attacker and hence the threat of having the stun gun taken from you is not as great.

The fact that the stun gun flashlight is a superior stun device is not the only reason I feel it is the “best of all time” though. I love it so because it’s a tool that can be used on almost a daily basis and not as a stun device. This little baby is a lot more than a non-lethal self-defense weapon. For one, it’s a flashlight and who the heck doesn’t need a good flashlight now and again. It also has a detachable red cone in case of traffic emergencies when you’re out on the road at night and have car trouble. There are a few places you don’t want to be when it’s dark out and the side of a highway with cars zipping pass in excess of 65 m.p.h. is certainly one of them. It also comes equipped with a 130 decibel alarm. How loud is 130 decibels? An average rock concert registers at about 120-140 decibels in the first few rows. That is plenty loud enough to scare the holy heck out of an approaching assailant and more than loud enough to summon the attention of everybody within earshot.

For all of these reasons, how can I help but declare the stun gun flashlight the greatest stun device of all time.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see where to buy stun guns like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online