Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seniors Don’t Need Karate For Self Defense They Need To Buy Personal Alarms

Self defense may be the most god given, naturally instinctual right ever bestowed upon us. The defense of one’s own self should be of utmost importance to every man, woman and child alive today. After all, as the old saying goes, we cannot learn to love others if we do not first learn to love ourselves. In my opinion there is no more important group of people that need to concern themselves with self defense than senior citizens. Self defense for seniors is ever so important because seniors, like younger children, may not be as fast and strong as a potential attacker but unlike children are often alone when such an attack may occur. For this reason seniors need to carry with them something that will help stop an attacker. Sure senior citizens could legally carry a firearm for protection in some areas of the country but firearms have a bad habit of stopping people from breathing. I suggest something that is still effective but immensely more humane and practical. Something that won’t endanger the senior citizen using it would be best; I can’t think of an item that better fits this description than a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are custom made for seniors for a multitude of reasons but first and foremost they require no effort to carry and need absolutely no special training to use. Many personal alarms come in the form of keychains so as to make it impossible to forget the alarm when leaving the house. And above all these personal alarms work by making a wailing noise so ungodly loud that it alerts any and every one in shouting distance that something is amiss. They do not shoot a projectile as a firearm or Taser might, they do not use electricity or cause pain to the attacker in any way shape or form. This is what makes them so utterly safe to carry yet very effective in stopping an attack.

My heartfelt and sincere hope is that nobody would ever have to actually use any tool of non-lethal self defense and fortunately the chances are that most people will never have to but the peace of mind that can come from carrying one makes it entirely worth the few dollars that most of these devices cost. And what’s more, many of these personal alarms come equipped with flashlights so as to make them useful even if they never perform the job they were built to do which is stop an attacker. Sometimes you just need a flashlight and having one on your keychain or in your pocket or purse is always convenient.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy personal alarms or view other items of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

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