Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Your Stun Gun Dealer’s Creed Is “Live and Let Live”.

There are some bad people out there whose hearts and minds do not process things in the same way that the majority of us do. If we do something we know is wrong we will usually feel a sense of guilt and as such we will usually not do something that we know is wrong in the first place. It is what makes the majority of human beings “good” people. So because of these “bad” people, that do not feel guilt or have a conscience as you and I do, we must be prepared to protect ourselves should one of these bad people decide they want to do us bodily harm for whatever reason.

There is certainly no shortage of ways with which we can protect ourselves and varying degrees of safety and vary levels of effectiveness with each choice. Some means of protection are also much more humane than others. A personal alarm, for example, is simply a small alarm that you can keep on a keychain or in your purse or pocket and should a situation arise where you feel threatened you would simply hit the alarm and everyone in the vicinity will have their attention drawn but that is it. The alarm doesn’t physically subdue an attacker so this particular device would rate very high in terms of safety and how humane it is but not necessarily in its level of effectiveness. You could legally carry a firearm in many areas of the country and a bullet to the chest or head of an attacker will be wonderfully effective in stopping an attack but how safe is carrying a firearm and I personally could not live with myself if i was responsible for the death or even serious injury of another human being regardless of the circumstances in which I used the firearm. So a firearm is very effective but not at all safe and certainly in no way humane.

My motto is, and hopefully always will be, live and let live. I also believe however that every law-abiding man or woman has the right to carry some form of protection against attack. I also believe that this protection should come in the form of something non-lethal, relatively safe and most importantly humane. That is why I believe a stun gun is the ultimate form of protection. It’s effectiveness is unquestionable as some police studies have shown stun guns to be as effective as a 9mm handgun in some instances. It’s safety could be potentially put into question but stun devices prove to be not only non-lethal but leave their recipients with no long term negative effects in almost every single case which is much more than can be said for handguns. Most importantly they are a much more humane alternative to handguns, knives and whatever else might be used to seriously injure or kill an attacker.

So let’s keep ourselves protected at all times but let us please remember that we are all human beings made of the same flesh and bone and as such we need to treat each other with a mutual respect. Let’s be ready to subdue an attacker if the need arises but let the long arm of the law deal with the attacker and choose his punishment.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To visit your friendly online stun gun dealer please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

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