Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why Stun Batons Are Better Than Regular Stun Guns

I have to apologize if the title of this blog is a bit misleading. I do adamantly believe that stun batons are a more effective means of non-lethal self-defense than a traditional stun device but there are pros and cons to just about every decision and there are certainly advantages that a traditional stun gun has over a stun baton, conceal-ability for example. However, before I stray from the point of this blog I am simply saying that if I were backed into a corner and had one or more assailants that were coming after me and needed to be subdued I would much rather have a stun baton than a much smaller stun gun.

The reason behind this thinking isn’t all that difficult to understand. Just by looking at a device like the Stun Master telescopic stun baton you can tell that it is a device that can get the job done, it’s very intimidating in appearance. The glaring difference between a device like this telescopic baton and a regular stun gun is the difference in size and when it comes to a stun device size matters. One must remember that in order for a stun gun to work the small space between the device’s electric contacts (usually less than 2 inches) must actually be touching the assailant. This means that the user will have to be in very close quarters with their assailant and this can lead to potential problems if the attacker is considerably stronger and, more importantly, faster than the user. What I mean to say is that being in those close quarters increases the chances of the stun device being taken away from the user and potentially even used against them. A stun baton however gives its user a tremendous advantage and that advantage is reach. There is a reason that ‘Reach’ is listed as a major advantage in combat sports and the reason is simple, because the person with the longer reach does not have to be standing as close to the other person to inflict damage. The premise is exactly the same with non-lethal self-defense weaponry, the further you can be from your attacker, and still inflict damage, the better. If I were to ask you if you would rather subdue an attacker from 3 feet away or 3 inches away I think the answer from the majority of sane people would be 3 feet, no?

Again, there are advantages to a stun gun and I think the most obvious would be the ease in which one can carry a stun gun. The vast majority of models will fit in a good sized pocket and that makes them much easier to carry with you at all times whereas a stun baton is much bigger and heavier and not going to fit in many pockets. Because of this reason I usually suggest traditional stun guns for most people that want to carry such a device at all times but when it comes right down to the actual physical act of stopping an attack I think a stun baton will have a slightly higher success rate than a traditional stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more information on stun batons please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

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