Monday, September 26, 2011

My Favorite Thing About Jogging Is The ‘Not Getting Bit By A Dog’ Thing

I love jogging so much. I really enjoy getting up early before the sun is even up, stepping out into the cold air of an early autumn morning and just hitting the streets of my neighborhood for 20 minutes. I may not be as fleet of foot as I was in my twenties but I can still run a 5k in under 25 minutes. One thing that has really helped me stay in reasonably good shape all these years has to be the supplementation, good diet and most of all not having my throat lunged at by a ravenous pit-bull.

Supplementation and a proper diet have allowed me to receive all of the various nutrients a body needs to run at peak performance. Not being bitten in the head and/or neck region by a 95 pound Rottweiler has really helped me not bleed to death in agonizing pain and terror.

Stretching has also played a key role in helping me to stay young and not be chased down and tackled by a huge mastiff looking to bite himself a big old piece of jogger neck.

Proper equipment is also vital. I am pretty cheap most of the time and certainly one to buy generic if it makes fiscal sense o do so but one thing I will not skimp on is running shoes. First of all a decent pair of running shoes will last 3 times as long as a cheap pair and they will also help you run faster should a huge Cujo-looking beast chase you down to get some jogger giblets.

Hydration is also key when trying to maintain a high level of fitness, especially in the summer months when you are sweating more profusely and dehydration is a bigger threat. Proper hydration also prevents muscle cramps which can be a huge problem for runners of all ages. Water is great but I like to make sure I drink plenty of sports drinks that replace key nutrients and minerals that are lost when we sweat, like sodium for example. The summer months are also when you are more likely to be viciously attacked by a dog so please stay hydrated so that you don’t cramp up while fleeing for your life.

Last but not least I always make sure there is one item I bring along on all of my runs and that is an electronic dog repeller. Nothing is more effective at stopping the approach of any shady looking canines when out for your morning run. The electronic dog repeller works by emitting a super high frequency noise, audible only to dogs, that works to confuse and deter the dog. It also has a super bright flashing strobe that works in the same way as the high frequency noise in that it confuses and deters the canine. I assure you that although these are effective tools in avoiding unruly dogs they are also quite safe for man and beast alike and so much so that the electronic dog repeller even has a training setting that can be used to humanely and effectively train dogs.

So please, next time you head out for a jog around the neighborhood please remember to bring along an electronic dog repeller so that you can help assure a safe arrival home after your run.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see the electronic dog repeller or other vital animal repellents please visit us online.

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