Monday, September 12, 2011

No Attacker Wants To Get A Call From The Cell Phone Stun Gun

There are plenty of scumbags in the world that would like nothing more than to take things of value from other people the only way they know how, by stealing it. These people don’t have a conscience that works like the rest of ours and so words like ‘guilt’ and ‘shame’ don’t really mean much to these people. You can protect yourself from these people though and you can do so with 4.5 million volts of stopping power that comes in disguise. I’m talking about none other the Pretender Cell Phone Stun Gun. This device looks absolutely identical to a regular cell phone except that it is anything but a regular cell phone, it’s an ultra-powerful weapon of non-lethal self-defense.

Carrying a weapon, albeit a non-lethal and humane weapon of self-defense, can be intimidating and a very uncomfortable notion for many. One of the many reasons I love the cell phone stun gun so much is because with this device nobody has to know you are carrying a stun device which can help put your mind at ease and avoid any potential problems that noticeably and outwardly carrying such a device may cause.

I’ve been asked on more than one occasion if I wasn’t afraid people may accidentally shock themselves trying to make a call or answer the cell phone stun gun and I’m here to tell you that it is almost entirely impossible. The Pretender cell phone stun gun comes equipped with two safety measures which are unique and independent of one another to the point that if you or anyone else had any chance of shocking yourself it would have to be on purpose and if you are the type to zap yourself with 4.5 million volts than I truly do not think you are the type that should be in possession of such a device or a device similar to this one. Also you should probably seek some sort of professional help because that is just wrong.

If you are curious how effective a stun device can be you have to look no further that multiple police studies that have found stun guns to be as effective as many handguns without all of the bloodshed, permanent injury and death that handguns cause. If you are curious as to how effective 4.5 million volts can be let me tell you that there are stun guns out there that are 100,000 to 200,000 volts and those can be quite effective, these Pretender stun guns are 4,500,000 volts. And contrary to belief it is not volts that kill a person it is amperage which is what keeps these devices effective yet humane and very much non-lethal.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see where to buy stun guns like the cell phone stun gun please visit us online

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