Thursday, September 15, 2011

If You’re Headed to Yellowstone and Don’t Want to Die You Might Want to Buy Bear Spray

I absolutely love camping and as most of my camping is done in the Midwest I am a little saddened, as I always am this time of year, that the camping season is more or less coming to an end for 2011. Although in some ways I find this to be the best time of the year to go camping as long as you are prepared for what could potentially be a very cold night. I have camped in Yellowstone on three separate occasions and the weather there is very comparable to the weather here in Chicago so when I do go to Yellowstone it’s easy for me to prepare for the occasion. Here are some oft overlooked items you do not want to forget to bring along when you are camping in Yellowstone National Park (or anywhere else for that matter).

Lighter – Do I need to explain why a lighter may be useful? You may also want to bring along some waterproof matches just in case it rains or you take an unexpected and accidental dip.

Warm Clothing – This may seem like enough of a no-brainer as fall approaches but even in the middle of July it is best to bring warm clothes as nature has a tendency to not care if you are prepared and can drop the temperature significantly once that sun goes down.

Garbage Bags – An often overlooked and amazingly versatile piece of equipment. It can keep clothes dry, double as a tent if need be or simply used as a poncho should a heavy rain hit while you are camping or hiking.

Map – Much like the lighter, do I need to explain its usefulness?

Flashlight – You would be surprised how many people forget this item and how unbelievably unnerving it can be when you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of a cloudy pitch-dark night without a flashlight in hand.

This brings us to our most overlooked item in the history of Yellowstone camping…

Guard Alaska Bear Spray – I don’t have any official statistics or facts to back this statement up but I’d be willing to say that about 90% of the people camping in Yellowstone right now do not have this item and let me tell you that it could very well be the most important item on this list and one that could literally be a life saving device if the need arises.

Chances are very good that you may not even see a bear while camping in Yellowstone and even better that you will never have to defend yourself against a bear attack but tell this to bear attack survivors or families of those that have lost loved ones to bear attack and I assure you it will offer them no solace. Bear spray is one of those items that just absolutely has to be on your person when you are camping in bear populated areas. I always give these bear spray blogs stupid titles in the hopes that it will catch someone’s eye and get the message to them before they themselves go camping. So please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and buy bear spray before you head off to Yellowstone to go camping.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy bear spray or view other similar animal repellents please visit us online

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