Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Apartment Alarms Would Have Helped Antoine Dodson

If you live in a home with running water and electricity than chances are you’ve seen the now legendary Antoine Dodson YouTube video (and countless remixes and spin off videos) of a somewhat comically enraged Mr. Dodson threatening the unknown assailant that broke into Antoine’s apartment and tried to assault his sister. Fortunately this scumbag intruder was scared away and neither Mr. Dodson nor his sister was injured. Also, the Dodson’s received a fair amount of money and fame for their troubles and as nobody was much the worse for wear this break-in turned out to be a positive for Dodson. However, break-ins and burglaries are certainly no laughing matter and as such we apartment renters need to take special care to ensure that our apartment is safe.

In Antoine’s case the intruder climbed onto a garbage can, onto a ledge and in through a second floor bedroom window. I can only imagine how incredibly terrifying it would be to wake up to a strange man standing in your room and how that could very well permanently effect one’s psyche even if no physical harm was done. What always gets me in cases like this is just how easy it would have been to prevent. Let’s for example say that you live on the second floor and one of your windows looks relatively accessible with little effort. For about the cost of 2 people to eat at a fast food restaurant (we’re talking Burger King here, folks) you could secure any window with a simple glass vibration alarm that will awake you and scare the holy hell out of anyone that tries to go through that window and into your apartment. I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of scumbag intruders will turn tail and run the second an alarm goes off in the middle of the night while they are trying to break into an apartment.

And lest you think that apartment alarms are just not all that necessary I assure you that an apartment renter is in more dire need of an alarm system than the average homeowner. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, apartments see a burglary rate 79% higher than single family homes. Rental properties saw 210 property crimes per 1,000 households nationwide, while owned properties experienced only 146 property crimes per 1,000 households in 2001, the bureau reported. Furthermore, installing a security system in an apartment is much less expensive and easy than is installing a security system in the average single family home. So keep all of this in mind and please do yourself and your loved ones a tremendous favor and secure your apartment from break-in.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

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