Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Animal Repellents Don't Get Much More Important Than the Electronic Dog Repeller

Animal repellents come in more flavors than ice cream. You have repellents for bear, raccoon, possum, rabbit, cat, squirrel, skunk, chipmunk, groundhog and deer. All of these animal repellents certainly serve a purpose but how important are they? Bear spray is without question as important an animal repellent as will ever exist but only practical if you are actually going to be in an area where there are bears. So unless you are an avid camper/hiker you may very well never need bear spray and hence its importance to you personally is non-existent. With that said, if you are an avid camper, please for the love of all that is holy pick yourself up some Guard Alaska bear spray before you head back out to the wilderness. The repellents for the other animals I listed are, once again, purposeful but by no means would I consider them incredibly ‘important’. Keeping your gardens looking nice and raccoons out of your garbage is all well and good but it’s not nearly as important as keeping your throat out of the jaws of a wild Pitbull. That is why, in my opinion, there aren’t many animal repellents that are more important than a good old fashioned electronic dog repeller. A device doesn’t get more important than one that keeps you from potentially dying in excruciating pain.

One thing I need to note about these electronic dog repellers is that they can be very effective but they are at the same time very humane for the animal. We don’t need to be out and about firing off the dog repeller at every dog we see in an attempt to be preemptively protecting ourselves. This device simply flashes a super bright strobe that confuses and deters the dog while at the same time emitting a super high decibel (high enough that it is inaudible to the human ear) alarm that is uncomfortable enough to the dog that it chooses to walk away before it can get close enough to even consider an attack, up to 40 feet.

Let me also note that although these electronic dog repellers are as effective as any non-lethal device from that range they are still not 100% and it would behoove you not to find yourself in a situation where you would need it in the first place. These repellers are to be carried and used just in case a situation arises. I am a fairly avid runner (although I use the word ‘run’ very loosely) and haven’t gone out running in my neighborhood without one of these repellers in months. I am not overly concerned that I will ever need it but there are a few canines in the area that have questionable intentions and so I feel much better having it on me. I strongly suggest that any other avid runners do the same if only for their own peace of mind.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more animal repellents like the electronic dog repeller please visit us online.

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