Friday, March 30, 2012

The Cell Phone Stun Gun Is a Wonderful Alternative to Lethal Weaponry

There is not a day that goes by where multiple people in the United States are not killed by guns. Gun violence has become so commonplace that what I just said probably does not surprise or shock you in the very least and that in and of itself is truly a tragedy.  I live in the third most populated city in the United States and one that is well known for its crime rate and I will admit that the few times I watch the evening news (I prefer getting my news from a paper and I can pick and choose what sections of the paper to read) I view the gun violence stories and they are instantly forgettable to me. Forgettable because the next day there will be more new stories of people killed by guns that I can forget about until the next day after that when a new wave of fatalities hits the evening news. So every day that we wake up in the morning another parent will lose their child, child will lose their parent, friends will lose friends and hundreds of lives will forever be devastatingly altered because of firearms. Even if a firearm fatality occurs as an act of self-defense rarely does it not cause a great deal of grief for multiple people associated with either the shooter or the deceased. What makes this even more unfortunate is that it doesn’t have to be this way. It is possible to effectively defend yourself without having to resort to the use of a firearm and that is with something as simple as a cell phone stun gun.

The cell phone stun gun, like all stun guns, is an extremely effective non-lethal self-defense weapon designed to incapacitate an attacker using a jolt of high voltage electricity. The high voltage is what completely disrupts the attacker’s neurological pathways and essentially takes away the control they have over their own bodies. However, this disruption is temporary and because the jolt of electricity is also low amperage it does not kill the attacker nor does it leave them with any lasting negative side effects. Contrary to what some people may believe it is not volts that kill a person when they are electrocuted but amps.

Lastly, the cell phone stun gun is something many people can feel comfortable carrying because it is not so obvious that you are carrying a weapon of self-defense. This device looks exactly like a real cell phone upon even the closest of inspection. So please consider this alternative self-defense item if you really must carry something.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more self defense items like the cell phone stun gun please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, March 29, 2012

If Zimmerman Would Have Known Where To Buy Pepper Spray This Whole Ordeal Wouldn’t Exist

The whole situation surrounding George Zimmerman, the late Trayvon Martin, their families and the media in general is truly a sad an unfortunate one, as is any situation where a human being has lost their life. Whether you believe racism played a major role and that Trayvon was more or less murdered in cold blood or that Zimmerman was truly acting in self-defense the fact of the matter is that a young man has lost his life and parents have lost their child. Not to mention the fact that Zimmerman and his family, whether Zimmerman acted unjustly or not, has lost any semblance of a normal life that they could ever hope to experience after this tragedy.

I do not yet have an opinion regarding Zimmerman’s innocence until all the facts of the case are presented (as best they can be presented as half of the people involved in the incident can no longer speak for themselves). I will say however that I don’t agree with civilians walking around with concealed firearms as was the case with George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was licensed to carry the weapon he used to kill Trayvon Martin and so from a legal perspective he was not in violation of any law for simply carrying the weapon on his person but I just think it’s a recipe for disaster to have people walking around with loaded weapons and this latest incident should prove that.

Let us say though that Zimmerman’s account of the situation happened as he explained it to police and that Martin had attacked him and that Zimmerman was merely defending himself against this attack. That means that the crime of punching someone is now punishable by death in this case and that is grossly outrageous to me. Zimmerman, and any other civilian wishing to defend themselves, can do so without having to end another’s life and that is with pepper spray.

Pepper spray is an extremely effective alternative to firearms and can stop an attacker dead in his or her tracks without having to take that attacker’s life. Had Mr. Zimmerman chosen to carry pepper spray and not a firearm we would never have heard of either one of these guys. Trayvon would be around to tell his side of the story and both of their lives and the lives of both of their families would not be so dramatically, negatively and forever changed. Instead of a national news story that is once again dividing us all we’d have a little news snippet on page 2 of the local paper there in Florida.

So please, if you are one of the many Americans walking the streets with a concealed firearm, legally or otherwise, please consider a humane alternative to ending the life of another human and carry pepper spray instead.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see where to buy pepper spray or other non-lethal self defense items please visit us online.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Guard Alaska Bear Spray Is An Animal Repellent You Might Not Be Able To Live Without

Enjoying the great outdoors is something everyone should experience. Camping is a great way to get exercise, fresh air and can be a wonderful bonding experience between friends and family alike. Many of the camping destinations in the United States can be visited without necessitating animal repellents of any kind (unless you consider bug repellent). But anyone venturing off into wilderness inhabited by bears of any kind should absolutely, without exception, carry with them at all times some form of bear spray. There are a few brands of bear repellent spray available but the only one whose effectiveness I can personally testify to is a bear spray by Guard Alaska. Mace brand makes a bear spray as well and I would trust a leader in the self-defense industry like Mace but again I haven’t actually witnessed Mace bear spray repelling a bear. I have however witnessed multiple videos of Guard Alaska repelling a bear and it certainly seems to be the most popular bear spray out there today.
Bear repellent spray works on bears in exactly the same way that pepper spray works on humans. The main ingredients in both products are capsicum. Capsicum is what makes a hot pepper ‘hot’. It is also what stops an attacker, be it a bear or a human, as soon as it is sprayed into the face of either. It causes a severe burning sensation and causes swelling in the eyes that can lead to temporary blindness. All of that may sound very inhumane but when you consider the fact that defensive sprays leave no permanent adverse effects and that the bear is back to its old self later that same day it may not seem so inhumane after all. Plus it is certainly much more humane than ending the bear’s life by defending yourself with a firearm. Some studies have shown bear spray to be even more effective than firearms in some cases. If that isn’t enough of a reason to convince you to carry bear spray on your next camping trip I don’t know what is.
Lastly, Guard Alaska bear spray is completely safe for the environment as it contains no ozone depleting chemicals. That should be great news for any outdoor enthusiasts as the great outdoors can’t be enjoyed if we destroy it by way of harmful chemicals now can it?
So please, as a favor to your loved ones and as a favor to yourself please be sure to carry a bear repellent like Guard Alaska anytime you will be venturing into bear populated areas for any amount of time.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more animal repellents like Guard Alaska bear spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Michigan Lawmakers Are Finally Making Some Sense And Letting Their Citizens Buy A Taser

As of right now it is still illegal to buy, sell, own or carry a Taser in the state of Michigan but that looks to be changing if a new bill is passed. This new bill would allow citizens of Michigan to legally purchase and carry a Taser, provided they have a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). This would be a wonderful adjustment to the state’s laws and one that would allow citizens to defend themselves in a humane, non-lethal way not afforded them by handguns.
What I find so crazy is that it took until the year 2012 to get around to introducing this bill. When you consider the fact that it is legal in Michigan (with the proper license) to carry a concealed firearm, that works by blasting a hole in an attacker, yet it is still illegal in this same state to stop that same attacker in a much more humane fashion that won’t kill or even seriously injure the attacker. If you could explain to me how that makes any sense please leave a comment in the comments section below because to me this seems utterly ludicrous.
Most states have no such laws banning the use of Tasers and others have restrictions such as the need to have a firearms license in order to carry a Taser. Yet there are still a few states that prohibit the use of any stun device, like New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Again, in these it is possible to relatively easily secure a license to carry a firearm but not a stun device. Just to clarify a firearm discharges a bullet that is intended to leave a gaping hole in someone that could very easily kill or at the very least injure the person whereas a stun device subdues the same person without leaving the person dead or so much as injured in almost all cases.
Tasers, like any stun device, does not work on the principle of pain but by disrupting an attacker’s normal neurological pathways by delivering a high voltage, low amperage shock. They are so effective because an attacker cannot ‘attack through the pain’ as may be the case with a defensive spray like mace. Yet as effective as these Taser devices are they do not leave any lasting effects after the first few minutes. They simply allow the user a way to effectively defend themselves without having to kill another human being.
So kudos to the state legislators in Michigan and here is to hoping that they realize how absurd the current laws are regarding Tasers and that this bill allowing its citizens to defend themselves with a Taser becomes law.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To buy a taser or see other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, March 23, 2012

Which Is Better, Dog Repellent Spray Or An Electronic Dog Repeller?

Dog attacks are much more common than people may realize and as such people (especially deliverymen, mailmen, runners, etc…) need to be prepared to thwart an attack by a potentially dangerous canine. Two of the more popular products for repelling a dog are dog repellent spray and the electronic dog repeller. But which of these is better? That is a question that might not be so easily answered until we evaluate exactly what each of these self-defense items really are and what each of these devices actually do.
First let’s start with dog spray and explaining exactly what that is. Dog repellent spray is just that, a spray that repels dogs. The truth of the matter is that this spray is nothing more than pepper spray, the same exact ingredients found in pepper spray for humans. It’s extremely effective against both humans and dogs because the spray works as an extreme inflammatory that causes severe burning and swelling in the mucus membranes of the dog that is sprayed and that can not only cause extreme discomfort but actually temporarily blind an attacking dog (due to the swelling of the eyes). The only drawback with dog repellent spray is that it has a limited range of about 6-8 feet and that is pretty close quarters for a dog that is in the midst of trying to attack you. Plus it does cause immense pain, albeit temporary, to the dog and so one should be confident that the dog that you are spraying was indeed a threat to your personal safety and that the spraying was justified in that sense.
The electronic dog repeller is an entirely different self-defense tool and works not by emitting an inflammatory spray but by emitting an extremely high decibel sound that is also very high frequency and hence can only be heard by canines. This device causes enough discomfort and confusion with its alarm that dogs naturally exit the area that the sound is coming from. It causes no severe pain, swelling or harms a dog in any way, shape, or form. It has a much longer range than dog spray and can be effective up to 50 yards away, a much more comfortable distance than the 6-8 feet afforded by dog repellent spray. However, there is a major drawback with this particular device and that is that they just aren’t as effective at truly subduing an attacking canine as is dog spray. If a dog is very hard of hearing or just attacks in spite of the discomfort caused by this device’s alarm then you are in serious trouble. Whereas with pepper spray the dog is going to feel immense pain and possibly even be blinded temporarily while its eyes are swollen.
So please take all of these facts in account when deciding upon which form of dog repeller is ultimately right for you.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer
To see more about dog repellent spray or an electronic dog repeller please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Security Guards Should Carry Stun Batons Like The Stun Gun Flashlight

The job of security guard is one that is often underappreciated and undervalued. These people, although often found sitting alone with not much to do, are often the first, last and only line of defense that a business has in protecting their personal property. If an intruder should illegally enter privately secured property it is up to the security guard to stop this intruder by any means necessary. Surely these men and women deserve to perform their job with some form of protection but what should that protection be? The vast majority of security guards cannot, and in most cases should not, be armed with firearms and I don’t think I need to get into explaining why that is a bad idea as it should be obvious. So the question is what is a self-defense device that can be carried by security guards that is effective yet relatively safe and of course legal? The answer is a stun gun flashlight. I think these are great devices for just about anyone but they really seem custom made for security guards.
First of all the stun gun flashlight is a solid, extremely well built and sturdy flashlight and I can’t think of too many security guards that couldn’t use a flashlight. It also has an extremely high decibel alarm, great for alerting other security personnel that they might need assistance or for scaring the bejeezus out of any intruders. Lastly, the device is what the name implies, a stun gun. Not just a stun gun but a stun baton which is ultimately more effective than a traditional stun device as it gives the user the advantage of having more reach. This way the security guard doesn’t have to be quite as close to an intruder in order to subdue him.
Stun devices are certainly much safer than many other options for self-defense, like a firearm for example. They are also a much more humane alternative as they do not leave the attacker with any lasting side effects. Stun devices can also be every bit as effective as any option one may have for defending themselves. Some police studies have shown stun batons to be as effective as a 9mm handgun without having to take the life or even seriously injure anyone.
So if you are a security guard, know one or possibly employ one please strongly consider arming them with an effective, humane and legal means of defensing themselves with a stun gun flashlight.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more stun batons like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Best Self Defense For Seniors Is The Keychain Alarm

Every day that the sun rises over the eastern horizon it shines upon more senior citizens than it did the day previous. Every night that it settles in the west and night falls upon America that means that there are that many more targets for purse snatching, low-life, morally bankrupt thieves to attack for personal gain. It can be a dangerous world out there and there may be nobody that is truer for then senior citizens living alone. The simple fact of the matter is that as we age we tend to lose a little bit of our natural ability to defend ourselves against attack and those thieves we just talked about know that all too well. There is a very simple, effective, safe, legal and inexpensive way for seniors to defend themselves though and that is with a simple keychain alarm.
Obviously senior citizens have a multitude of choices when it comes to self-defense products. There are stun devices, tasers, pepper spray, mace, batons, firearms, knives, martial arts training and the list goes on and on. Every single one of those alternatives I just mentioned cost more than a keychain alarm, are far more dangerous than a keychain alarm and most require at least some basic training in order to use the device to its maximum capacity. Personal alarms take absolutely no special training whatsoever, cost about the same as a meal at McDonalds and are still extremely effective in deterring criminals.
Personal alarms, usually in the form of a keychain work by emitting an insanely loud siren for such a small device. I am talking about 130 decibels loud and that is roughly the decibel equivalent of sitting in the 10th row of a rock concert. So when some bad guy goes to take your purse, and a wailing alarm that can be heard for a quarter mile goes off, I can assure you that the purse snatcher will understand he has just drawn the attention of every single person in the vicinity that isn’t completely deaf. Attention is the last thing a purse snatcher wants and more often than not this should get him running the other way in fear of being caught. The fact that the alarm comes in the form of a keychain makes it almost impossible to forget at home and also very convenient for everyday use as most also come equipped with a flashlight.
So please don’t hesitate to equip yourself with a simple keychain alarm if you are a senior citizen living alone or to buy one for a senior you know is living alone.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to see where to buy a keychain alarm please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Top 5 Reasons To Carry Guard Alaska Bear Spray While Outdoors

One should never even entertain the idea of camping without Guard Alaska bear spray. The reasons for this should be obvious but here are, in my opinion, the top 5…

Reason no. 5 – Bears are stronger than you are. The bears found in North America, even the smaller black bears which only weigh on average of about 300 pounds, are all much stronger than you are and extremely capable of taking your life. Bear attacks are not very common but they do happen and when they do there is rarely anything short of a catastrophic injury or death as a result.

Reason no. 4 – Guard Alaska spray is extremely effective. Guard Alaska is so effective in fact that it is the only repellent registered by the EPA to repel all species of bear. After all, what good is having a tool of self defense against bears if the tool does not work? If you have any doubts about bear spray’s effectiveness in repelling bears I suggest you check out the multiple videos on YouTube of bear spray being tested in real life situations. Some studies have shown this product to be as effective, and in some cases more effective, than most firearms in repelling bears.

Reason no. 3 – Guard Alaska spray is much safer than alternative means of self defense against bear attack. Actually, aside from bear spray what else is there that would be at all effective aside from a firearm? And if I have to explain why taking a loaded firearm with you on a family camping trip might be somewhat unsafe then you have bigger problems than can be solved by reading this blog.

Reason no. 2 – Guard Alaska is environmentally safe. There are absolutely no ozone-depleting ingredients in Guard Alaska spray. That should be great news for any outdoor enthusiasts. What lover of the outdoors would want to be spraying something into the air that is destroying the outdoors?

Reason no. 1 – Last but certainly not least bear spray is a humane alternative to firearms for repelling a bear. Guard Alaska repellent, much like pepper spray for humans, is extremely effective and will cause pain and temporary blindness by way of swollen mucus membranes but will not leave any permanent or long lasting effects for the bear. Bears were technically here first and we’ve pushed them out of the vast majority of their native land already, let’s not kill them while we are at it shall we? Besides, bear attacks do not often happen because the bear is some sort of blood-thirsty monster. These attacks happen because a human has unwillingly, and perhaps unknowingly, crossed paths with a bear and the bear is frightened for itself or for its cubs.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To learn more about Guard Alaska bear spray or to buy bear spray for yourself please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Top 5 Reasons To Buy A Cell Phone Stun Device

There are many reasons to carry a tool of non-lethal self-defense with you at all times. Here, in my opinion, are the top 5…
Reason no. 5 – The Cell Phone Stun Gun is ultra-powerful and when I say ultra-powerful I am talking about 4.5 million volts of attack-stopping powerful. You won’t find many stun devices that pack more power than that. The majority of stun devices fall in the 100k-200k volts category on average. 4.5 million volts is enough to stop even the most hardened and viscous attacker dead in their tracks. After all, what good is having a weapon of non-lethal self-defense if that weapon is not effective in actually stopping an attack?
Reason no. 4 – The Cell Phone Stun Gun is incognito and looks exactly like a real cell phone upon even the closest of inspections. This is great because many people might be intimidated by openly carrying a weapon of non-lethal self-defense. With this device one needn’t worry about drawing others attention with a device that is obviously a weapon. Seeing as it is small and compact, like the real cell phone that it pretends to be, people can easily fit it into a purse or pocket and feel even less intimidated and uneasy about openly carrying a weapon.
Reason no. 3 – They are easy to use and require no special training. One needs to simply turn the safety off and press the trigger switch and the device will send a jolt of high voltage electricity to the attacker.
Reason no. 2 – The Cell Phone Stun Gun is very safe, certainly much safer than alternative means of self-defense like a firearm. Also you needn’t worry about accidentally shocking yourself with this device as it comes with two levels of safety been built in. The safety switch must be in the on position (this will cause an LED warning light to come on) and the trigger button pressed before the unit will operate. Also, even if the attacker is touching you while you shock him there is no shock back involved.
Reason no. 1 – Last but certainly not least this device is a much more humane alternative to other forms of self-defense (i.e. guns, knives, bats, fists, etc.). Stun guns work so well in incapacitating an attacker because they send a high voltage shock. They remain non-lethal and rarely cause any lasting effects after a few minutes because that same shock of high voltage electricity is also low amperage. Contrary to belief it is not volts that kill a person, it is amps that prove deadly.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more on the cell phone stun gun or to find out where to buy stun guns please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, March 12, 2012

I Think Anti-Gun Advocates Should Be Pro-Stun Device

I would not describe myself as being anti-gun because I do believe in our 2nd amendment rights and that people who have proven themselves to be law-abiding, respectful, drug-free citizens should have the right to bear arms for protection. However, as with most major issues I do not side myself fully with anyone person or party. I can usually, at the very least, understand both sides of an argument relating to a major topic like gun control. I understand that guns cause injuries and fatalities every day and if I’m being honest I would say that if every gun on the planet vanished into thin air right this second we might live in a more peaceful world. However that will not be the case and if the bad guys of the world have access to firearms I feel it is a law-abiding citizen’s constitutional right to protect themselves and their families with a firearm as well.
I have a friend who is a staunch anti-gun advocate and he knows that I am employed in the non-lethal self-defense industry. He is not quite as passionate about being anti-stun gun as he is anti-gun but he is nonetheless against stun devices of any kind as well. This I do not understand as stun devices, including tasers, do not mortally wound an attacker and still allow innocent people to defend themselves in an effective manner. My friend argues that although stun devices are listed as non-lethal they still have proven to be fatal on multiple occasions. I argue back that the world 'multiple' would be more properly replaced with 'extremely rare' and that the stun device could not be the least bit effective without some inherent level of danger. The truth of the matter is that any instrument of self defense could prove fatal in rare circumstances but the amount of fatalities resulting from the use of a stun gun pales in comparison to that of a firearm. More than 99% of the time the attacker is left with no lasting adverse physical effects whatsoever. The same cannot be said for just about anything else that has ever been used as a weapon of self-defense from a firearm to knives to fists.
I truly cannot think of another device that is as humane as the stun gun while still remaining effective enough to actually protect a person against attack. The whole reason stun devices were invented was to give law enforcement and private citizens alike the ability to defend themselves without having to take a life or severely injure another. Again this is merely my opinion but I can’t for the life of me understand why any anti-gun advocate would be against stun devices.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see where to buy stun guns or other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, March 8, 2012

If You Are A Senior Living Alone You Should Consider Pepper Spray As A Means Of Self Defense

There are more senior citizens in the world today than at any other point in history. Heck, there are just a lot more people in the world today period. This means that there is now an abundance of elderly people living alone and unfortunately elderly people are often targeted by scumbag criminals that consider senior citizens ‘easy prey’. As I stated before there are a lot more people in the world period and that means a lot more of these scumbag criminals. Just because a criminal is a conscienceless jerk does not mean that they are stupid and as such they are smart enough to know who makes an easier target for a purse snatching between a 25-year old and a 76-year old grandmother. Time eventually slows all of us down just a tad and takes the edge off of our senses and naturally we lose a bit of the ability to defend ourselves in a physical confrontation. Because of this fact senior citizens, especially those living alone, need to carry with them some means of self-defense. Pepper spray is an extremely effective tool of self-defense that is suitable for almost any senior citizen living unassisted.
There are other options available for senior citizens when it comes to non-lethal self-defense weapons but none, in my opinion, are as effective, relatively safe and easy to use as pepper spray. A person needs no special training to use pepper spray and it’s legal to carry in almost every part of the country. Stun devices and Tasers are also extremely effective in stopping an attacker, as effective as a 9mm handgun according to some police tests, but do require at least some basic training and I feel these devices are much more dangerous and hence I do not recommend them for most seniors. Tasers and stun devices are also illegal in many more areas than are defensive sprays. Pepper spray also can be used by
Pepper spray usually has an effective range of about 6-8 feet depending on the brand, spray canister, and wind conditions. It works by causing intense pain to the attacker’s mucus membranes such as eyes, nose and throat. Not only that but because capsicum, the pepper spray’s active ingredient, is a highly potent inflammatory it also causes swelling in the eyes which temporarily blinds an attacker and makes it almost impossible to continue an attack.
So if you are a senior, or anyone for that matter, living alone please arm yourself with something non-lethal, extremely effective and legal like pepper spray.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

If you’re interested in knowing where to buy pepper spray or other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Every Runner Should Own A Dog Repeller

I would consider myself a 'runner' in that I strap on a pair of running shoes and set the streets of my neighborhood ablaze with my 9 minute miles about 3 times a week. I live in a middle class neighborhood and it’s one that I won’t hesitate to run at night as it’s a neighborhood I consider relatively safe. However when I do run at night (which is my usual running time as I work during the day and spend time with the family after work) I always make sure to bring 2 very important pieces of protection with me. One is my reflective vest so that cars can better see me in the dark and the second piece of protection is my electronic dog repeller. I used to run with my lab, Kody, and even as he approached old age he was still able to run faster than I and that leads me to believe there aren’t too many wild dogs that I could outrun even if my life depended on it. I have never been attacked by a dog while running and I’d certainly like to keep it that way.
The electronic dog repeller works by emitting a very loud sound that causes such discomfort to the dog that it retreats from the noise. Fortunately for your neighbors the sound is of such a high frequency that it cannot be detected by the human ear. The dog repeller also comes equipped with a flashing strobe which can further be used to confuse the canine to the point where it inherently flees from the area.
As I said, I myself have a dog, a yellow lab named Kody and he’s almost like another kid, in fact we have had him longer than we’ve had our three children. I’ve always loved dogs and as such would never intentionally try to harm one and that is what is so great about the electronic dog repeller, it is a humane instrument that causes the dog no harm. Unlike dog repeller spray that actually causes a dog great pain, albeit temporary, the electronic dog repeller works simply by confusing the dog and causing it enough audible discomfort to exit your area. The electronic dog repeller is so safe and humane that it can actually be used to train dogs and even has a training setting to do just that.
So please, as one dog loving runner to another, please be sure that you are prepared for anything when out for a run in your neighborhood. It is better to have the repeller and not need it then need it and not have it.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tasers Have Been Wrongfully Vilified

In 2009 a gentleman by the name of Jack Cover passed away and very few people will ever recognize that name. It’s a shame really because Cover’s invention, one he invented in 1974, has saved more lives than we may ever know. His invention was the Taser gun and the very intention of the Taser gun is to save lives, plain and simple. It was invented to give police an alternative to firearms as an effective means of self-defense. Unfortunately for Mr. Cover his invention is often looked at in a negative light.

I would say at least half the YouTube videos that feature a Taser and police in any way are featuring it with the intention of showing it as an example of the police in the video using excessive force. Of those I would say that a very small portion are anything even close to resembling excessive force. I won’t say all though and I understand that there are just some meat-head police officers that do use excessive force and it’s unfortunate. Although it does kind of highlight my point that Tasers shouldn’t be so quickly vilified. If I’m going to have a police officer use excessive force on me with a weapon I can think of a lot worse weapon to be attacked with than a Taser like a .357 for example. My preference would to be attacked by neither but you understand my point. Tasers save lives when it’s the alternative to a weapon like a firearm that leaves a gaping hole in a human that needs to be closed by a doctor or the human will die.

Tasers have killed people but the percentage is unbelievably small, much smaller than any weapon on Earth, including guns, knives, swords, bats, chairs and possibly fists when it comes to anything that has ever been used as a weapon. Any item of self-defense that is even the least bit effective is obviously going to come with some inherent level of danger. The weapon would be useless and ineffective if it didn’t at least have the potential to harm, especially if used inappropriately or incorrectly.

At the end of the day though Tasers were designed by Mr. Cover to allow police to defend themselves and/or subdue an unruly and dangerous perpetrator without having to take that individual's life or severely injure them with a firearm. So before we condemn an instrument of non-lethal self-defense like the Taser let us consider what it was designed to be an alternative to, the firearm.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To buy Tasers online or view other self defense items please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.