Friday, December 31, 2010

Pepper Spray Is A Must Have For Seniors Citizens

As the world’s population continues to grow so does the world’s senior citizen population. As the human body ages it naturally begins to lose a bit of its strength, speed, stamina and reflexes. Unfortunately this means that seniors, for the most part, are less able to physically defend themselves in the event of an attack as they would have been in their younger days. Do not think for a second that this fact is lost on today’s criminal element. Devious individuals looking for an ‘easy’ target are naturally going to pick on the targets that they believe will present the least amount of resistance. Unfortunately this often means that senior citizens can find themselves the victim of such an attack. There is a way for these seniors to prevent becoming a victim though and it’s so easy and affordable I’m nothing short of astonished that more seniors don’t do it. The answer is pepper spray, my friends. I love defensive sprays for people of any age but seniors are no doubt at the top of the list of people who would benefit the most from carrying pepper spray.

The active ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin. Capsaicin is the chemical found in chili peppers. It’s what makes a chili pepper like the Habanero so incredibly spicy hot. The ‘hot-ness’ of a chili pepper is measured on a scale called the Scoville scale. The higher the scoville units the hotter the pepper. A Habanero pepper for example is rated at about 100,000-350,000 scoville units. Have you ever eaten a raw habanero pepper? Trust me it’s hot. There is another pepper called the Naga Jolokia pepper that is rated at over 1,000,000 scoville units. In the U.S. this pepper is commonly referred to as Ghost Chili. I have never eaten one and I don’t want too. In comparison this Naga Jolokia pepper is 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. Try getting some of that in your eye and I promise you it will be an event you remember until the day you die. So how hot is the p spray found in most commercial brands of pepper spray available to civilians? About 3,000,000 scoville units.

Pepper spray devices work by spraying this super concentrated capsaicin into the face of an attacker. This is going to help seniors defend themselves I assure you. If you take a substance 1,200 times hotter than Tabasco sauce and get that into the eyes, nose, mouth and throat of an attacker that attacker is going to feel some serious pain. Much more often than not the attacker will stop attacking and start trying to figure out a way to stop the feeling of fire that has engulfed his face, throat and lungs.

With all of this said it irritates me greatly when I see boneheads that make videos of themselves spraying one another with pepper spray in an attempt to prove how ‘tough’ they are. I think all these videos do is prove how stupid they are. Pepper spray is not to be taken lightly and although it is extremely rare people have died as a result of being sprayed with pepper spray. No weapon of non-lethal self-defense can be effective without some inherent risk but it is still much safer and humane than many other choices available to citizens.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more pepper spray for seniors or other items of self defense for seniorsplease visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Are The Best Stun Guns? Stun Master Stun Guns In My Opinion

Here is my take on the purchasing of stun guns and purchasing any item in general. There are items like plastic cutlery, napkins, baking soda and whatnot that don’t require one to purchase a name brand. If you buy generic paper plates they might not be as durable as a Dixie brand paper plate but what is the worst that is going to happen? Maybe you have to double up on plates if you’re trying to eat a sizable meal, not that big of a deal, right?

Some products cannot and should not under any circumstances be purchased with saving a buck and only saving a buck in mind. This certainly applies to non-lethal self-defense products like a stun gun. You do not want to find yourself in a situation where your life is in jeopardy or at the very least you physical well-being and have a stun device that doesn’t work properly. When a product is designed to protect one’s well-being than that product should be of exceptional quality. Stun Master stun guns certainly do, and always have, fit the bill in this regard. Stun Master stun guns have been a leader in the industry for almost 2 decades and one of the greatest things about this brand name self-defense product is that it’s a top-of-the-line brand that is also one of the least expensive. You truly cannot ask for anything more from a stun device. One needs to look no further from a company that has been around this long than the fact that they offer a life-time warranty on their products. A company isn’t going to be around very long if they are slapping life-time warranties on poorly made stun guns.

Stun guns offer the user an immensely effective form of non-lethal self-defense that is non-lethal and much safer than a firearm for example. They work by emitting a high-voltage, low-amperage shock to an assailant. Stun devices help level the playing field for victims that may not otherwise be able to best an assailant should a physical altercation occur. Some fine examples of this would be senior citizens and females that often find themselves walking alone, especially in the evening hours.

So if you are an honest, hard-working, tax paying American that values his or her own safety and the safety of their loved ones and is considering purchasing a stun gun I would hope that Stun Master is a brand that they consider.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

If you would like to view more Stun Master stun guns or other forms of non lethal self defense please visit us online at Puzek Security

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

People Who Buy Tasers Online Are Rarely Into the Whole Getting Mugged Thing

If you are one of those hate-getting-mugged types than perhaps buying a taser online is something that you may want to consider. Tasers, much like Band-Aids and Jello, is actually a brand name that people will often use to generically describe other similar devices of its kind. Make no mistake though, there is only one Taser and it’s manufactured by Taser International.

Tasers work by shooting small barbs attached to wires from the gun and then these barbs hook themselves to the assailants clothing and/or skin. The projectile is fueled by small compressed nitrogen cartridges similar to the ones in many pellet or paintball guns. Although the tasers available to law enforcement often have a range of more than 30 feet, the tasers available to citizens is limited to 15 feet. Once the barbs attach themselves, an electrical, but non-lethal current can be delivered. This high-voltage current incapacitates the assailant by interrupting the body’s natural neuromuscular algorithm. In layman’s terms this simply means that the assailant’s body no longer responds to the signals from the assailant’s brain. He or she loses control over their own body until the individual holding the gun stops the current. Contrary to some beliefs, this device does not work by administering pain so much as it works by simply incapacitating the assailant’s ability to function.

Tasers, like any weapon, are now and will forever more be surrounding with some measure of controversy. They were introduced as non-lethal and in the vast majority of cases they are just that. Not only non-lethal but rarely does this weapon leave it’s ‘victim’ with any lasting injuries whatsoever. The same can certainly not be said for a firearm. Even if a firearm does not kill an assailant he or she will now be left with a hole in their body that will most likely require a trained professional to close. Tasers and stun devices are much more humane than many of the weapons out there and I will argue that point with anyone at any time. If I was to be the type of scumbag who would attempt to attack another innocent person then I would hope for my sake that the person whom I was cowardly enough to attack would in turn be humane enough to defend themselves by hitting me with a taser rather than a firearm, bat, knife, sword, steel chair, etc. Do you see my point?

With all of this said, a taser and the choice to carry one should never under any circumstances be taken lightly. They are as effective as any non-lethal tool of self-defense can be but can also cause serious injury or death if used irresponsibly or in any fashion other than its specific and intended use which is to protect the innocent.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

If you would like to learn more about how to buy tasers online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Double Trouble Stun Gun Is Indubitably a Double Dose of Defense Against Dubious Do-Badders

First of all let’s talk about why they call it the “Double” Trouble. They call it that because it has double the space between contacts and short of offering the scientific explanation behind it, the more space between contacts the more effective it makes the device. This increased contact space makes the shock more effective and it quite simply makes it easier to make contact with an assailant when there is more surface area to make contact with. The shock we are talking about with this device is 1.2 million volts. 1.2 million volts is going to put an end to darn near any encounter really quickly. The contact space we are talking about is a whopping 5 inches! The vast majority of stun guns on the market average 1.5 inches between contacts. Think of it like this, in the world of golf clubs there is a reason that the newer and more effective drivers are all so huge. There is no two ways about it; increased contact space leads to a more effective shot plain and simple.

Some may look at the Double Trouble stun gun’s design and incorrectly assume that the design is nothing more than overkill for lack of a better word. They may think that it is over-the-top and intended for those that are somehow trying to show off. I truly hope that anyone that purchases these devices is not attempting to show off because the gun’s design is truly a situation where form is meeting function. It looks intimidating because it looks extremely effective and not to be tangled with and that is what it is. If some scumbag drugged out attacker wants to relieve some poor old lady of her purse so that he can get his fix and the little old lady is carrying one of these stun devices than that scumbag is making an extremely poor choice in choosing to pick on that particular lady. And that lady stands a better chance of besting the attacker in a confrontation with one of these stun guns than with many of the other stun guns on the market.

So if you are a tax paying, God fearing, decent individual who cares about their safety and at the same time the well-being of others I hope that you might consider the Double Trouble stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Editor’s note: I don’t know that ‘do-badders’ is actually a word, in fact spell checker is telling me that it is most certainly not but I needed the title to flow. I think it’s flowing nicely now, don’t you?

If you want to see more information on the Double Trouble stun gun please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, December 23, 2010

All I Want For Christmas Is A Cell Phone Stun Gun

Dear Santa,

I know I usually write to ask you for something awesome like a football, bike or the like but this year I really have my heart set on a cell phone stun gun. Footballs and bikes are great but they aren’t going to prevent me from being violently physically assaulted this holiday season. A cell phone stun gun on the other hand will do just that. If anyone tries to attack me while I’m carrying one of these it’s going to be ho ho horrendous for them.

Did you know that these Pretender cell phone stun guns pack a 4.5 million volt punch and are disguised to look exactly like a real cell phone, Santa? A 4.5 million volt shock is more than enough to stop any attacker from attacking me while I am in the dimly lit parking lots of the local mall. And speaking of light it also comes with a built in 12 LED super-bright flashlight and who can’t use a super-bright flashlight? You might want to look into one of these for yourself in case we get one of those foggy Christmas eve nights and Rudolph is sick with hoof-and-mouth. I am completely kidding, please don’t tell Rudolph I said that.

I have been awfully good this year and sure would love for you to come down the chimney with one of these cell phone stun guns in your bag. I know you may be worried about me accidentally shocking myself but I’m here to tell you that accidental discharge is made almost impossible thanks to the two levels of safety that these Pretender stun guns operate on. For one the safety switch must be in the on position and the trigger button depressed in order for the unit to operate. Once the safety switch is in the on position an LED warning light will come on letting me know that it’s show time once I press the trigger.

I think my favorite part about any stun device is that they are non-lethal forms of self-defense. In fact the attacker is almost always left with no permanent damage whatsoever. I couldn’t bear the thought of taking another’s life, especially at Christmas time, Santa.

So please keep this in mind when you are having your elves make me another hideous necktie or Mrs. Claus is knitting me another of those itchy sweaters. Not that I didn’t love both of those gifts but a Pretender cell phone stun gun is what I really want and I’ve been relatively good, Santa. I really have.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

If you are interested in seeing the cell phone stun gun for yourself please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Electronic Dog Repellers Make A Great Holiday Gift For People That Hate Being Bit By Dogs

Doesn’t this time of year bring with it a lot of stress along with all that holiday joy? It does for me, I can tell you that. It’s so hard to shop for some people. I just don’t know what to get some of the people on my list. You don’t want to dare try picking clothing out for people because you know they just won’t like it. So what is a person to do for those impossible-to-shop-for people on their list? I think I found the perfect gift this year. An electronic dog repeller.

You might be asking yourself “Carl, how do I know if this gift is right for my loved ones?”. Here is an easy way to find out. Ask the friends and family that you intend to buy a gift for if they enjoy being attacked and repeatedly bitten by a vicious dog. If the answer is no than the electronic dog repeller might just be a perfect gift for these people. If the answer is yes you may want to purchase that individual a couple of free therapy sessions as they are in need of some mental help.

The electronic dog repeller works in two ways. It has an ultra-bright flashing strobe that works to temporarily blind and confuse the dog and the second is a high-frequency alarm audible only to dogs. Both will help accomplish the task of making sure that special someone on your list is not sitting in an emergency room receiving stitches from a dog bite this holiday season.

One dandy little side note about these repellers is that they also have a training setting and can be used to help train dogs. So if that special someone on your list isn’t so much in danger of ever being approached by a dog with questionable motives but does have a dog that they are in the midst of house breaking than this tool could still make a wonderful gift. A person who is never in any danger whatsoever of being attacked by a dog sounds like he or she may live in a bubble though so who knows?

So please keep the electronic dog repeller in mind when considering what to buy that impossible-to-shop for person on your list. Sometimes the gifts you think are truly odd are the ones that make the greatest presents.

I wonder if these would work on a rabid reindeer.

Stay Safe and Happy Holidays!

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the electronic dog repeller please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Guard Alaska Bear Spray Because Bears Don’t Like It When It Feels Like Their Faces Are On Fire.

Bears are beautiful creatures. I’ve been fascinated by them since I can remember my parents taking my siblings and I to the Brookfield Zoo. There was just something about the raw blend of beauty and grace of these gentle giants. It was undeniable and I still feel the same way when I take my own kids to the very same zoo these days. With that said I would rather one not bite me in the neck, head or vital organ region. In reality I would probably rather not have a half-ton Kodiak bear bite me on any part of my body or really any part of the body for that matter. That would be unpleasant and no doubt uncomfortable so I’m just going to go ahead and make it a personal rule not to put any of my body parts in a bear’s mouth. One way to do that while you’re camping or hiking is to carry bear spray on you at all times.

Bear spray is one of those unique items that is truly important. I mean it has vital importance like not many products can truly say they have. Take a spare tire for example, those are pretty important. If you break down on the side of the road and don’t have a spare you are going to be pretty upset. Is it going to be a life altering event? Probably not. It just means you are going to have to call a tow truck and lose a couple of hours out of your day. Now let’s talk about what happens when you need bear spray and don’t have it. It means you could very well die. It won’t be a situation where you’ll later look back and say “Gosh, some bear spray would have been nice in that situation.” It won’t be a situation like that because you won’t be looking back. Ever again.

Guard Alaska bear spray is so effective because bears, much like the vast majority of creatures on this planet, are not all that hip on having their face feel like it has been set on fire. It tends to make all of gods creatures stop just a moment and reevaluate their current actions. I think on some rudimentary level it makes the bear question whether or not continuing the attack is worth the feeling of having its face melted off.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on Guard Alaska bear spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Personal Alarms for Seniors Make Wonderful Items of Self Defense

The world’s senior citizen population is growing every day and with that the potential victims list for would-be criminals. It is human nature for a criminal to prey upon those that he or she considers less capable of resisting an attack. Unfortunately Father Time slows us all down just a bit. Time makes us all a little less capable of resisting an attack and a little bit more susceptible to one.

So what is a senior citizen to do to prevent one of these attacks from happening to them? They could hole themselves up in their homes, bar the door and never go outside or they could arm themselves with a non-lethal form of self-defense. The former seems like no way to live and the latter is so easy and affordable it’s almost a no-brainer. What tool of self-defense works best for a senior citizen? Well, the answer to that question is certainly open for debate. There are a few choices but the three that make the most sense to me would be pepper spray, stun devices or personal alarms.

Pepper spray is extremely effective but there are some things to keep in mind when choosing to go with a defensive spray. For one you must be relatively close to your attacker in order for it to be effective. The average defensive spray has a range of about 6-8 feet but one must consider wind (if outside) and presumably the person using the spray will probably be a little stressed out at that particular moment as they are in the middle of stopping an attack and potentially trying to save their own life so their aim could be off.

Stun devices work splendidly and are immensely effective but again one needs to be touching an attacker in order for the weapon to work. Also, depending on the physical strength and speed of both the senior and the attacker, both of these weapons could potentially be turned on the victim. I am in no way trying to discourage anyone from carrying these devices as they are immensely effective I am simply saying that we should consider all angles.

I truly believe that personal alarms, at least for the less physically able seniors, might just be the perfect form of self-defense. They are completely safe, can be effective from any distance and cannot be turned on the user. Personal alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel alarm that does two things. One, it scares the bejeezus out of the scumbag getting ready to commit a crime, and two it alerts everyone in the vicinity that this scumbag is about to commit a crime. So if you or somebody you love is a senior citizen (or anyone for that matter) that would rather not be the victim of a violent assault I would strongly suggest obtaining personal alarms for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Product Review: The Stun Gun Flashlight

The stun gun flashlight is the absolute epitome of multi-functionality. You have a flashlight and who doesn’t need a trusty flashlight now and again. You have the attachable red cone for emergency road side visibility. You have a 130 decibel alarm and last but certainly not least you have yourself a 200,000 volt stun gun. I more or less listed those things in the order of which ones you are most likely to use but I’ll tell you now that if the stun gun is ever needed you’ll look back on the decision to buy one as the best decision you have ever made.

Let’s discuss the flashlight first. This is one of the functions, and hopefully the only, you will ever have to really use. There isn’t much to talk about. It’s a flashlight. It helps people that can’t see in the dark which to my knowledge is just about everyone except bats and actually they are using sonar. So unless you have the ability to see in the dark or are a bat yourself you can always use a flashlight.

Second is the attachable red cone which makes this large stun gun flashlight ideal for keeping you and your family safe should your vehicle encounter problems while out at night. If you haven’t had a car break down on the side of a highway at night I can tell you it is a stressful and anxious time. Not being entirely visible to cars whizzing by at speeds in excess of 65 miles per hour is no joke.

Next we have the 130 decibel alarm. This can be used in a couple of ways. If an attacker is approaching you needn’t worry about using the stun gun often times. Simply set that extremely loud 130 decibel alarm off and you will have yourself a frightened attacker. 130 decibels draws the attention of others and the attacker will know this. I would say that more often than not the alarm will be enough to deter an attacker.

Just in case the attacker is deaf, stupid or high on drugs (or all three) you have the last function, and most important in my opinion, the stun gun. 200,000 volts to be exact. 200,000 volts is going to stop an attacker whether he be stupid, deaf and high or not. Again I would hope that the need for the stun gun aspect of this wonderful tool is never needed but it is certainly nice to know it is there just in case.

So for your own safety and for the safety of your loved ones please seriously consider obtaining a tool like the stun gun flashlight.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thanks To Handheld Metal Detectors Nobody Has To Get Shot At Your Next Event

I love big events. I guess you could say that I am a real people person. Concerts, parties, company picnics, sporting events, the theatre, anywhere you find a large number of people gathered is where I want to be. Another somewhat related thing I truly enjoy is not being shot and fatally wounded while at these events. I’m going to go ahead and say it is probably my very most favorite part of any large event (unless they have rice krispy treats). I have never been shot but from what I hear and have seen in the movies it does not look at all enjoyable. There seems to be a lot of bleeding, screaming and general discomfort. These are all things that will really kill the mood of any otherwise enjoyable event.

Of course fatal shootings could be a thing of the past at any and all events if the event planners would just take the simple and affordable step of securing for themselves a handheld metal detector. Metal detectors are extremely effective and extremely easy to use. It shouldn’t take longer than a couple of seconds to scan each and every entrant to ensure that nobody has entered with a weapon and intentions on crashing the party.

I have several customers who own nightclubs and before they had a chance to speak with me they were for some reason under the impression that they needed one of those giant doorway frame metal detectors that cost thousands of dollars. This is not at all the case as a handheld security scanning device can work every bit as effectively and at relatively the same speed with which the larger doorway models work.

If you are having on holding a large event I would hope to the almighty that you would have some form of security personnel on hand. I’m not implying that one needs to have a swat team on hand for a kids birthday party but if you are having an event where a fair amount of people will be showing up and you do not know all of those people I think it would behoove everyone involved to have a couple of security personnel and have any entrance secured by that personnel and have them equipped with handheld metal detectors.

If you are concerned about people’s opinion of being scanned then I would politely tell those people to pick another party. If it takes a few extra minutes to ensure the event is safe and sound for all than that few minutes seems immeasurably worth it.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Know Where To Buy Guard Alaska Bear Spray If You’re Going Camping And Hate Being Attacked By Bears

I have been camping so man y times it’s hard for me to pick my absolute favorite time ever. I think I would have to say it is a tie between all the times I was not violently mauled by a half-ton adult grizzly bear. That really is just a great way to cap any camping excursion to the beautiful northern woods of Washington. It just can’t be beat. Sitting around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and not screaming in sheer pain and anguish as a bear bites down on my skull with its ultra-powerful jaws. Yes sir, those are some good times right there.

I think society has really gotten away from “roughing it”. We are a very comfortable society and not many of us are likely to head into the great outdoors and enjoy the peace and tranquility that only nature can provide. Camping is such great fun and I encourage just everyone to at least give it a shot but please remember that the vast majority of bears can remove your face for you pretty easily if they feel provoked. So if you do go camping please be sure to bring along Guard Alaska bear spray and have it on you at ALL times.

Guard Alaska Bear spray is the best there is when it comes to repelling bears. It is an ultra-hot pepper spray that is so effective it is the only one registered with the EPA as a repellent for ALL species of bear. Another nice thing about Guard Alaska is that it is an environmentally safe spray. It contains no flammable substances and no substances which will harm the ozone. So you can be kind to the environment while not being devoured by grizzlies. It’s a win-win for everyone and if you’re the type that enjoys the outdoors you are probably the type that wants to do their part to make sure we don’t further destroy the outdoors.

Not only is it safe for you, your family and the environment but also for the bear. Just like human pepper spray the creature being sprayed will suffer no long lasting permanent damage from being sprayed unlike a firearm which is dangerous for the whole family and will leave a hole in the bear. Let us show humanity for all of God’s creatures while at the same time protecting ourselves and our loved ones.

Isn’t Guard Alaska bear spray great?

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Monday, December 13, 2010

People Who Enjoy Spending The Holidays Not Being Mugged Know Where To Buy Personal Alarms

I love this time of year. I really do live for the holidays. Getting together with family, eating like a pig, watching football on TV, not being violently physically assaulted by an attacker looking for my wallet, shopping for gifts and opening these gifts on Christmas morning are all memories and events that I will forever cherish.

December is the busiest shopping month of the year. Millions of Americans are out and about shopping for friends and family and oftentimes will be carrying expensive gifts or have more cash on them than usual. You know who knows this? Santa Claus. He knows everything. You know who else knows this? Scumbags that won’t hesitate to rob someone in a mall parking lot while they are walking back to the car, gifts in hand.

So how should we help protect ourselves and our loved ones this holiday season? Well, you have a few choices. You could not go out to the stores and wait for this whole “holidays” nonsense to blow over, you could go to the stores armed to the teeth or you could go shopping and make sure you carry a small, extremely easy to carry and use personal alarm. I find the last choice is most suitable for the vast majority of adults and the safest option for all parties involved.

Most personal alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel alarm that works as a deterrent against attackers and as a means for alerting anyone within ear shot that trouble is afoot. So for example, let’s say you were out one night picking up that last minute gift for little Billy and as you were leaving the store and walking back to your car you heard footsteps behind you. You see your car and it’s the only one in this corner of the parking lot so why would whoever is behind you be walking the same direction? As you turn to look the footsteps speed up and you look back you see a masked man coming right at you, his intentions none to disguised. If you were to have nothing on your person in the way of self-defense you could easily fall prey to this attacker but with a simple keychain alarm you can now have the upper hand in one of these all-too-familiar situations. If you were to simply press a button on one of these alarms it would emit an alarm so loud that the attacker may very well stop in his tracks and hot foot it out of the parking lot. If by some chance the attacker were to proceed at least the sound from the alarm would beckon others and mall security would no doubt be deployed.

So please take care this holiday season and be sure you and your loved ones know where to buy personal alarms.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Friday, December 10, 2010

Is It A Good Idea For Seniors To Carry Tasers?

Is it a good idea for seniors to carry tasers? That is a great question and one that unfortunately does not have a blanket answer of yes or no. That can only be answered by saying “it depends”. It depends on what kind of shape a senior citizen is in both physically and perhaps even more important mentally.

A taser is a wonderful form of non-lethal self-defense. Yes tasers have on some rare occasions taken a life but I would say that any weapon of self-defense that is even the least bit effective in saving a life is going to have some measure of inherent danger of possibly taking a life. Firearms, knives, baseball bats, chairs and even fists I would say can and, usually in all cases, will be more dangerous than a taser and all will almost assuredly leave the person with more serious and lasting injuries. Tasers work by disrupting the bodies nervous system. Basically the attacker, while being tased, will lose voluntary control over his or her own body. Once the electrical charge is stopped the person be tased should regain control within seconds. The same cannot be said for someone that has just received a bullet hole in their abdomen. That hole isn’t going to seal itself up in a matter of seconds, minutes or hours. It is going to require a professionals help or the person who has just been shot is most likely in grave danger.

So if a senior citizen (or anyone for that matter) is going to carry a weapon of self-defense i would much rather that weapon be a taser then any of the other weapons I mentioned above. But this still leaves us with the question of whether or not that weapon should be a taser. Seniors for the most part are not as able to handle themselves as they were in their younger days and in my opinion are a prime candidate for a taser. However, not just any senior citizen should be able to carry a taser. They should obviously be of sound mind and body and even-tempered. Anyone carrying a taser should be doing so in the hopes that they will never have to use it. Anyone that goes out hoping they get to use a taser is exactly the type of individual I don’t ever want to have walking the streets with such a weapon. A taser should be used only in the event that the user is in real trouble and an attack has already begun or is entirely imminent.

I absolutely think that the vast majority of seniors are capable of harnessing the responsibility of carrying a taser but please use proper judgment for yourself and take careful consideration when considering tasers for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Are Stun Guns Appropriate For Seniors? Only For The Ones Who Don’t Want To Get Robbed

I was just asked recently by one of my customers if I thought that a stun gun was an appropriate means of protection for his mother. As always I did not just say “Yes. Absolutely. You should get her one today”. I didn’t say that because I didn’t know until I had a chance to ask a few more questions. Age is not necessarily the determining factor in this decision. I know some individuals in their thirties who should not own a stun gun and some in their nineties who are more than capable of harnessing the power and responsibility that comes with carrying a stun device.

So what are the determining factors? In my opinion that boils down to two things. The physical and mental capacity to operate such a device and the maturity level of the potential operator. So if someone asks me if a stun device is appropriate for a particular senior citizen I usually counter by asking “Does this person drive a car?” If the answer is yes than I would say that person should be more than capable of handling a stun device. If you can legally cruise around at 55 miles per hour in a ton of steel than operating a handheld stun device should not present a problem for you.

An unfortunate and unavoidable fact of life is that as we get older we naturally get a tad slower and lose our ability to defend ourselves as easily as we could when we were younger. Another unfortunate and unavoidable fact of life is that there are bad people out there that will take advantage of someone they consider to be ‘weaker’ than themselves. One of the easiest and most effective ways for seniors to level the playing field is by carrying a stun gun.

Stun guns are wonderful because they are two things. Effective and non-lethal. Stun guns work by using high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The current temporarily disrupts the attackers neurological impulses that control voluntary muscle movement. Basically the attacker loses control of his or her own body and makes them lay down and act nice. The fact that they are non-lethal is great because we don’t need little old ladies, or anyone for that matter, walking around with a lethal device like a firearm and shooting first and asking questions later. That would be bad.

So if you are a senior yourself or know one whom you would like to see protected please consider stun guns for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Electronic Dog Repellers Are Good For People Who Aren’t Trying To Get Rabies

Contracting rabies does not sound fun. After being infected with rabies the victim will feel flu-like symptoms after about 2 to 12 weeks from being bitten. Soon after the flu-like symptoms begin the victim will begin showing signs of anxiety, confusion, agitation and all sorts of really uncool things. Eventually these symptoms progress into complete and utter delirium and then finally death. In these late stages of the disease the very sight of liquids will send the victim into sheer uncontrollable panic. Much like the panic my brother Steve suffers when the bar he is at stops serving liquids. Almost no untreated rabies victim has ever lived. The very few who have survived have been left severely brain damaged. So to recap rabies makes you feel ill, then makes you completely lose your mind in sheer terror and then you die. Offhand I cannot think of too many things that would be worse than a rabies infestation. Let us thank our dear friend Mr. Louis Pasteur for coming up with the vaccine to this terrible disease many years before any of us were born. Could you imagine a time before the vaccine when people who suffered bites from a rabid dog were left to die a horribly excruciating death? Let us all take a moment to marvel at and thank Pasteur and modern medicine in general.

One of the ways to contract rabies is being bitten by a rabid dog. It is pretty rare to find a dog with rabies these days and I’m not sure why you would want to go looking for one but the best way to avoid being bit by a rabid dog is to keep your arms and legs out of it’s mouth. A good way to do that is to make sure no rabid dog gets close enough to do so. Let’s forget about rabid dogs for a moment and just try and not get bit by any dogs. There are plenty of canines out there capable of making us forget all about relatively ancient diseases and more about the gaping open wounds they have just left us with, if we are so obliged.

Electronic dog repellers are a great way to keep the distance between yourself and a dog you do not know and have no desire to get familiar with. There are two ways this beautiful little handheld device works. One is the discomforting but not harmful high frequency sound (20,000Hz-25,000Hz), audible to dogs but not to humans. And, the second is a super bright LED flashing strobe that temporarily blinds and confuses the dog. Both could come in very handy in some circumstances.

So if you live in an area where there are some questionable canines about you should seriously consider obtaining an electronic dog repeller.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One Can Not Discuss Self Defense For Seniors Without Discussing Personal Alarms

We live in a crazy mixed up world. We always have and we always will. I truly believe that the vast majority of people today are more good than bad and only a select few can really be considered ‘evil’ people. With that said there are still a fair amount of people out there that will do harm to another and not think much of it. Usually because that person is one of those truly ‘evil’ folk or because he or she is whacked out on some drug or another and is no longer fully in control of their own thoughts or actions.

Nobody should be without a means of self-defense against these select few bad apples but more so than anyone a senior citizen should certainly have at their disposal some means of defending themselves should a situation arise that calls for such measures. I don’t think there is another item on the planet that is better suited for senior citizens than a personal alarm. Personal alarms are extremely easy to carry and more importantly even easier to use. The fact of the matter is that as we get older we lose some of our natural ability to defend ourselves and even if we didn’t who wants to get into a physical altercation if we don’t have to. If you are the type that can’t wait to find themselves in a physical altercation than you are probably the type I’m trying to save people from.

Most personal alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel sound that will do one or both of two things…

A. It will scare the bejeezus out of your assailant, hopefully before they have the time to inflict any damage and …

B. Alert anyone that isn’t deaf and within earshot that something is happening.

So even if your assailant is, by some sheer coincidence, deaf as a post the chances are that everyone else with in screaming distance is not. And when those people hear something like the Mace brand Screecher alarm howling its extremely high decibel distress alarm they are going to pay notice and look in that direction. This is good for you and not so much for Mr. Assailant. The truth of the matter is that in the off chance you ever have to use a personal alarm that you won’t need to rely on others help. Mr. Assailant doesn’t want an audience when he is doing bad things and he or she is probably coherent enough to understand that the really loud noise coming from the alarm spells doom for them and they will most likely turn and run and wait for some other poor sap that wasn’t as well prepared as you.

So if you are a senior yourself or have a parent or grandparent whose safety you want to ensure as much as possible please consider them and buy a personal alarm.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stun Gun Flashlights Are Great for People Who Dont Have Night Vision And Hate Being Mugged

Stun gun flashlights are truly one of a kind. They are multi-functional tools of safety and not just self-defense weapons. They first and foremost are a flashlight and who can’t use a flashlight on occasion. Unless of course they are capable of seeing in the dark. You know, people that have night vision. I believe they call those bats. So unless you are a bat the flashlight should come in handy on occasion. If you are a half-bat-half-human hybrid I hope that I have in no way offended you as that is pretty cool.

The stun gun flashlight is also a safety light which can be used in many situations but I think makes the most sense in traffic situations. Say your car stalls on the highway after the sun has gone down. That is always a tense situation and a potentially dangerous one that can now be avoided with this handy little tool. In a case like this it doesn’t matter whether or not you have night vision. It’s the other cars not seeing you that you have to worry about. Sorry bat guy.

The stun gun flashlight is also a high decibel alarm. This is where this instrument of self-defense really starts strutting its stuff. If someone were to approach you in a threatening manner you simply let this little baby start sounding off and I assure you that the assailant is going to think twice about continuing. When a 130 decibel alarm starts going off people start noticing. That’s great for you and bad for Mr. Assailant.

Last but certainly not least the stun gun flashlight is just that. A stun gun. A stun gun with 200,000 volts of stopping power. So even if Mr. Assailant is stupid enough to not heed the alarm he can come get a taste of what 200,000 volts can do. Let me tell you what it will do. Stop the assailant from doing anything but losing complete control over their own body. Fortunately for the assailant (I know that sounds odd) he or she won’t have to worry about any permanent damage as this weapon is as humane as a truly effective weapon of self-defense can be.

So just to recap…

If you don’t have night vision, are not a half human/half bat mutant and don’t enjoy being mugged you might want to seriously consider purchasing a stun gun flashlight of your very own.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Monday, November 29, 2010

Buy Bear Spray If You Are Going Camping And Not Stronger Than A Bear

I am often asked by my customers when an appropriate time to carry bear spray would be. The answer is simple really. Just ask yourself these two simple questions.

1. Am I going to be somewhere where wild bears have even the slightest chance of being seen?

2. Am I stronger than these bears?

If you answered yes to the first question and had to think about the answer to the second question for more than 1 second I would say that buying bear spray should be on the top of your list before your next camping trip.

Here’s the thing. What, realistically, are the chances of you ever using bear spray to save your own life? Pretty slim even if you are an avid camper. Now, what are the chances of you winning a fight between you and an 850 pound grizzly bear? I would say even slimmer unless you are defensive end Julius Peppers of my Chicago BEARS!!!!! I apologize. I get excited when talking about bears of any kind. Seriously though, Peppers is a beast of a man and if any human could take a grizzly bear it would probably be him. The rest of us should seriously consider carrying bear spray.

Here’s another tip when using bear spray. When you are camping you should ALWAYS have the bear spray on you. ALWAYS. It makes no sense not to. A bear attack is going to happen quickly and without much warning if with any warning at all. Bears move quickly so if one starts charging and you don’t have the bear spray in your hand or in a holster at your side you are in a huge amount of trouble. You are not going to out run a bear unless you are Devin Hester of the Chicago BEARS!!!! Okay. Sorry. But in all seriousness you need to have the spray on your person or there isn’t any use in buying it in the first place.

With Guard Alaska bear spray you simply point and spray. The canister has an easily removable safety clip and I would get in the habit of either removing it before you wander from the campsite or even while you are still at the site. Also I would practice taking it from the holster or even spraying it from the holster itself. Practice for an hour straight. Seriously, just practice grabbing it from its holster. Not only is a bear attack going to happen more or less as a complete surprise but you aren’t going to be thinking as clearly as you would with an 850 pound grizzly not charging. Grabbing the bear spray and using it has to be second nature.

Thank you as always for taking time to listen to my ramblings. My intent is always to help ensure that you and yours are well protected. In this case I’m simply saying that if you are going to be going camping anywhere there has ever been a bear sighting it would behoove you to buy bear spray


Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cheap Metal Detectors Are A Great Way To Make Sure Nobody Gets Shot At Your Party

I am a real social butterfly. I just love parties. I love just getting together with other people and unwinding after a long week of work and just socializing. I love getting together with old friends and retelling crazy stories from our youth and meeting new and interesting people and hearing new stories for the first time. One thing that I definitely do not enjoy though is being shot. Getting shot while enjoying yourself at a party is a real downer. It just ruins the entire atmosphere that the vast majority of parties are trying to convey when someone has to go and get shot.

A good friend will come up to me at the party and be like ”Hey remember that one time you and Steve went bungee jumping in New Zealand? Wasn’t that great?”. And I’ll be all like “Ha. Yeah that was a great time and I totally want to talk to you about it but right now I’m bleeding from the abdomen. You remember that loud banging sound you heard about 15 minutes ago? Yeah, that was me being shot. I’ll talk to you later though.”

This is why I always implore party planners or anyone trying to organize an event to please consider the use of a metal detector. Metal detectors are an inexpensive measure that can be taken to avoid a possible catastrophe. I’ve been to plenty of concerts, parties and get-togethers that have required me to be screened with a metal detector to enter the premises and exactly zero times have I been offended or felt put off by having to wait a few extra minutes to ensure that the event I am attending is free of anyone carrying a weapon. As long as you are not picking and choosing who is being screened there should not be a problem and nobody should feel singled out for any reason.

If I have to choose between waiting an additional 10 minutes to secure the event I am at to ensure that the event is safe and being rushed to the emergency room with multiple gunshot wounds I am going to go ahead and choose the former. Why not help ensure that your next party or event goes off without a hitch and get yourself a handheld metal detector. There is nothing more valuable than human life and if cheap metal detectors can help prevent the loss of that life than why not make sure we have one on hand at our next party.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Friday, November 19, 2010

When Trouble Calls Answer With The Pretender Cell Phone Stun Gun

Anyone who wants to truly feel safe should have at their disposal some means of self defense. Anyone who cares about human life should make sure that self defense comes in the form of something non-lethal. Anyone who wants to make sure that the means of self defense is going to be entirely effective should make sure that the self defense tool is a stun gun. Anyone who doesn’t want the entire world to know they are carrying a weapon of non-lethal self defense should make sure that the stun gun is a cell phone stun gun.

It’s not that I am necessarily opposed to the ‘walk softly and carry a big stick’ ideology (I think Teddy Roosevelt actually said ‘speak softly..’ but whatever) it is just that I don’t think its very practical to walk around letting everyone know that you have a stun gun. I could see that actually causing some potential problems for you so best to conceal it. And nothing is more concealed than the Pretender cell phone stun gun.

It isn’t just a well concealed weapon of self defense but an extremely effective one to boot. Because what good is having a tool that doesn’t work. The Pretender cell phone stun gun packs a whopping 4.5 million volts of stopping power. That is more than enough to make even the most brazen of attackers quit acting a fool.

One question I get on occasion about these cell phone stun guns is really more of a concern than a question. People often ask me if I’m not afraid that someone won’t accidentally answer one and shock themselves. When I get done trying to stifle a hearty laugh I always tell them no. Not at all. That is because to prevent accidental discharge, two levels of safety have been built in. The safety switch must be in the on position (this will cause an LED warning light to come on) and the trigger button pressed before the unit will operate.

As always I must express my man crush on all things non-lethal. I love the protection that a stun gun can afford and am even more in love with the fact that it can offer this protection without having to harm another. I understand that your concern for a potential attacker is probably none too great but there is a very real chance that someone else does care for that person. Maybe the attacker is just a drug addict who could potentially redeem himself one day and once again become the good person his loved ones knew he could be. There is little chance at redemption for an individual with a bullet hole in their chest. Let’s protect ourselves without question but let’s try to do it without taking the life of another. We can accomplish this with the cell phone stun gun


In all seriousness how clever was that title? It’s pretty clever. I really impressed myself this time.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is The Best Means Of Self Defense For A Senior Citizen? Personal Alarms.

I love my mother. I love my grandma. I would much rather neither of them be the victim of a violent attack. I doubt very much that I am alone on this. I think that many people care very deeply for one or more senior citizens that they know. That is why I think it is such a great idea and such a wonderful gesture of appreciation when we can go just a little bit out of our way to make sure that these seniors we care for have a means of self defense in the way of a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are great because they are truly as ‘safe’ as a tool of self defense can possibly get. I’m not comfortable with my 87 year old grandmother walking around with a handgun. That isn’t safe for her or anyone around her. I don’t like anyone having a firearm, much less a senior citizen. I think the world would be a far safer place if every firearm were to instantly vanish right now. I will always choose the more humane, non-lethal alternative.

I have no problem with the majority of able-bodied seniors carrying a stun device as long as they are in fact able bodied and sound of mind and are properly trained in using such a stun device. However a stun device is no joke and the decision to carry one should not be taken lightly. I also understand that a stun device is not for everyone and that some people just do not feel comfortable with one and so for many people this just is not an option.

Defensive sprays are great for any and every responsible adult looking for a means of self defense. I would say they are immeasurably less dangerous than a firearm and considerably less dangerous than a stun device. However there is still an inherent danger level involved in using a defensive spray, especially with a senior who may not be as physically strong as their attacker. Namely the threat of the defensive spray being turned against them by the attacker.

So what is my choice for senior citizen self defense tool of the century? A personal alarm. Personal alarms for seniors are completely and utterly safe and can still be as effective as any non-lethal self defense weapon. A personal alarm works by emitting an extremely loud alarm (130db or more in some cases!). Usually what happens when some cowardly punk scumbag attacker tries to engage someone smaller and weaker than themselves and a 130 decibel alarm goes off is that the coward attacker decides to turn tail and run for fear of being caught. Unless the attacker is a complete fool he will understand that when one of these alarms starts wailing that people will start diverting their attention to the source of such a noise.

So please do yourself and your loved ones (of any age) a favor and strongly consider carrying a personal alarm with you at all times.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stun Guns Are Better Than Regular Guns In My Opinion

Let me explain the title. Firearms were designed to kill. That’s it. They are not meant to maim. They are meant to stop somebody by putting a hole in them that requires a professional to close. Relax hunters, as long as you are using what you kill I wont gripe. How can I say anything derogatory about hunters when I just ate a McRib. (Although I’m not entirely sure the McRib is made with any real meat).

Responsible gun owners I really do not have a huge problem with as long as they aren’t constantly shouting about how everyone should own a gun too. Actually if they were doing that then I guess they wouldn’t be responsible so I was wrong. I guess I do hate those particular gun owners. The majority of humans on this Earth should not have any kind of access to a gun. Drug addicts, airheads, people with anger issues, criminals, really young people, really old people, really dumb people and a host of others are an accident waiting to happen with a firearm.

I also don’t want to hear from any NRA second amendment freaks that cry constantly about their constitutional right to carry a killing machine on them because some people that lived 250 years ago said so. I am not disparaging the Constitution. There are some inherent flaws in it but the heart of the Constitution is more or less in the right place. The flaws I speak of are, for the most part, there because we just live in a different time than did the gentlemen that penned the Constitution. I know I’ll hear from some people on this but I think the need for a person to have a gun today is much less evident than it was 250 years ago.

With that said I am all for people being able to protect themselves and having an efficient means of doing so. That is where stun devices come in. They can be every bit as effective as a firearm without all the blood and fatal chest wounds. Stun guns are the humane alternative to firearms. I don’t own a gun and I don’t think I will ever have my mind changed on that matter. I just don’t want to be responsible for the death of another human being. Even if it is while protecting myself or my loved ones. If I had a gun and it was truly a matter of my life or anothers then see ya wouldn’t wanna b ya but if I can choose between stopping an attacker non-lethally or by putting him down for a permanent rest I’ll take the non-lethal choice.

Again these are merely my opinions and you can choose or yourself whether or not you agree.

For those of you that think along the same lines as myself and would like to buy a stun gun please feel free to visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Double Trouble Stun Gun Dont Want No Trouble Now, Ya Hear?

If the Double Trouble stun gun was a sheriff in an old western town it would be the strong, confident type that didn’t take no riff-raff from no hornswoggler. He’d just stare at the bad guys with that steely gaze and the criminals would just hot foot it out of town lessen they wanted to tangle with the meanest, fiercest most rottin’-tootinest’ sheriff in the land. Those no-good sidewinders would know full well that sheriff Double Trouble was meaner than a rattlesnake and when provoked could strike with a venomous bite.

The Double Trouble Stun Gun is so effective because of the space between the contacts. The further the distance between contacts the more effective a stun gun is. Most normal stun guns have a 1.5 inch space between contacts whereas the Double Trouble has 5 inches! Now I know that by looking at this device it might seem impractical and a little over the top but I’m here to tell you it isn’t so. It’s truly form meeting function. It looks mean because it is mean. If you are about to be attacked I am fairly certain you are going to be much more concerned with the effectiveness of a stun gun than whether or not it looks a tad ‘over the top’.

People have handguns for protection because they are effecvtive but those things can and do kill. These can be every bit as effective but without taking anyones life. Sherriff D.T. might not take any riff raff and isn’t afraid to put a whoopin’ on an intruder but he lives by the motto that we should ‘live and let live’. Another thing to consider is that with a firearm you can’t have an ‘oops’. I am by no means saying that you should get in a ‘use this stun gun first and ask questions later’ state-of-mind

So let’s all take a page out of sheriff D.T.’s book and keep ourselves safe when we are out and about. The world is a crazy place and there are people out there that will hurt you over nothing at all and it won’t affect them a bit. So please be safe and consider carrying some form of non-lethal self defense with you be it a defensive spray, stun device or personal alarm of some type. Hopefully you will never have to use it but if you do need one and don’t have it? Ouch. That will be a horrible day.

Stay Safe

Puzek Security Systems

Monday, November 8, 2010

Apartment Alarms Are Great For People Who Don’t Enjoy Being Robbed

Let me explain to you what I had in my apartment when I was in my twenties and living alone in the city. Nothing. I mean I had objects that might be referred to as tables as you could technically set something on them but in all seriousness if someone robbed me and took every last thing in my apartment I would be out maybe 200 bucks. He might have taken the Nintendo 64 and although that would have hurt immeasurably it wouldn’t have been an earth shattering financial event. Regardless of there being little of value in my apartment at the time I did have renters insurance in place and had anything been taken it would have been replaced with me losing nothing more than my deductible.

Unfortunately many renters take care to make sure their material items are insured but not necessarily the most important item of all, their peace of mind. What I mean is that when someone is the victim of a robbery what often happens is that they feel a sense of violation and insecurity that renters insurance can not replace. Fortunately I have not had to deal with that feeling but many of my customers have and the things they have told me make me glad I have not had to experience the same hardship. There’s a real sense of fear that can set in the night after a break in. Who was in here? Do I know them? Are they coming back? What the heck is going on? What was that noise? Am I talking out loud or am I just thinking these things?

The point is that renters insurance can help protect you from a financial loss but will do nothing to protect you from the mental and emotional toll that a break in can have on your sense of safety and security. A very inexpensive apartment alarm can however. Most apartment alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel sound when a window or door has been breached and that really loud noise is almost always enough to deter a potential criminal from further entering the residence and why wouldn’t it be (unless the burglar is literally deaf)? Criminals don’t like being caught and as soon as they pop the window and hear a 130 decibel alarm screeching at them they are going to turn tail and book but by that point everyone within ear shot is on the lookout and that criminal has just increased his or her chances of being caught.

So please do yourself and those that love you a favor and consider installing one of these extremely effective yet affordable alarms in your own apartment or dorm.

Stay Safe.

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Electronic Dog Repellers, For When Ubu Won’t Sit.

I am a dog lover. I have always had dogs and my current best friend, Kody is a 9 year old yellow labrador who I have had since he was a pup. My children ride this dog around the house like a carnival pony and my 2 year old son fails to understand that Kody is not indestructible. Like all good dogs Kody is extremely tolerant of all of this and it’s easy to tell he loves the kids every bit as much as we love him.

Unfortunately not all dogs are as loving, obedient and kind as Kody. Some dogs can be, for lack of better words, vicious killing machines. I truly believe that the vast majority of these vicious dogs are not born this way but made. Usually by low life scumbags who should never have the privilege of owning a dog in the first place. These types of dogs are awfully frightening because reason can not be talked into them. They have been programmed to attack and that is all that they know. Either that or long term abuse by irresponsible owners has made the dog afraid and untrusting of humans. One way or another these dogs are dangerous and if one gets close enough to attack you while you are out for a morning stroll you are in significant danger. Life threatening danger depending on the dog involved.

That is where something as inexpensive and easy to carry as an electronic dog repeller can be a real life saver (literally). These things work in two ways. The first is by emitting an extremely high frequency sound (20,000Hz-25,000Hz) that is discomforting to the dog but in no way harmful and can not be heard by the human ear. And, the second is a super bright LED flashing strobe that temporarily blinds and confuses the dog but again will not do any real harm to the creature.

These have also been used to help train dogs and I completely support its use in doing so as it is, once again, in no way shape or form harmful to the dog.

The fact that these are so portable makes them great for anyone but I always like to carry mine in the morning when I go for my daily run. Okay, maybe I don’t run daily but every other day. At least once a week. Listen, I’m going to start running again soon and when I do I wont have to worry about any of the scary dogs in my neighborhood.

Stay Safe.

Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Favorite Things About Camping With Bear Spray Are The Camp Fires, Fresh Air And Not Being Mauled To Death By Bears

I really love camping. The fresh air, the sun, the campfires at night, the not being eaten by a 400 pound Black Bear, the smell of morning dew, the quiet tranquility that only a trip to the northern woods of Wisconsin can truly deliver. Unless the bear thing is happening to you. That is because that is one of the last things you want occurring while camping. Or anywhere really. I can’t think of too many times where I’m like “you know, this is good and all but I’d much rather be getting eaten by a bear right now”.

As such I never go anywhere near a forest without bear spray. I don’t own a gun and never will. I eat meat so I’d be a hypocrite if I said I’m against hunting but I don’t hunt myself because I just am not hip on having a gun around. That is in no way a slight against responsible gun owners who enjoy hunting and use what they kill to sustain their own life it is just my personal preference. What Guard Alaska bear spray does is prevent a bear attack by spraying the bear with a large dose of highly concentrated pepper spray. It is highly effective and certainly will give you a leg up in an otherwise doomed situation.

One thing to remember is to always have it accessible. Very accessible. When the immediate danger of a possible bear attack occurs it is because you are…

A. Very close to a bear that could very easily remove you throat for you.


B. That close and have upset the bear for whatever reason.

Either way you are not going to have much time to think about where you may have packed the bear spray. Nor is the bear going to let you take a 2 minute ‘time-out’ while you think about it. You pretty much want to always have it on your person when you are out and about or what is the point of having it?

As always my intention is not to make light of what could be a very tragic event but hopefully to draw attention to a very safe and effective way to prevent such a tragic event.

Stay Safe.

To buy bear spray online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, November 1, 2010

And The Gods Of Non-Lethal Self Defense Said “Let There Be Light” And There Was The Stun Gun Flashlight. And it was good.

In olden days, before the age of electricity there wasn’t much in the way of non-lethal self defense. In the very early days of man an attacker could be stopped with a rock but often a rock could do serious damage to the Neanderthal attackers cranium and what Neanderthal knew how to repair a fractured skull? That attacker was dead.

Throughout time weapons have evolved but if you think about it there was never really much in the way of defending ones self without endangering the life of another. It began with rocks and then progressed to swords, axes, firearms, cannons, missiles, etc… you get the point. These are all fine and well if you have no regard for the other persons life. If someone comes at me with a knife and I shoot them with a very high caliber firearm I am probably going to stop the attack. And probably that mans heart. I don’t need that on my psyche but I do enjoy knowing I have the option to carry something that can be every bit as effective as many firearms at stopping an attacker and that I can do so without killing another person. We can keep a measure of compassion for human life and still protect ourselves effectively.

The stun gun flashlight is pretty next-level. A true marvel of modern ingenuity. As multi-functional as a device can get. It can keep you safe in so many ways. Let’s go ahead and come up with a completely hypothetical situation where this device could deliver protection in many ways. For one its a flashlight. When is the last time a flashlight wasn’t completely imperative when you needed it. Can you see in the dark? Are you a bat? Seriously, are you? Because that would be pretty cool.

Second, it is a 130 decibel alarm. Do you know what happens when you set off a 130 decibel alarm anywhere near civilization? People pay attention. Criminals stop breaking the law and run in fear of getting caught.

And last but not least it is a 200,000 volt stun gun. 200,000 volts that will completely and efficiently, yet non-lethally, incapacitate your attacker(s). It works by using a high voltage, low amperage current of electricity into the attackers body. It basically ends all normal neuromuscular activity until the current is stopped. Or in other words makes the attacker involuntarily lay down.

If only the Neanderthals would have had this technology.

Stay Safe.

To see more on the stun gun flashlight or to buy stun guns online please visit us at

Monday, October 25, 2010

Stun Master Stun Batons Are The Modern Day Lightsaber

Luke Skywalker used the force to help battle the forces of evil but even he had a little help. Luke had his trusty lightsaber. Fortunately for us Earthlings we have some help too. The Stun Master Stun Baton is our lightsaber and can be every bit as effective at fighting the forces of evil, or in our case preventing a potential physical assault. And unlike Luke, who didn’t mind taking a life or two, we don’t have to worry about taking a life with the stun baton. That’s because this beautiful little self defense weapon is non-lethal. It simply incapacitates the bad guy, it doesn’t kill them. Just think about all the storm troopers that could have had a chance to redeem themselves if Luke had used a stun baton instead of the lightsaber?
In all seriousness though it wouldn’t be a bad idea, especially for women and senior citizens, to consider finding a little help in safely defending themselves by way of a non lethal self defense device like the stun baton. I’m not going to pretend like a stun baton is as practical as a regular stun gun. Let’s be honest, although the stun baton does retract and is relatively light and easy to carry it isn’t quite as practical as the smaller, lighter and easier to carry regular stun gun. What it does have over a smaller stun gun, in my opinion, is a higher level of efficiency. It has a 21 inch retractable rod that if touched will deliver a high voltage, low amperage shock that will incapacitate even the most aggressive of attackers. The rod will allow you to incapacitate your attacker from a greater distance therefor making it both a more effective and safer weapon. And the beauty is that you don’t have to worry about the attacker touching you and getting shocked yourself because the current is one way.
As with any stun device I can with all sincerity say that they will work without you even having to touch your attacker. How you ask? Well lets say two thugs had cornered you in an alley and were closing in to relieve you of any money or valuables you had on your person. Now lets say that before they came within 20 feet you pulled out this retractable stun baton, pushed the button and out came the rod, crackling and lighting up the alley with its blue haze of pain for any would-be attacker. I promise you those two thugs will give serious consideration before proceeding if not just turn tail and run immediately.
So do yourself and those that love you a favor and carry some form of non-lethal self defense with you at all times and may the force be with you. Sorry I couldn’t resist.
Stay Safe.
To view the Stun Master Stun Baton please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ring….Ring….It’s Safety Calling and It Wants Seniors To Have A Cell Phone Stun Gun

The average senior citizen today is more tech savvy than they the average senior citizen was 5 years ago. Society is just headed in that direction. In another 5 years the average senior citizen (and people of every age) will be that much more savvy in regards to technology. For the most part technology has made so many aspects of our lives easier and more effective. Non-lethal self defense weapons are certainly no exception when it comes to this. In fact they may be the perfect example.

How did seniors defend themselves before technology introduced such wonders as the Pretender cell phone stun gun? What a perfect device to help anyone of any age feel safe and protected wherever they may be.

They look and feel like a real cell phone so portability, usability and conceal-ability is not a problem. Nor is effectiveness as these little handheld stun devices pack a walloping 4.5 million volts. If you ever find yourself needing to use one of these guns you won’t have to worry about it not getting the job done. I assure you that your attacker is not going to be immune to 4.5 million volts entering his nervous system. These devices turn sweet little old ladies into Mike Tyson (without all of the emotional baggage) at the flip of a switch.

Another thing I love about stun guns is that even though they are extremely effective due to their high voltage they are extremely safe due to their low amperage. This volts to amps ratio is what allows that sweet old lady to make an attacker stop attacking whereas a firearm could very well make the attacker stop breathing. I don’t know about the sweet old lady but I really don’t want to be responsible for someone losing their life. Even if it is in the name of self defense.

So if you are a senior and you cant bench 450 pounds and stop bullets I would strongly suggest you take very simple and affordable measures to help ensure your safety. Pretender stun gun cell phones fit the bill quite nicely.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Senior Citizen Without A Personal Alarm Is Like Peanut Butter With No Jelly

Senior citizens, on average, are less capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation than they were when they were 10 or 20 or 30 years younger. That is just a fact. There is no fighting Father Time. I am in my 30′s and I assure you that I am just a bit slower than I was in my 20′s. And in 10 years I will be a bit slower than I am now and with that I will most likely be a bit less capable of besting an attacker should a physical altercation occur.

Potential scumbag attackers know this. Criminals are opportunistic if nothing else. They want to do the least amount of work possible to attain their goal of obtaining things that don’t belong to them. So if you take some strung out crackhead who needs money for his next fix and he’ll do anything to get it and sees a little sweet old lady and a 35 year old male he is going to go after the little old lady. It just is what it is. So I would hope that the sweet little old lady is carrying something to help protect her.

I strongly suggest 1 of three items. A stun device, defensive spray or a personal alarm. I know that some people are leery of carrying a stun device and/or pepper spray as they are concerned that these weapons could be used against them. I will tell you that the likelihood of these weapons being turned on the user is very scarce but if people truly do not feel comfortable carrying these items than please, please, please consider carrying on your person a personal alarm of some sort. Especially if you are a senior citizen.

Personal alarms are 100% safe, can not be used against you and are extremely easy to carry. Many of these personal alarms attach to your key chain to help ensure you do not forget to bring it along when you leave the house. They work by simply alerting others that you are in trouble. If an attacker approaches you simply press a button on the small handheld device and an extremely loud (130 decibels or more in some cases) alarm emits from the device.

Criminals dont like being caught. As part of this they do not enjoy having others alerted to what they are doing and anyone within earshot is certainly going to be alerted, and their attention drawn, when one of these little beauties starts wailing its distress call. More often than not I would expect the attacker to turn tail and run as soon as the alarm starts screaming for fear of being apprehended. So please be prepared. Violence can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.

Stay Safe.

To view other items of self defense for seniors please visit us at Puzek Security Systems