Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This Christmas Let’s Give Seniors The Gift Of Self Defense With A Personal Alarm

Christmas is perhaps my favorite time of year and what’s not to enjoy about Christmas? We get to spend quality time with friends and family, enjoy home cooked meals and exchange heartfelt gifts with one another. The only problem I see with gift giving is that often times we exchange gifts that end up going right back to the store to be returned either because it was the wrong size or the person receiving the gift just wasn’t into whatever the gift was. I mean that is the whole reason we are so often asked if we would like a gift receipt by the person working the register. That is why this Christmas I’d like to suggest that we give a gift to any senior citizens on our list that they will not only want and appreciate but can actually use and that gift is a personal alarm. What better way to show your appreciation for someone special in your life than to give them a gift that could very well save their life one day?

Personal alarms are one of those items that I think just about anyone should own but I really think make ideal tools of self defense for seniors as they require no special training, can be extremely effective in deterring an assault and are completely and utterly safe. Seniors are also at a higher risk of assault than their younger counterparts and that is not only because they may be physically less apt at defending themselves but because criminals know they may be less apt at physically defending themselves. They work by simply emitting an extremely high decibel alarm that works to scare off potential attackers. Many of these alarms come in the form of a keychain which makes them virtually impossible to forget at home and also makes it readily and quickly available in the event of an attack.

Also, it is not just giving the gift of a personal alarm but so much more that you will be giving this holiday season. It is the gift of security, or at the very least the feeling of security that you can be giving to a loved one. Fortunately we live in a rather civilized world (I understand that that comment is open for debate) and the chances that such an alarm would ever have to be used is rather slim but just knowing it is there can offer a very fulfilling feeling for some.

So please consider giving the gift of self defense to any senior citizens on your list this holiday season.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more personal alarms for seniors like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This Thanksgiving Let’s All Be Thankful For The Electronic Dog Repeller

Thanksgiving is a time to sit back with friends and family, stuff ourselves with delicious home cooked meals, and reflect on all of the many things we are thankful for, I for one am thankful that I am not bleeding to death from an open and gaping neck wound given to me by a rabid dog during a random and senseless act of canine violence. Thankfully for me, and others who share the same passion for not being torn to shred by pitbulls, we have electronic dog repellers to keep us safe. You would have to be a real turkey (you like how I through that pun in there?) to walk the streets of any neighborhood without carrying some form of self defense against dogs that may mean you harm and depending on the neighborhood in which you reside, the need for such a device may be an absolute must have item.

Humans are not the only ones who can be thankful for such a device as the electronic dog repeller either. Dogs too should rejoice in the fact that we humans have designed an effective means of self defense against canines that does not involve harming the dog in any way shape or form. You see the electronic dog repeller does not work by spraying a pepper spray into the dogs face but simply by emitting an extremely loud, high decibel alarm and super bright flashing strobe light that both work in conjunction to frighten and confuse the dog. Frightening and confusing a dog are much better than maiming or killing the dog in my opinion, especially if we are unsure of an approaching dogs intent. Let us say for example that a kindly pitbull has somehow gotten out of the yard it was in and is now wandering the streets and has accidentally crossed your path. That may be a scary situation for some but it isn’t necessarily a life threatening one if the pitbull in question is a good dog and means you no harm. If your only defense was pepper spray or a firearm you may not know you’ve seriously injured or killed a kindly beast until it is too late. With an electronic dog repeller you can safely avoid close contact because the high decibel alarm can be effective up to 40 feet, which is also much further than pepper spray can be effective. These devices are so humane in fact that they come with a training setting that can be used to effectively and humanely train your own dog. I think it is safe to say that we can all be thankful for this little piece of technology.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stun Batons Are Custom Made For Security Personnel

This article is purely my opinion regarding what attributes the ‘perfect weapon’ for security guards should possess and you are more than welcome to agree or disagree. Let’s first determine what the role of security guard means. To me a security guard is not the stereotypical, bumbling, inept slacker that Hollywood always seems to depict. why this stigma has followed security professionals I do not exactly know. Perhaps because many security guards are not college educated or because people assume that they don’t see any “action” while on their post. In reality the role of security professional is, and always has been, an overworked, underpaid, and severely underappreciated one. They are the first, last and very often, only line of defense that a business has against unlawful entry and theft. It is true that the majority of security guards will spend the vast majority of their time, if not all their time, in a state of ‘sitting and waiting’ for something to happen and chances are good that that something will never happen but on the off chance it does these security professionals will be called upon to potentially risk their life to protect the companies physical assets. As such we should make sure that these security professionals are armed with the latest and greatest non-lethal self-defense weapons available.

So now that we have more or less defined what the role of security professional means we should look at what we need to arm these professionals with in order to ensure the safety of the security guard, the company they work for and even the potential assailant they may need to one day deal with. First and foremost any weapon of choice should be non-lethal as we don’t need the average security guard walking around with a loaded handgun. Secondly, the non-lethal security device in question should be effective to help protect the security guard and allow him to do his job to the best of his ability. I can’t think of a more effective non-lethal instrument than the stun baton. Numerous police studies have shown stun devices to be every bit as effective in neutralizing an attacker as a 9 mm handgun and without having to kill, or even injure an assailant, to do so. And stun batons have a massive advantage over traditional stun devices as they have much more reach and hence a security professional does not have to be as close to an attacker and risk having the device taken from him by the attacker. For all of these reasons and more I truly believe that every security guard should be equipped with a stun baton.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on stun batons please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Do Not Overlook The Importance of Handheld Metal Detectors

There aren’t many devices that can boast the ability to actually save a life and more often than not these products are tragically overlooked. When you consider how affordable many of these life-saving devices are and how extremely easy they are to use it makes their lack of use that much more tragic. Take seat belts for example, so often we hear of fatal auto accidents involving someone losing their life because they failed to do something as simple as reach over and put their seat belt on. Helmets are another potentially life-saving device that goes overlooked all too often. In my knucklehead state, Illinois, the law requires you wear a seat belt but does not require you wear a helmet when operating a motorcycle. As is to be expected I see a great number of motorcyclists cruising about town with their hair flowing in the wind. Should any of these people get in an accident their chances of survival drop immeasurably because they chose to not wear such a helmet and I pray that these people understand the risks they are taking before it is too late.

Handheld metal detectors are no different than seat belts and helmets in so much as they are an item that can easily be implemented to ensure people’s safety but are all too often overlooked. I have been to more than enough events with multiple unknown attendees, where no security scanning device of any kind was used at the door. This to me seems ludicrous, especially in a day and age where random acts of gun violence can take place anywhere at any time and to anyone. Even if a promoter cared little for the safety of his or her attendees or put little value in human life it would still behoove the promoter to implement security scanning devices like handheld metal detectors so as to avoid the possibility of a potential lawsuit resulting from someone being hurt or killed by a weapon at their event.

Handheld metal detectors also offer not only a more thorough security scan than the old ‘pat down’ method of checking for weapons but also a much faster and socially comfortable method of scanning entrants into any event. If you have ever been to a concert, sporting event or any large gathering where the entrants were being patted down by hand by security you are all too well aware of how long the process can take and how uncomfortable it might be for both the event attendees and the security personnel as well.

So please, if you are planning an event of any size and you know there will be attendees whom you do not personally know, acquire an affordable and reliable handheld metal detector.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more handheld metal detectors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Self Defense Product of the Year Award Goes To the Stun Gun Flashlight

It’s time once again to award one non-lethal self-defense product with the coveted ‘Puzek Security Self Defense Product of the Year’ and this year that award goes to none other than the Stun Gun Flashlight, and what better product to win that award than a product as useful and diverse as this one? Any non-lethal self-defense device should be designed to potentially save someone’s life in the off chance that someone actually finds themselves face to face with a potential assailant but few devices can be as useful as the stun gun flashlight on a day to day basis and even fewer can help protect someone in situations aside from stopping an attacker. All of this said, it seemed a no-brainer that this product would win this year’s award and may just be the winner for years to come.

First and foremost this thing is, as the name would suggest, a flashlight and a very durable, dependable and ultra-bright one at that. So even if you aren’t in need of stopping an attacker (and our hope is that you never will be) you can still find good use in the flashlight itself.

Secondly, it has a detachable red cone that can be used in emergency roadside situations that occur at night. I don’t know if you have ever found yourself stranded on a busy road or highway at night but it can be an extremely unnerving event. The stun gun flashlight’s detachable red warning cone can help extend your visibility to oncoming motorists and ultimately could save your life as being hit by a ton of steel going 65 miles per hour could certainly prove fatal.

Thirdly, this device has a 130 decibel alarm that can help supplement the stun action in terms of protection against attack. If you are wondering how an alarm could possibly stop an attack please allow me to explain. Any criminal who is not literally as dumb as a rock will know that getting caught while committing a crime, purse snatching for example, is not going to be a good thing and will very likely end their criminal career. So any loud noises are going to attract attention and that unwanted attention is sure to bring the police and hence when the criminal will not want to stay in an area where a 130 decibel alarm has just been activated. 130 decibels by the way is roughly the same decibel level as sitting in the 10th row of the average rock concert.

Last but not least this device is, again as the name would suggest, a stun gun. A very powerful 200,000 volt stun device that should prove more than enough to stop even the most vicious and determined attacker. Not just any stun gun but a stun baton really which offers its user a major advantage over traditional stun devices as it gives on the advantage of reach (the stun gun flashlight measures 16.5 inches).

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the stun gun flashlight or learn where to buy stun guns please visit us online.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Camping Is Best Enjoyed While Not Being Attacked By Bears

Camping has always been my favorite way to spend my free time. There are just so many wonderful things about camping that I love, the fresh air, preparing fresh caught salmon, the bonfires at night, sleeping under a starlit sky and my absolute favorite, not being dragged out of my tent and mauled to death by bears. To enjoy fresh air I need only bring myself (although quitting smoking has helped in this endeavor as well). To enjoy the salmon I bring the appropriate cooking utensils, fishing pole and tackle box. To enjoy the bonfires I need to remember to bring along waterproof matches and firewood. And to enjoy all of these things without having my camping trip cut short via bear mauling I always make sure to bring along Guard Alaska bear spray.

Bear attacks are not all that common but they do happen and it doesn’t make any sense to ‘play the odds’ and just hope you aren’t confronted by a bear while camping. If you are going to be travelling into areas where there is even the remotest chance of seeing one then please do you and your loved ones a favor by bringing along a proven bear spray. I know Guard Alaska works and I am sure there are some other brands that do as well but the important part is that you have it with you at all times. Bringing along bear spray and having it in the trunk of your car is not going to do you any good if you are out hiking and accidentally find yourself between a half-ton grizzly and her cubs. The mother bear is not going to wait while you trot back to the car to get your bear spray and if she attacks you have an extremely high chance of never camping (or breathing) again.

In all seriousness though it always astounds and saddens me when I read about a bear attack when I know how easy it can be to avoid one. A bear attack of any magnitude, even the ones that don’t prove fatal, can be immensely tragic for not only the victim and the victim’s family but also many times for the bear as it is often hunted down and killed after an attack on a human. Bears for the most part are not out looking for humans to attack, they attack because they feel that they are in danger or that their cubs are in danger. I always feel a deep regret for the bear when it has to die because of what really boils down to the human’s inability to plan or prepare properly before camping in bear populated areas.

So pretty please with sugar on top do not even consider camping in bear populated areas without bringing along, and carrying at all times, a bear spray like Guard Alaska.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy bear spray or see other animal repellents please visit us online.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keeping Your Apartment Safe Includes Installing Apartment Alarms

I have found an interesting phenomenon amongst apartment renters and that is that many apartment renters are under the impression that they do not need to install an alarm system to help protect their residence from a potential break in. This is an absolute and potentially dangerous misconception. Studies continue to show that apartments are more often broken into than are single family homes and as such any apartment renter needs to seriously consider installing some kind of apartment alarm system. Such alarm systems are extremely easy to install and cost much less than one would think, making installing an apartment alarm seem like a no-brainer to me.

One of the things that make apartment alarms so much easier to install than an alarm system for a single family home is that with an apartment you usually have much fewer points of entry to concern yourself with. This certainly is the case with apartments that are not on ground level as you really only have to worry about a burglar breaking and entering through one or two doors depending on the layout of the apartment. So for example in a case where there are only two doors to worry about, one could simply hang a motion sensor alarm on each doorknob at night. If a burglar tries either door the ultra-sensitive motion alarm is sure to scare the holy heck out of him and certainly be loud enough to wake you and have you on the phone with the police in no time (hopefully in time to apprehend the low life). Compare the cost of two door guard alarms (which should run about 30 dollars combined) to installing an alarm system in a single family home (which could easily cost thousands of dollars) and the apartment costs literally a fraction of what the home security devices cost.

I was recently at a friend’s apartment and noticed that he had nothing installed in the way of an alarm system. He did not even have so much as a door stop to keep potential intruders from entering his residence and when I asked him about it his reply was “I have renters insurance” and I think this is another common misconception people have. They somehow believe that renters insurance is going to keep burglars out of their home. If you are living in an apartment I beg of you not to think along the same lines as these people. Renters insurance can replace items once they have already been taken but it can never replace the sense of security you felt before a stranger came into your home. The only way to mend that feeling of insecurity is to never feel it in the first place and the best way i know how to do that is by installing an apartment alarm.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Self Defense For Seniors Is As Easy As Buying A Personal Alarm

My passion has always been, and will always remain to be, helping people defend and protect themselves and their families via non-lethal self-defense products. Of all the people that need protection, which is each and every one of us if you really think about it, senior citizens are the people I most often consider. Seniors are often targeted because criminals assume that the average senior citizen will be less apt at defending themselves than the average 25 year old for example. Whether or not this is a fair assumption is not so much the point as is the fact that seniors need to carry some form of self defense as they are in fact a more highly targeted group of people when it comes to petty crime.

One of the best way for a senior citizen to defend themselves against potential attack is to carry a personal alarm at all times. Personal alarms are ideal for senior citizens because unlike stun guns, tasers and defensive sprays, they are entirely safe. Personal alarms are an instrument of self defense that uses no projectiles, electrical charge or harmful spray yet can be every bit as effective as any weapon of self-defense. They simply use a very loud noise (130 decibels or more in most cases) to scare away potential attackers and alert anyone in the area that help may be needed. Most criminals are not looking to be caught and that is why such a loud noise will serve to scare an attacker as he or she will know that the attention of anyone in the area is being directed towards them. Another reason I feel these little alarms are so perfect for seniors is because they take no special training whatsoever as would be the case with a firearm, taser or just about anything that uses a projectile. I would suggest however that anyone carrying a personal alarm practice removing it from wherever you are carrying it (purse, pocket, etc…) and activating the alarm as quickly as possible so that in the event of a real attack the motion becomes automatic. Personal alarms are very small which makes them extremely easy to carry along in a purse or pocket. Many even come in the form of a keychain, making them virtually impossible to forget when a senior citizen leaves the house.

So if you are a senior citizen yourself or are looking for that perfect, inexpensive gift idea for any senior citizens you may know, please keep personal alarms in mind as they really are the perfect item of self-defense for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy personal alarms online or view other forms of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Top 10 Favorite Stun Devices: #10 – Cell Phone Stun Gun…

Being in the business of non-lethal self defense it is safe to say that self-defense devices are my passion. As such I have decided to come up with a list of my top ten favorite non-lethal self-defense stun devices of all time and here they are…

10.  Cell Phone stun gun

The Cell Phone stun gun is an incognito, amazingly powerful 4.5 million volt stun gun that looks exactly like a cell phone upon even the closest of inspections.

9.  Stun Master 300,000 Volt Stun Device

An original made by the godfathers of the industry, Stun Master. These devices will last you a lifetime and be as reliable the first time you use it as they will be 30 years from now.

8.  Double Trouble Stun Gun

The Double Trouble Stun Gun is great because its molded in a way that makes it almost impossible to have taken from you and more importantly has twice the space between contacts as a regular stun gun. This increased space between contacts makes it more powerful and gives you more area with which to touch, and consequently subdue, an assailant.

7.  Knuckle Blaster Stun Device

Okay, I like this one mostly because it just looks like something that anyone wishing to attack you would not want to tangle with under any circumstance.

6. Stun Master Hot Shot Stun Device

Small, compact and packs a massive wallop at 4.5 million volts. Also, and maybe most importantly, it is made by Stun Master who has been a leader in the industry for almost 30 years now.

5.  Stun Master Multi-Function Stun Device

It’s a powerful 4.5 million volts which will be more than enough to stop any attacker that isn’t literally a full grown Asian Elephant. It is also a flashlight, has red flashing emergency lights and has a built in 130 decibel alarm and is made by Stun Master, what more could you want?

4.  Runt stun gun

Another ultra-powerful 4.5 million volt stun device. This one is so small it can’t even be seen while holding it in your hand. It is also rechargeable which means no money spent on constantly buying expensive batteries.

3.  Stun Master Pen Stun Device

Extremely portable as it is the size of a magic marker and will fit in just about any pocket. Size does not equal power in this case as this little device still packs a walloping 1.2 million volts which will floor even the toughest of attackers with ease. It also has a flashlight and is rechargeable.

2.  Stun Master Telescopic Stun Baton

In my opinion a stun baton like this will always be vastly superior to a traditional stun device because of its reach, power and contact space. It’s always best if you are able to subdue an attacker without having to get as close to that attacker as you would with a regular stun device.

1.  Stun Gun Flashlight

Like the stun baton this thing gives you optimal reach and really is a ‘stun baton’ in that sense. Unlike the stun baton though this contraption gives you a super bright flashlight, attachable red cone for roadside emergencies and a super loud alarm to help scare an attacker away before you have to hit him with 200,000 volts of attitude adjusting electricity.

So that is my list and I’m sticking to it. Next week I will perhaps rank my top 10 defensive sprays of all time. So until then…

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see devices like the cell phone stun gun please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Makes Better Self Defense, Stun Guns Or Pepper Spray?

When choosing to carry a tool of non-lethal self-defense (which by the way I think is a great idea for every responsible, law-abiding, citizen) the question that most often arises is which product works best. The 2 most popular forms of non-lethal self-defense certainly seem to be stun guns and pepper spray and between these 2 you have advantages and disadvantages over the other. As such it isn’t so easy to answer the question ‘which is best?’ because it will often depend on what exactly you are looking for and who will be carrying these items. So let us discuss both and the advantages that either one may have over the other and perhaps you can decide for yourself which would be more beneficial to you personally.

Let us talk about stun guns first. Stun devices work by emitting a high-voltage electrical charge that disrupts the central nervous system of an attacker, rendering him or her helpless to continue the attack as they are no longer in control of their own motor functions. These devices are wonderfully effective and one distinct advantage that I can see with a stun device is that the attacker cannot ‘work through the pain’ and continue attacking because a stun gun doesn’t really work by distributing pain so much as just attacking the nervous system and putting down an attacker regardless of that attacker’s pain threshold. This also helps if the attacker is high on drugs as the electrical charge to the nervous system will work the same way it would with someone who is not on drugs. One major disadvantage to a stun device is that unlike with a Taser there are no projectiles and hence a stun device has very limited range. The stun gun must actually be physically touching an attacker to work and that can make for a potentially hairy situation if the person using the stun device is considerably slower and/or weaker than the attacker. This makes stun guns a better choice for someone of decent physical shape.

Stun Device Advantage: Highly reliable and effective against any attacker. Disadvantage: Range

Pepper spray can also be very effective. Pepper spray works by emitting a spray that swells mucus membranes of an attacker and causes intense pain and burning in those mucus membranes. This includes the eyes (which can cause temporary blindness), nose, mouth, throat and lungs. The advantage that pepper spray has over a stun device is without question its range. Most defensive sprays have about a 6-8 foot range wherein they can be effective (depending on wind conditions and what have you). The disadvantage can be that if the spray is not directly sprayed in the assailants face the assailant can continue to attack and even if they are sprayed in the face there is a chance the attacker, unlike with a stun gun, can ‘work through’ the pain and continue to attack. These may be a better choice than a stun gun for elderly people or for people who will be considerably slower than and/or not as strong as their potential attacker.

Pepper Spray Advantage: Range Disadvantage: May not be as effective as a stun device.

Both of these items can be very reliable life savers and I would certainly recommend one or the other to just about anyone looking to feel secure while walking the streets of this fine nation. I didn’t mention price as a disadvantage for either as they are both extremely affordable. Hopefully I’ve explained the advantages and disadvantages of each with enough clarity for you to make your own choice as to which would work best for you.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see where to buy pepper spray or where to buy stun guns please visit us online.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If You Are A Senior And Want To Defend Yourself Try A Personal Keychain Alarm

I continue to be astonished that there are senior citizens walking around without any measure of self defense whatsoever aside from just assuming that they will never be attacked. Hopefully that is true and statistically speaking the chances are in the average senior citizen’s favor that they won’t be involved in a physical altercation but that doesn’t mean one should not take extremely easy and affordable measures to ensure their safety should such an attack take place. By far the easiest, safest, most humane and cost-effective measure that any senior can take to ensure his or her own safety is by purchasing a personal alarm of some kind. Most of these personal alarms come in the form of a very small keychain alarm.

So how do these keychain alarms work and are they in fact effective in thwarting an attack at all? They work by emitting an extremely loud audible alarm that can be heard up to, and in some cases more than, a quarter mile away. That should answer the second part of that question with a resounding yes; they are effective in thwarting a potential attack. The premise with which these devices work upon is a very simple one and that is the notion that criminals and other would-be attackers do not want to be caught breaking the law. As such there is no criminal or would-be attacker that is going to want any attention drawn their way after they begin attacking someone and there isn’t anything that is going to draw the attention of others more than a really loud noise. So once a senior citizen finds themselves in a precarious situation involving another individual that is ready to attack them they would simply push a button and an ear splitting alarm emits. That ear splitting alarm is going to draw loads of attention at any time of night or day and that attention is what is going to scare the assailant away. Even if the alarm doesn’t scare the attacker away it will at the very least draw the attention of people that can help. All of this gives the senior a far greater chance of surviving such an attack unscathed then would be the case if the senior had no personal alarm.

Okay, if you are a senior and are still not convinced that carrying one of these keychain alarms is the best thing to do then let me add that most of these keychain alarms come with a built in flashlight. How could having a flashlight on your keychain not be helpful and if that’s what you need to hear to help you understand that one of these devices is absolutely imperative than I hope I’ve done my job.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more personal alarms for seniorslike the keychain alarm please visit us online