Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Do You Really Need To Buy Bear Spray Before Going Camping?

Do you really need to buy bear spray before you go camping in an area that has even the slightest chance of seeing a bear? No, technically you don’t need to do anything. You don’t need to bring a tent but you better hope the bugs aren’t too bad and it doesn’t rain on you whilst you sleep. While you are at it I wouldn’t wear a seatbelt while you are driving to your camping destination. I mean legally that is breaking the law but you don’t need to wear a seat belt as the car will drive just fine whether or not you’re wearing one. Also, I wouldn’t let any friends or family know that you’ll be out of town on a camping trip when you go. Just let them freak out and worry themselves sick and possibly even report you as a missing person to the local authorities. I mean it would be nice if you put your loved ones at ease by alerting them to the fact that you’ll be out of town but you don’t need to tell anyone anything.

Do you see the point I am trying to make here? Chances are very good that if you go camping in bear populated areas you would probably survive just fine without bear spray as fatal bear attacks are pretty rare, even in areas with heavy bear populations. Will you wear your seat belt when you drive to your camping destination though? Because fatal car accidents are much more common than bear attacks but still relatively rare when compared to the number of people that drive a car each and every day. Your chances of being injured in a car accident is less than 1% each time you get in a car, but you still wear the belt, right? Why? Because you have common sense, that’s why. The same common sense should apply when deciding which items to bring camping.

I always bring a first aid kit even though I have never used it and I always will bring it just in case. Why on Earth would I risk being mauled to death by a half ton grizzly bear when all I have to do is go online and pick up a bottle of bear spray and make sure I have it on me when I’m camping? It just makes zero sense to me and it always kills me when I hear stories of people being attacked by a bear while they are camping in an area where they knew full well a bear had the possibility of showing up. The last fatal bear attack in Yellowstone happened earlier this year and the unfortunate soul who lost his life did not have bear spray. Of course it is impossible to tell if things would have been different had he had bear spray but I can assure you that the stuff works and if he did have bear spray he would have drastically improved his chances of living to see another day.

So please, for your sake and the sake of the people that care about you buy bear spray if you are going to go camping and make sure that you have it on your person at all times. Also, wear your seat belt.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy bear spray or to view other animal repellents please visit us online

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Do People Really Need Apartment Alarms?

Do people really need apartment alarms? That is a great question and one that I will answer with a question, do you really need a seat belt? How many times has a seat belt saved your life? Most of you reading this will no doubt have to answer zero and those of you that could honestly answer ’1 or more’ no doubt understand the value of a seat belt and will no doubt ever forget to fasten one. My point is you could very well spend the rest of your life as an apartment enter and never truly need one but is it worth risking that when securing and installing an apartment alarm is so simple and costs about the same as a night at the movies.

I remember having this discussion with my brother when I was over at his apartment one day and his reason for not needing an apartment alarm system was that he had renters insurance and so anything that was taken could be replaced. I don’t know if he was completely serious or not but there are a couple of glaring holes with that logic. One, renters insurance will in fact replace most items that have been lost to a burglary but if you think the insurance company isn’t recouping those losses by raising your premiums than you are, for lack of a better word, a sucker. Two, renters insurance may replace those material items you have lost but one thing even the greatest of policies will not replace is that sense of insecurity you will feel once you’ve been the victim of a burglary. Do you honestly think you’ll lay down the night after you’ve had a break-in without a care in the world? I don’t think I would even sleep at all for a while and it wouldn’t be because I was worried about replacing that sweet new toaster. I’d be asking myself things like “who was it?”, “Do they know me?”, “Will they be back?”, “what was that noise?”. My point is that material things can be replaced but what cannot be replaced seems to me to be so much more important and that is your general sense of well-being in your own residence. And the best way to not lose this sense of security is to not have a burglar enter your apartment in the first place.

Securing an apartment is oftentimes far easier than a home because there just aren’t as many points of entry as with a single-family home. Oftentimes, especially if you are living on the 2nd floor or above, the only entrances one needs to secure are the front and back doors and that can be done with a couple of door alarms which are truly nothing more than alarms that are hung on the doors, that’s it. No time consuming, expensive installation needed, just hang a door alarm up and go. So please, with sugar on top, get yourself an apartment alarm if you are living in an apartment and enjoy keeping your sanity. You wear a seat belt don’t you?

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Who Should Buy Tasers?

When considering a non-lethal self-defense device many people will automatically think of Tasers as they are a very popular item used by law enforcement and private citizens alike. The reason they are so popular is because they can be every bit as effective, if not more so, than a firearm and are certainly the most effective non-lethal device available today. However, this level of effectiveness comes with an inherent level of danger and the purchasing of such a device is one that should be weighed carefully and in some parts of the country isn’t even an option as they have been deemed illegal. When studies show a device being more effective than a 9mm handgun, as some police studies have shown, you can bet that we are talking about a device that is not suitable for just anyone. So who should buy a Taser?, that is what I would like to discuss.

I firmly believe that every law-abiding citizen should have the right, if not the responsibility to one’s self and family, to be protected at all times by carrying some tool of self-defense. I also firmly believe that this tool should not be a firearm as that would make the world a far more dangerous place than it is already. There are several options when discussing non-lethal self-defense weapons and varying degrees of effectiveness and danger with each option. Pepper spray, for example, can be very effective and is much less dangerous, in my opinion, than a Taser but it is also not nearly as effective. Some assailants can fight through the pain of being sprayed with pepper spray but almost nobody can fight through the incapacitating effects of a Taser and this is why Tasers can be more effective than a 9mm handgun. Tasers do not rely on causing pain to the attacker; they simply take away an attacker’s ability to control their own bodies by disrupting the natural neurological pathways using electricity.

Tasers are sold as’ non-lethal’ devices and well over 99% of the time they are used they are just that, non-lethal. However, unfortunate events do happen and a relatively small number of fatalities have resulted from the use of Taser devices (relative to that of firearms, knives, etc…). So although I do not consider these devices to be all that likely to cause a fatality they are still very dangerous and should only be used by either law enforcement or someone that has both the proper training and a clean criminal record. In most states it is legal to buy and carry a Taser and this concerns me only because I would hate for a Taser to be used for any other reason than to defend an innocent person. So please use careful consideration if you are contemplating buying a Taser device yourself.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

If you want to buy Tasers online or are interested in knowing where to buy stun guns please visit us online.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Need Self Defense for Senior Citizens? Buy Personal Alarms.

Human beings are the most dangerous creature ever to walk the Earth. I am not saying all humans are bad; in fact I like to think that the vast majority of us are caring, thoughtful, non-violent creatures that pose a threat to absolutely no one. However, I am not so naive that I don’t realize the fact that there are those of us out there that truly live without a conscience and have no trouble nor lose no sleep over hurting others for their own personal gain. What really concerns me is that these bad people I speak of are not always entirely unintelligent and because of this they are going to choose targets they feel will give the least resistance. These bad guys (and gals) are going to take advantage of people they consider to be of inferior strength when choosing someone to mug and you know who oftentimes fits that bill? Senior citizens.

Time unfortunately slows us all down and as a result our growing senior population is finding themselves the target of more and more wrong doings. This is something that should concern each and every senior citizen and why every senior should have a means of defending themselves in the unfortunate event of an attack. The options for defending one’s self are relatively vast but the one that makes the most sense for senior citizens, in my opinion, is personal alarms. Personal alarms are ideal for seniors because they are completely safe to use, unlike a firearm, self-defense baton, pepper spray, stun gun or any of the other most popular choices available when discussing self-defense.

A personal alarm does not work by incapacitating an attacker but by hopefully scaring them away with the fear of being apprehended. You see a criminal will not have a very successful criminal career if that criminal is not afraid of being caught and a great way for a criminal to be caught is for people to be watching when he or she commits a crime. And what is a great way to draw people’s attention? How about with a 130 decibel shriek from a personal alarm? That will usually do the trick and when an attacker hears that shriek he or she knows darn well that anybody in the nearby vicinity heard it as well and will be looking his way immediately. I think chances are pretty good that the second a senior citizen sets a personal alarm off that the majority of criminals will turn tail and run from the scene.

So if you are a senior citizen or anyone that wants to add a very effective measure of safety please consider buying a personal alarm.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to buy personal alarms please visit us online

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You May Want To Find Out Where To Buy Pepper Spray If You Don’t Like Being Mugged

Do you like being mugged? Is being dragged down a dark alley and having the holy hell beaten out of you sound like a great way to spend an evening? Do you watch the news and see all of the violent altercations that occur each and every day and think to yourself ‘Gosh. Why can’t this happen to me’? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you needn’t read further because this article is not intended to help people like you. Also, I think you may have serious mental problems and should probably go and have those checked out by a team of professionals. For those of you who don’t enjoy being viciously attacked and robbed you may want to read on as this article may be just what you’ve been looking for.

The world is, unfortunately, a very violent place and I don’t know if that is something that will ever change. Because of this we need to always be prepared to defend ourselves should we find ourselves the victim of a violent altercation. There are a few ways to do this, you could learn martial arts but that takes time and is still not going to be entirely effective if for example your attacker is 200 pounds heavier than you and has a club he intends to hit you with. You could carry a loaded firearm but that is illegal in most places and for good reason, because firearms kill people each and every day. So let’s be practical and consider an effective yet non-lethal and relatively safe alternative like pepper spray.

Pepper spray takes no special training to use, is wildly effective, non-lethal, leaves no permanent side effects, easy to carry and is legal in almost all parts of the country. For all of these reasons I think it would behoove everyone (law-abiding, well-intentioned people anyway) to find out where to buy pepper spray so that they can effectively, responsibly and humanely defend themselves at all times. If someone approaches you with an obvious intent to attack you simply need to point, release the safety if one is present, spray, and evacuate the area as quickly as possible. What you will leave behind is an attacker whose eyes, nose, throat and lungs feel like they are on fire but one that will recover in time, hopefully just in time to take a seat in the back of a squad car.

They sell pepper spray just about anywhere these days, from convenient stores to sports stores (as they make great items of self defense for runners), but I’ve always found that the best deals can be found while shopping online. So please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and discover where to buy pepper spray and do just that. Thanks.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

If you want to know where to buy pepper spray please check us out online at Puzek Security Systems.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Your Stun Gun Dealer Reviews The Cell Phone Stun Gun

Hello and welcome to another non-lethal self-defense product review from your friendly online stun gun dealer. The cell phone stun gun, like all stun devices, is an extremely efficient form of self-defense that can be legally purchased and carried in the majority of areas within the United States. Because the Pretender cell phone stun gun looks completely identical to an actual cell phone it allows the user to carry the device without having to feel self-conscious about noticeably carrying a weapon of self-defense. In my humble opinion I think that letting everyone know you are carrying a weapon of some kind could prove to create more problems than it actually averts. And at barely over 3 inches tall this device is extremely easy to carry in your pocket.

The cell phone stun gun, again much like other devices of its type, is a much more humane alternative to say a firearm. A stun device is meant to, as humanely as possible, subdue an attacker but to leave that attacker permanently unharmed in any way which of course cannot be said for a firearm whose intent is to stop an attacker by putting a hole in them that could lead to death or at the very least a serious and potentially permanent injury.

Now let’s talk about stopping power and exactly what kind of stopping power a device that packs this kind of voltage has. The Pretender cell phone stun gun emits a 4.5 million volt charge that I assure you will stop even the most ferocious attacker regardless of what that attacker may be on. Pepper spray is wildly effective but some attackers (especially those that are amped up on PCP, crack, or any other strong narcotic) may fight through the pain and continue to attack. This will not be the case with a stun device as the electrical current disrupts the normal neurological impulses of the attacker’s brain and leaves them with no choice but to drop like a rock. Furthermore, with a device this powerful I’m certain that some attackers may not even need to be touched with the stun gun, just fire 4.5 million volts into the air and see what the deafening crackle of electricity does to change an intruders mind. And fear not about accidentally shocking yourself with this device as it comes with two levels of safety measures to help protect its user from accidental discharge. The safety switch must be in the on position (this will cause an LED warning light to come on) and the trigger button pressed before the unit will operate. I hope this review has been of assistance.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see the cell phone stun gun for yourself please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Personal Alarms for Seniors Product Review: The Keychain Alarm

In the past I’ve written about several ways that senior citizens can help defend themselves from an attack and the one that will always make the most sense to me is a personal alarm. The reason that personal alarms make so much sense to me and why I have no problem whatsoever in recommending their use to anyone is because they are appropriate for just that, anyone. There are some senior citizens, even the majority I would say, to whom I would have no reservations about recommending a stun device or defensive spray but not all. Stun guns and pepper spray can be very dangerous and these devices wouldn’t be effective if it weren’t for the fact that they are dangerous. They are supposed to be dangerous for the attacker though and if a senior is not in relatively decent shape they run a much higher risk of having such a device taken from them and potentially used against them! For these reasons I will not recommend stun devices or pepper sprays as a blanket recommendation for all seniors would be foolish and irresponsible on my part. Don’t get me wrong, a reasonably fit and alert senior could definitely benefit from having a can of pepper spray in their purse or pocket but if I’m going to recommend a non-lethal self-defense device for all seniors it will be a personal alarm like the keychain alarm. I suppose the keychain alarm could potentially cause hearing damage with its 130 decibel alarm but that is extremely unlikely and aside from that it is impossible to inflict bodily harm on anyone with a personal alarm. Because of this I feel as though a personal alarm may not be as entirely effective as the more dangerous options you have with pepper spray or a stun gun but they can still be amazingly effective for a simple keychain alarm.

The simple fact of the matter is that criminals do not want to be caught and hence your average criminal (the ones with at least one brain cell still working) are not going to like it when attention is drawn their way when they attempt to mug a senior citizen. Having the senior citizen set off a 130 decibel alarm that can be heard up to a quarter mile away is going to draw a fair amount of this unwanted attention and because of that reason i think the vast majority of muggers will turn tail and run and look for someone else to mug.

So if you are a senior citizen or have a loved one who is a senior citizen that you’d like to help be safe please consider a personal keychain alarm.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more personal alarms for seniors like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

An Electronic Dog Repeller Can Be A Man’s Best Friend

Dog attacks are a very real problem and certainly a problem that I think for the most part is vastly underestimated. In 2010 there were roughly 4,700,000 Americans that found themselves a victim of a dog bite. An average of 1,000 Americans per day were treated in emergency rooms for dog attacks. Fortunately only 34 of these proved to be fatal but that is still 34 people that are no longer with us as a result of a tragic situation that may have been avoided. Dog bite losses exceeded 1 billion dollars last year alone, with 300 million dollars of that being paid by homeowners insurance. These are relatively staggering numbers for something that many people don’t take much time to consider or take much time or effort to prevent.

I do believe that Rottweilers and Pitt bulls get a bad rap but much of that is due to the fact that these two breeds of dog (especially the Pit bull) account for almost half of all dog bites each and every year. I do firmly believe that the owners of these dogs are almost always to blame or at the very least partly to blame. Many Pit bulls and Rottweilers are trained to be fighting dogs as that is what they are more naturally built to be good at fighting than other breeds of dog. With that said I have known a fair number of Rottweilers and Pit bulls that are absolute sweethearts that wouldn’t hurt a fly and that is because their owners were kind and loving in return. Unfortunately for every kind Pit bull owner there is an owner whose intent is to have their dog be a viscous, cold-blooded, killing machine and as a result people wind up being badly injured or even killed.

So how can we prevent becoming the victim of such an attack? I think one of the most effective, practical, easiest and least expensive ways is to buy (and obviously carry) an electronic dog repeller. The electronic dog repellers I’ve seen all work the same way and that is by emitting a high decibel, high frequency sound that confuses and deters any dog approaching that may be of questionable intent. The frequency is so high pitched that it is not even audible to the human ear but I assure you that it is more than audible to any dogs. Most repellers also include a bright strobe light that also helps to confuse and deter any canines they are directed at. These devices are also completely safe for the dogs as they will not permanently injure the dogs hearing or in any other way permanently and adversely affect the dog in any way.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy an electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Self Defense for Seniors May Be as Easy as Knowing Where to Buy Stun Guns

Senior citizens need to take measures to ensure they are protected on the streets as much, if not more, than anyone. There are many choices when considering how best to defend themselves but I think what works best is for seniors to secure some form of non-lethal self-defense weapon. Pepper spray, mace, Tasers, stun guns, kubotans, etc…, the list goes on and on but are all of these safe, effective or even practical? In the case of stun devices like your traditional stun gun i would say that they are extremely effective in stopping an attack but may not be safe and/or practical for just anyone and I think that senior citizens should use careful judgment before deciding to equip themselves with such a device. Stun guns, although extremely effective do come with an inherent level of danger as a result of that effectiveness.

I would recommend a stun device to almost any law abiding, responsible individual but with a few important caveats. For one, anyone considering carrying such a device should be in relatively good shape and obviously of sound mind. I say good shape because in the event of an actual attack one would need to be able to pull the stun gun out quickly and touch his or her attacker with the device as quickly as possible. I mean no offense here but if someone has been slowed to the point where this action might be hindered by physical limitations than that individual may want to consider alternative means of self-defense. I say sound mind because again if Father Time has taken a great deal of reaction time off of one’s natural reflexes this could prove to be fatal, or at the very least devastating, in the event of an attack. Also a stun gun is something that could be taken away from a stronger, faster attacker and used against its original user. Again, I say these things not to deter someone from using what I feel is one of the best options for self-defense, but to analyze all aspects of such a decision before deciding to proceed with the purchasing of a stun device.

I think one of the best ways to measure your readiness and ability to handle a stun gun is with the ‘Do I drive a car?’ test. The test is pretty self-explanatory and it is simply this, if you are able to drive a ton of steel around at 55 M.P.H. then I think you are capable of safely handling a stun device that weighs about as much as the rear view mirror. Unless of course you are one of those people that should have no right operating a motor vehicle but alas, I will save that for another post.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see other, perhaps more suitable, means of self defense for seniors or are interested in knowing where to buy stun guns please visit us online.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Stun Gun Flashlight is 4 Tools in One

I eat, sleep, live and breathe non-lethal self-defense weapons and before you take that to mean I’m somehow prone to violence please let me explain as it’s quite the opposite. I would love to live in a world free of hate, greed, violence or weapons of any kind but the simple fact of the matter is that is just not the case and it never will be. As such I want people to be safe and have a way to protect themselves in the event they find themselves involved in a violent physical assault. At the same time I value human life and truly do believe there is some good in just about every human being no matter how dastardly their actions might be. Because of this fact I don’t feel every person that attacks another should be dealt with by killing that person. Firearms are wildly effective self-defense tools but they have a nasty habit of killing people and as such I am anti-gun all the way. A much more humane, non-lethal alternative is a stun device. A stun device can be every bit as effective as a firearm at stopping an assailant without having to end that assailant’s life. One of my favorite, if not my all out favorite, stun devices is the stun gun flashlight.

Why do I love this contraption they call the stun gun flashlight so much? Because it is not just a stun device but a multi-purpose, multi-functional tool that can be used on a daily basis. First and foremost it is a 200,000 volt stun gun with more reach than the average stun device at 16.5 inches which really makes it more of a stun baton. Perfect for stopping an assault without having to get as up close and personal as one would have to with a traditional stun device.

It is also equipped with a 130 decibel alarm, perfect for drawing the attention of anyone in a quarter mile radius that isn’t as deaf as a post. A 130 decibel alarm is also good for scaring the holy hell out of an attacker before they get close enough to do any real damage. I’m confident that the vast majority of criminals would turn tail and run as soon as that alarm starts wailing.

Third, the stun gun flashlight has a detachable red cone which is perfect for signaling or danger warning during roadside emergencies. If you’ve ever had to change a tire at night, especially on a busy street or freeway, you can certainly appreciate how stressful the situation can be and how dangerous it is if other cars can’t see you from a distance.

Last but not least it’s a flashlight (hence the name, huh?). Who among us doesn’t need a flashlight now and again? For all of these reasons I truly love the stun gun flashlight.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more on the stun gun flashlight or similar stun batons please visit us online.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stun Batons Might Be the Perfect Tool for Security Guards

Depending on local jurisdictions and the rules set forth by individual employers, I believe that just about every security guard should be equipped with Stun Master stun batons. Stun batons are extremely effective non-lethal self-defense weapons that might not be suitable for any and everyone but certainly seem to be ideal for security guards. Stun batons are noticeably larger than normal stun devices and even when closed are still a tad longer than a foot, 13 inches to be exact. So these devices aren’t going to be concealed in a very practical manner which means more often than not they will be carried in a holster and visible to anyone. Not so ideal for a pedestrian but certainly ideal for security guards. Security personnel should command peace and order and nothing says ‘play nice in here’ like a stun baton strapped to one’s side.

These devices work in the same way that other stun devices work, by emitting a high voltage, 800,000 volts in this case, low amperage current of electricity that causes an assailant’s neurological pathways to be disrupted. That’s fancy talk for ‘make’s the assailant lose control over their own body, muscles spasm, and stop doing whatever bad thing they were doing’. The fact that these devices are low amperage is what keeps them from taking a life and high voltage is what makes them so amazingly effective in stopping even the most aggressive of attackers.

When fully extended these batons reach 21.5 inches and will shock through clothing. The full retractable metal part of the baton becomes electrified giving its user much more surface area with which to work while subduing a bad guy. And should the bad guy try to grab the baton from a security guard he will feel the full force of what 800,000 volts of justice can do. And you needn’t worry about a bad guy that is being shocked touching the security guard because the current will not pass through. Truly an amazing piece of hardware, is it not?

What’s nice about these devices is that they are not just stun guns but also a completely multi-functioning piece of equipment that comes with a built in flashlight, perfect for security personnel working at night, and a 120 decibel alarm to help call others should a problem arise. 120 decibels is roughly as loud as a rock concert so unless the other security guards are deaf as a post they should come running.

Last but not least I will say this, a stun baton does not have to touch an attacker in order to be effective and let me explain what I mean with a hypothetical example. Let us say that a security guard in a warehouse sees a man entering the warehouse who he knows should not be there. “Stop” he can say and let us now say that the unauthorized intruder begins approaching the security guard with a menacing look on his face. Now the security guard can unsheathe the baton and give one more stern “Stop!” If this does not do the trick the security guard could extend the baton and fire off a warning shot. The bright blue arc and extremely loud crackle of 800,000 volts is sure to make any intruder think twice about proceeding and if it isn’t the security guard could further intimidate with a blast of the 120 decibel alarm. If the intruder still wants to play games he can get himself zapped and learn a valuable lesson.

Stay Safe,
Puzek Security Systems

To see more stun batons please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Buy Bear Spray If You Want Animal Repellents You Can’t Live Without

When my family and I go camping we more often than not choose the northern woods of Wisconsin. I love the area because it really is secluded, beautiful and still relatively close to our hometown of Chicago. When we head off to enjoy the great outdoors my wife is always sure to bring the necessary bug repellents as the mosquitoes, fleas, mites, ticks and chiggers can be abundant this time of year and in that area of the country. So my wife is sure to bring all of our essentials (and some things that may otherwise slip my mind) like sunscreen, water-proof matches, toilet paper, flashlights, spare batteries and of course insect repellent. One thing that she doesn't have to remember because I always will is an animal repellent that should never under any circumstances be ignored and that is bear spray. Guard Alaska bear spray to be exact.

I certainly don't want to be bitten by any mosquitoes as there is a chance, regardless of how small, that a multitude of diseases could be contracted from a mosquito bite. Not only that but even if a mosquito bite doesn't leave you with infected with the west mile virus they are just downright annoying. Let's face it though, we have all been bitten countless times by these little winged scoundrels and lived to be stung another day. A bear bite on the other hand carries a much higher chance of proving fatal. Ill take bee stings to both eye balls (that’s a pleasant though isn't it?) over a black bear attack any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Many insect bites can be a real nuisance and should certainly be avoided but a bear attack is very likely an event that you only get to experience once as you could very likely die or at least be injured so badly that another trip to the north woods would be straight out of the question.

Many people have asked me if this stuff actually works and to these people I reply "have you heard of YouTube?” I ask because you can view quite a few videos that more than prove bear spray's effectiveness. Also, with bear spray you needn't worry about having to carry a firearm that can be every bit as dangerous to you and your family as an actual bear. Also, Guard Alaska bear spray (and I assume just about any brand) does not contain any ozone depleting chemicals as the active ingredient in bear spray is the same in most defensive sprays, peppers.

So if you plan on heading into bear country by yourself or with your family please do yourself and your loved ones a great service and buy bear spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy bear spray or view other animal repellents please visit us online

Thursday, August 4, 2011

With the Housing Market in Shambles Apartment Alarms May Be More Important Than Ever

In today’s economic climate we are finding more and more people renting and fewer and fewer people owning their residence. This is no doubt almost entirely due to the near collapse of the housing market. I hope that this recent slew of new apartment renters understands the importance of installing apartment alarms upon moving in to their new residence. Many will understand the value in securing a renters insurance policy to help insure their belongings but very few I’m afraid will realize the value in an extremely affordable, easily installed apartment alarm.

Renters insurance is great in that it can help replace items that have been stolen during a break in but all that renters insurance can replace is the actual material possessions that were taken from the apartment. One thing, and in my opinion a much more important thing, that these insurance policies cannot replace is one’s sense of security that will no doubt be shattered after an apartment has been burglarized. I have been fortunate enough to never have experienced having a home or apartment that was broken into but I can only imagine the overwhelming feeling of insecurity one must feel in the days immediately following such a burglary. So how does one avoid these feelings of insecurity after a burglary? How about making sure that a burglar cannot enter the apartment in the first place by installing 1 or more apartment alarms.

Apartment alarms are much less expensive than traditional home alarm systems as apartments often have less space to monitor and fewer spots where a potential intruder could possibly enter. Less space and fewer entry points also makes these apartment alarms that much easier to install. For example, if you live in an apartment on the third floor it is probably safe to assume that you don’t have to worry about an intruder entering through a window (unless spider-man has turned to a life of crime) and hence do not need to worry as much about securing those windows with an alarm. However, if you do live in a garden apartment it may behoove you to install a very affordable glass breakage alarm on one or more of your windows (depending on how many you have). In most cases, and certainly for those living on the 2nd floor and above, securing the doors to your apartment may be more than adequate. In some cases just installing something as simple as a door brace may be your ticket to peace of mind and a burglar-proof apartment.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more of these apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Should You Buy a Taser?

I am in the business of non-lethal self-defense and it has always been and will always remain a passion of mine. The world can be a scary place and there are bad people out there that won’t think twice about hurting you or your loved ones. Because of this I believe that every law-abiding citizen has the right, if not the obligation to themselves and their loved ones, to carry with them at all times a tool of non-lethal self-defense.

In regards to non-lethal self-defense there are many options available to people today and many of these options are completely legal while others have been deemed illegal by the backwards thinking legislators in some counties, cities and states. One of the most effective, and as a result, dangerous weapons of self-defense that has been deemed illegal in some areas is a Taser. Taser devices are not considered firearms by the United States government and as such they can be legally carried, concealed or otherwise, without a permit in 43 states. They are prohibited for use by unauthorized personnel (citizens basically) in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, as well as certain cities and counties. It should be noted that one can purchase a shotgun in most of these states but a non-lethal, much more humane alternative like a Taser is straight out of the question apparently. Taser, much like Kool-Aid and Jell-O, is a brand name, these devices are manufactured by a company called Taser International based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Tasers, in my opinion, are by far the most effective of all the options one has when purchasing a weapon of non-lethal self-defense. Like stun guns, Tasers use a strong electrical current to disrupt the neuromuscular functions of an attacker but unlike stun devices Tasers use a projectile mechanism. This projectile provides its user with a greater range than traditional stun devices which rely on direct contact with an attacker to be effective.

Although I have a real problem understanding why Tasers should be illegal in areas where a handgun is legal I will say that I understand why there should be some restrictions in place. Tasers are effective and they wouldn’t be as effective if some inherent level of danger was not present with these devices. The decision to purchase and carry a Taser should never be taken lightly and very thorough thought should be given before deciding to buy a Taser.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

If you do decide to buy a taser please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stress Reducing Tip 1 – Buy a Personal Keychain Alarm

The world becomes a very stressful place as we get older. I can remember as a child my biggest concerns were where to ride my bike or whether or not I should trade my brother that rookie Roger Clemens Topps card for the rookie Andre Dawson card (I did by the way). That was how stress free my life really was and I didn’t really take the time to appreciate it. 36 years, 1 wife, 3 kids and a mortgage payment later I find myself inundated with varying degrees of stress at all times. I worry about money and about the safety of my family and about providing for them for the long haul. When I have the opportunity to quell some of these stresses in a manner that is both extremely easy and affordable I always jump at that opportunity and I recently just found a way to lessen my stress and concern over the safety of my wife and children, the keychain alarm.

I truly believe that the vast majority of individuals on this planet are decent, good-hearted and well-intentioned. However, there are those out there that just don’t seem to be wired quite right and have an evil streak about them that I’d rather not encounter and that I would certainly rather my family or any loved ones encounter. For this reason i have equipped my wife with a few tools of self-defense and one of those, and possibly one of the most effective, is the keychain alarm. The keychain alarm is exactly that, an alarm so small that it doubles as a keychain. It also has a very bright flashlight built in to the device that comes in very handy when getting into the house or car at night.

The keychain alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel alarm (130 decibels to be exact) that should confuse and frighten any would-be assailant who isn’t deaf as a post. 130 decibels is roughly equivalent to sitting in the front rows of a Megadeth concert if you need a basis for comparison. Not only should this powerful little alarm frighten the attacker with its noise but it should also attract the attention of every man woman and child in the vicinity and this often helps to get the police called. As long as the assailant isn’t also a complete moron they will know this and that is what frightens them you see.

So please for your sake and the sake of your loved ones please consider cutting your stress levels and equipping anyone you love with a powerful little keychain alarm.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy personal alarms like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Self Defense for Seniors – Step 1: Know Where to Buy Pepper Spray

I am, always have been and always will be very passionate about helping people protect and defend themselves. I adamantly believe that every law-abiding, god-fearing, morally decent man, woman and child (above the age of 18) should have the right (if not the obligation) to carry some tool of non-lethal self-defense on them at all times. The people I really feel this applies to the most however are those people that are less able to protect and defend themselves than the average citizen, I am referring to senior citizens. As the body ages it becomes a bit weaker and slower and this is just an unfortunate fact of life that is as inescapable as any. The beautiful thing is that these seniors need not worry as there is a very simple, affordable, safe and effective way to defend themselves and that is with pepper spray.

Pepper spray has offered people a way to protect themselves in a relatively safe and certainly effective way for many years now. Pepper spray works by dispensing a defensive chemical that consists of an ingredient called Oleoresin Capsicum, this is the same chemical that is found in chili peppers and is what makes these peppers so spicy. When spraying an attacker with pepper spray you are literally spraying insanely hot pepper into their eyes, nose, throat and lungs. And we aren’t talking about your run-of-the-mill hot pepper either; we are talking about a spray so hot it completely debilitates your attacker. For comparison sake let’s take a look at the hottest pepper you are likely to ever eat in your life, let’s say a raw habanero pepper, this pepper rates at about 200,000 scoville units ( a unit of measurement used to determine a peppers ‘spiciness). If the average person were to pop a habanero pepper into their mouth and start chewing they would instantly start tearing up, their nose would begin running and you would see a look of immense pain on the persons face. Now let’s say that habanero was about 25 times as hot as the average habanero pepper and you were to crush it up and rub it in someone’s eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Do you think that person would possibly be in some pain? Do you think that person might be able to continue an attack with the same vigor they had before you put them in such an intense hurt locker? I doubt it and that is exactly why pepper spray is so effective. Most commercial pepper sprays that are available to the public rate about 5,000,000 scoville units.

What really helps separate pepper spray form other weapons of self-defense is that it is both non-lethal (in almost every single case) and does not leave an attacker with any permanent damage as the effects of pepper spray usually wear off completely after 30-35 minutes. So please consider pepper spray if you are concerned about defending yourself.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

If you are interested in knowing where to buy pepper spray or other forms of self defense for seniors please visit us online.